Oblivion has shit grap-

>oblivion has shit grap-


don't tell me that you think that washed out oil painting looks great

Where did the trees go?

i agree

Silly console games

Hmmm yea it does

Too bad that game is staler than bread

>comparing a game with fuckall to do to Oblivion

Nice textures brah.

you are like a little baby. watch this


I think it's The Forest

It's Kingdom Come Deliverance with weapons mod.



Yeah, it does. It's also the worst TES game by far



>meanwhile this is a 2002 game

Its Call of the Wild.

It is beautiful... With fuck all to do. You'll go shoot a deer, then do that again and realize that is all there is to do. At least it is pretty, because that is all that matters right?


>no textures
>bad uncanny valley character design
>every fucking dungeon looks the same
Also: enemies who levels with you (you can beat the game on Level 2 easier than on level 10 or so), horrible main quest (worse than Skyrim), copy & paste random generated dungeons, shitload of bugs... why was that piece of shit popular anyway, this is Gothic 3 tier without the good storytelling from Gothic 3.

How much more casual can you get?

>that one gothic turbo-autist who never sleeps

oblivion will always have a place in my heart

also this picture is accurate, something about the graphics (specifically the weather effects) are very comfortable to me, especially combined with the amazing score
I still use a compilation of the town and exploration themes to go to sleep, or to relax me if I'm stressed

Oh hi it's you again

well let me remind you why oblivion is a shit game

>level scaling
>generic forests
>copy+paste dungeons
>terrible dialogues and voice acting
>little variety of weapons and armor
>boring and easy quests except for a few, just follow your compass
>down-syndrome NPCs
>"imperial city" has 10 NPCs
>world is dull and has 0 life
>world is empty, like all Bethesda games
>main story is shit

What mod

I don't like the faces.


>I still use a compilation of the town and exploration themes to go to sleep, or to relax me if I'm stressed
cute user, real cute

oblivion or fallout new vegas?

havnt played either (nor skyrim or fallout 3)

which to get n play?

The only thing I liked about Oblivion graphics is HDR turning everything into glowing neon lights.

>you will never live in a world with pretty shiny ancient alien ruins

breath of the wild screenshot.jpg

how about you play a good game instead

well, like what?




Imperial city has more then 10 npcs. Play the game first user.
I think you're baiting though, so 4/10


So you can't form opinions on your own, got it.

I always vomit at these lists

Putting turds like Planescape in the same tier as Deus Ex, Morrowind, or Diablo II


D3 with the expansions is great

it's the newest The Hunter



You realize this game is all pay to play. You can't shoot any animal you don't have tags for

>Cuckbride and Cummieswind fans
"The Elder Scrolls should be about big non-human and redguard bulls destroy white people. Mmm, Cyrus, Mmm the Thalmor, Mmm The Khajit. In the end only the Khajit and the Dunmer should survive, and they should go into space and live forever, also all protagonists should be premade characters like Cyrus. I've been working on this series since the best Elder Scrolls game, Redguard"

>Todd "the god" Howard
"The Elder Scrolls is all about action and getting the player involved in the world. Since the Elder Scrolls Arena we've tried to create an action oriented roleplaying and dungeon crawling experience"

Guess which one the numales on Sup Forums prefer?

I couldn't get past your first sentence. Can you speak in anything other than buzzwords? Read a fucking book.

meanwhile in a game with 1/8th the draw distance.

Hello Sup Forumseddit! When are you going back?

>muh reddit bogyman

It's time for you to go back user.