Family and vidya

Does your family play video games? If not what do they think about them?

My mother plays those Candy crush games on her tablet, but at one point she said she wanted to buy and play Destiny with me because it looked pretty cool.

Sadly, I had to tell her that we'd need an extra console to do that, which put her off quite a bit.

My mom does not, no.

>Goes from Candy Crush to Destiny

Dad plays ARPGs. Used to play RTS games though.

>Have an aunt
>Played vidya her whole life
>Hates hanging out with others, partying, social media and doesn't want a boyfriend
>Even watched fucking anime and read manga
>Didn't get offended by Dead or Alive or other Jap games that had women in skimpy clothing, she even thought it was funny and pretty normal
>Used to play with her all the time
>One day she got a new job and met some bimbo co-worker there
>She got my aunt to create a facebook account after all these years
>Also got her to hang out with her every weekend (go to parties, trips and other stuff)
>Don't think of it too much
>She starts playing games less as is expected
>Most of the time that she spends now is just browse facebook or chat with her "friend"
>Started hating her mom by saying she's a stuck up cunt because her mom doesn't want her going out with the bimbo all the time
>Gets pissed off for no apparent reason most of the time if someone from the family tries talking to her
>If someone even tries to say something about her friend she goes apeshit
Her friend is the biggest whore I've ever met. Dresses like a whore, uses swear words almost every sentence, talks about fucking guys and how many marriages she's already been in. Also, mind you, she has a kid and she acts the same in front of him. Her kid is also fucking disgusting. Burping, farting, asking my aunt about sexual stuff (like what her cup size is and how did she enjoy her last time).

I also live with my aunt, but I'm moving out this summer. I've had enough of her and her "friend."

Dad taught me how to play video games. We had a Sega Genesis back then, and he'd teach me how to play The Flintstones.
When we got a PSX, he played all of the survival horror games he could(Silent Hill, RE games, Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve).

Nowadays he just plays mobile games and Dota 2.

No, but they don't really care about it.

Should've given her the D. Now it's too late.

It sounds weird, but she honestly wanted to play it after seeing one of the commercials on TV. That, and she kind of wanted to play a game with me.

Literally me.

Dad showed me vidya for the 1st time on Sega Genesis, then got us a PS1. He used to play everything, but now he just sticks to World of Tanks and a few other online games.

women are weird, my man

>Have two bros
>Manage to get together every couple of weeks to play video games
>All have similar taste in vidya, so it's always good fun

I count my blessings.

My little brother is addicted to videogames, spends all day playing games on his PC.

Ever since I built it to him he's had one game to be addicted to.
Rust, Unturned, The Forest, Rainbow Six, Ark...
You name it, he's wasting all his day on it.

And then when I have to upload stuff for my work (I work remotely) he gets mad that his connection is throttled and screams at me.

Honestly wish he would just do sports or whatever other shit kids do that isn't videogames. Little fucker is annoying as fuck.
Also he's shit at game so he gets mad often and punches the desk.

>Rust, Unturned, The Forest, Rainbow Six, Ark...
>almost every game is EA survival trash

My mother used to speedrun Quake. I'm not even kidding.


I know right, worst part is that my best friend is playing with him all the time, playing those games, instead of playing with me.

My little brother stole my vidya bro and now they play early access survival shit all day with the odd Rainbow Six and CSGO match.

Fucking JUST my whole life, I have to work at home with screams and noises all day and then I have to play vidya alone.

>playing 1.6
>dad comes in
>oh is this the new call of duty?

also, "why do you spend so much time playing games, no one gives a fuck about any of this in the real world."

also "where did we go wrong raising you?"

"when are you going to start your life and get off of your computer?"

"you're coming to your cousin's wedding right?"

never "have you been playing anything that you enjoy recently?" or "how have the games been going" or "are you getting better at poker?"

im convinced that my parents hate me

I mostly just play singleplayer games nowadays, used to play nothing but online stuff years back though. Try making some online mates. Also what's your job, senpai?

>Brother plays PS4 like me, younger brother watches him.
>Sister plays on PC
>Mum plays games on tablet
>Step dad doesn't play and im pretty he doesn't think anything about them at all

I work various jobs, mostly video editor/artist, animator, photographer and photo editor and 3D artist.
I do varied stuff from animated corporate cards, video material to be played on store screens to full on ads (through a studio I work with) for online stuff.

Also I only like multiplayer games, especially if competitive, so I spend most of my time playing Quake, Titanfall 2, Battlefield 4 and Toxikk (it's dead though).

No, they hate the failure you've become.
You probably don't even have a job and are just leeching off them.
They're just trying to tell you subtly to get a job, move out and get on with your life.
I'm sure that once you do those things your dad will ask you how your games have been, until then he sees them as the waste of time that's taking time off from you doing productive things worth your time.

i have a fulltime job that allows me to sit at home all day and jerk off to the tune of 60k a year. they also charge me $800 a month in rent.

why is it my obligation to be a "success" because they chose to have a kid. fuck off, let me live my life the way i want to

Ok then they're just faggots, tell them to fuck off because you earn 60k a year.

I hide all my shit. Gotta watch anime, play video games and do degenerate shit under the covers. Need to suppress that power level.

it's just frustrating.. i don't need their financial support but it would be nice to no have to lie whenever girls are like "so do you have a good relationship with your parents?"

idk,, it's not only just games too, i play a lot of poker and I live part time in Korea but all they ever care to talk about is US politics and my "job" which is me just leaching off of some investment bank.. eventually i'll be fired when the ibankers find out that i'm a retard and then i guess my parents will just despise me for losing everything that makes me who i "am" to them, even though it's all a joke..

>brothers all play League of Legends
>one of them also plays retro shit (mostly pre-4 RE)
>sister mostly plays GTA V and sometimes she takes my 3DS to play stuff like Kirby or Cooking Mama

And here I am playing Miku and Pokeymans.

My brother asked me if I can recommend him a good PS4 emulator, so he can play that new scifi-dinosaur game...

>Dad finds interesting new game online called World of Warcraft
>Introduces me to it at age 13
>Proceeds to get High Warlord in PVP on the server, but loses it right as they remove the titles and instead gets just "Warlord" title forever

>Dad introduces me to this game called Magicka the Gathering
>Goes Canadian Nationals, is about to win, but judge refuses to let him use Chaos Orb because 'unfair'
>Comes in second

>Now spends all his time playing wargames, World of Tanks, and random Age-of-Empire-esque battle sims

I was introduced to the vidya at age 6, never had a fucking chance. Don't mind though because I have some decent memories of us beating Ocarina of Time together, and him letting me use his Warlord-Geared Hunter to camp rooftops in Darkshire and snipe level 20 Alliance players for hours.

>800$ a month

Where the fuck do you live, a single-room apartment under a railway?

mom hates them because she blames them for me being an introverted shut in

When she told my family who were visiting that giving me a gameboy was the worst mistake she could ever make with me made me pretty sad since I love her for giving me that

I love vidya

Parents demand him that he gives $800 for rent. And there are different countries you know. You could get a nice 2 room apartment for $500 a month where I live.

My dad is a huge Silent hill, Tomb Raider and Resident Evil fan and recently for into Uncharted (because he also liked TR) and TLoU. Once he finished RE7 I can leech off of it which is pretty handy.

He even played MGS for the Psx.

Recently he burrowed my Mad Max and RDR from me.

I rememebr him playing old ass space shooters with a joystick for the PC too.

He can't really well into 1st person anymore and it makes him dizzy. He turns 51 this year.

>You would've been a Chad if it wasn't for video games!
Hate this mindset, and I see it too often. I'm an unathletic, lazy fuck. If video games didn't exist I wouldn't suddenly take a massive and passionate interest in fucking lacrosse or something. My family's constantly up my ass for being introverted and not being married with kids yet despite the fact that I'm not even to the middle of my 20's yet, and having a child at this point in my life would be fucking disastrous for everyone involved. Fuck parents and their expectations, this isn't the 80's anymore, so long as I'm not living off their dime or slurping shit out of a gutter they shouldn't care what I do with my time.

I can almost guarantee you aren't in North America then, unless you're in Mexico. Hell a single-room apartment with shower/bathroom not even downtown here will set you back at least 1000 monthly, closer to 1500 if you want a proper kitchen, two rooms, and maybe a shitty little balcony.

wtf are you talking about? i live in their house and they charge me 800 usd a month, i dont have an apartment

>not being married with kids yet despite the fact that I'm not even to the middle of my 20's yet
Same here, familia. Dunno why I should be rushing to get married and have children. Though I doubt I'll ever have kids or even a gf/wife as I hate children and I'm too autistic to get a gf. I've also already seen enough young parents at my uni and it's pretty sad/disgusting.

Like I said his parents charge him $800 for living in their house. Not some landlord of the apartment. And yes I'm not from NA, never even implied it as I just said that there are other countries with cheaper shit and you know that anyone can literally convert the currency. Even though I'm an Eurofag I almost always use $ when talking here because some fags will go full autist and start shitposting/derailing the thread because of the currency.

My brother used to play them, but now he doesn't have the time anymore.
My mother never touched a videogame.
My dad loved playing games and pinball at the arcade, but he stopped going at them before I was even born, and the only thing I ever saw him playing was PES 3 on the PS2.

My parents used to play arcade games like Smash TV back in the day, they were pretty good at it supposedly.

My older brother introduced me to videogames, as we were growing up gaming was "his thing" but me and my sister got to watch which was nice. I remember those comfy Saturday mornings playing 007 nightfire and Timesplitters 2 split screen, before mummy and daddy came down and started fighting :^)

My older brother still plays vidya, and my dad plays survival horror games on the ps3 but has never found something to scratch his itch, he's pretty bad at games anyway and modern survival horror games have too much shooting for him

your dad sounds pretty cool user

My sister still plays Pokémon Go. She walks everywhere so I think she likes have a pedometer that can catch colourful monsters on the way.

Thabks. there's people on Sup Forums with worse taste, I believe.

He's no hardcore gamer but he has more fun with his games than most of Sup Forums has.

>not letting her use the extraa joystick ublside your pants