ITT: post your personal 10/10 games

ITT: post your personal 10/10 games

easily the best

How is the ps2 port?

not op but you know there's whole sections of the game not present in the PS2 version right?

>tfw modded to shit Skyrim is easily a 10/10 but the vanilla game is 3/10

Bog ass graphic and racing part that was nearly unbeatable.

PC is the version to go

Maybe once you've install around 300-400 mods, many of them being quest mods to give the world some actual life.

But vanilla? Its a boring piece of shit. I

Oh wow, I had no idea. I own it, but my dad owns the pc version so I guess I'll play his


System Shock: Enhanced Edition
MechCommander Gold

Allow me to explain, in the form of a short story, why I love this buggy game and it's twitchy ass Elder Kings mod. Gather' round youngin's for I have a story to tell ye.

As of the Year of Our Lord Akatosh, 2e 385-ish, Pyandonia has fallen to the control of the Ebonheart Pact, led by the now-legendary Potentate Jeer-Maht the Revered. It has entered as the 11th Province of the New Empire. Slavery in the province has been abolished by order of Jeer-Maht, much to the satisfaction of his Nord, Imperial, Khajiit, and Argonian allies. The Dunmer were pissy, but starting shit when you're around heavily armed people who all get violent when someone so much as says the word "slave" is a bad idea.

Meanwhile, in Skyrim, High-King Molgrum Flame-Hair has been revealed to be a lycanthrope, and is being held by the nefarious Lady Medolrin of the Telmen Revolt. In Morrowind, a string of assassinations, now know to be carried out by Ogrinim Revivalists obsessed with the now-dead God-King of Pyandonia, has left the Hlaalu bloodline on the brink of destruction.

All that now remains is a single line, of mixed Dunmer and Nord blood, a highly controversial and symbolic union between the Nordic House Bjorga, one of the lines descended from the Companions of Ysgramor, the Atmoran warrior band that conquered Skyrim and drove the Falmer to the brink of extinction, in addition to being the first of the Skyrim kingdoms to willingly joun the Pact, and the soon-to-be-defunct House Hlaalu, THE most prominent clan in Morrowind for the last 30 years, ever since Potentate Altajj-Jei the Conqueror led the combined forces of Skyrim, Black Marsh, and Cyrodiil to capture the mainland, stripped House Indronil of most of it's holdings, and handed the kingdom over to a sympathetic dunmer noble of little note, now remembered as the ruthlessly cunning King Nayten "the Naughty" Hlaalu. All that remains of his line is his granddaughter, the current High Queen of Morrowind, and her half-breed child.


In High Rock, tensions continue to flare. The Orismer of the (very very tiny) Province of Worthgarian and the Bretons and Reachmen of High Rock continue to hold their ancient grudges, and boarder disputes rage almost constantly. Dispite early hope that the first ever Reachman-born King of High Rock taking the throne of Daggerfall (which was done as a result of the old royal bloodline, House Deleyn, hand-picked by Jeer-Maht decades ago, being assassinated by a necromantic death-cult) would ease racial tensions in the area, it has only reinforced humanity-first sentiments. I have gone from having three medium sized ethnic groups strongly disliking each other to one big one and one small one actively doing everything they can short of all out war to dick each other into Oblivion. Although the Reachmen have long since accepted Pact rule and have been allowed to keep their traditional lands with relitivly little fuss, the ancient Karth clan continues to plot in the shadows. Now that the descendants of Faolen Red Eagle having renounced the Hagravens and returned to the worship of the Old Gods of the Reach and returned to the ancient druidic traditions, the Karth clan, last known (public) servants of the Hagravens seek to destroy them, and the Pact they now ally themselves with. The High Invoker, a briarheart who succeeded Great Crone Pecua as the head of the Hag Cult after her death following 8 failed attempts to murder Altajj-Jei and invade Whiterun, has already attempted to invade Markarth, and for a short time held Uriel "the Effeminate" Pakseech (aka The Trap Lizard) prisoner, prompting Jeer, his cousin Y'nzir, and his now-departed friend, the legendary battle-mage Master-Wizard Jilorius, head of the Arcanorium and trusted adviser to every Potentate of the Pakseech line since Altajj-Jei himself, to kick his face in. Jilorius' oldest son now holds a small barony in the far northern isles of the Province of Solstheim.


In Cyrodiil, things have calmed down significantly as of late. House Quintellius, a noble family once infamous for attempting to usurp Altajj-Jei the Conqueror during his early years as the first Potentate, now infamous for being outspoken worshipers of Hircine the Anthrocon Reject/Huntsman, Father of Man-Beasts, has generally redeemed itself. They are known widely as the finest huntsmen and fairest traders in the land. The ill-conceived Telmen Revolt has, for lack of a better term, been fuckstommped into the seventh circle of Hell, and peace has been welcome restored to the southern lands near the Basin. House Tharn continues to be full of absurdly attractive people, and continues to juggle fireballs between bouts of incest and political dick measuring. The Apocryphers of Hermaus Mora have renewed their vows to the Pact once again, ensuring the Colovian Highlands will continue to benefit from their marital prowess and ancient wisdom, and the Librarians will continue to not get murdered by Redguards for being unholy. I have no fucking clue where they came from or how they took over Ash, but whatever, I'll accept them and their hentai monster librarian god who sounds like Bane on half speed.

Elsweyr and Valenwood have both had their share of political shake-ups. For the first time in almost a thousand years, a member of the Camoran Dynasty does not sit on the throne of Valenwood, causing a lot metric fuckton of panic.

3/oh fuck I don't even know anymore

Oh God, such autism....

In Elsweyr, the first human Grand Mayor (Elsweyr is a Republic like Cyrodiil rather than a Theocracy like Vvardenfell, a Code of Malacath based settlement like Wothgorian, or a feudal kingdom like the other High Kingdoms/Provinces) has been elected. His attempts to fit in with his Khajiit advisory board and subjects has not gone well, he's now spends a disturbingly large amount of time getting high and swagger jacking it. Other than that, he is a generally competent administrator and always submits his taxes on time, so I could really care less. The Mane is still only a count, and I refuse to allow him or any other Mane to gain control of Elsweyr, even if it means screwing them in an election. One theocratic contrarian nation bitching at me for being too impious is enough thank you.

Speaking of which, Vvardenfell has been oddly quiet lately. After the murder of Diveyth "The Theologian" Fyr in what is basically considered to be the Elder Scrolls equivelent of the Kennedy Assassination and the ascent of one of his clone/daughter/wife/sexbots to the throne in the Ascadian Isles region, things settled down rather quickly. Presumably when an R63 version of the guy you just wacked shows up and starts chucking fireballs at anyone who has anything bad to say about her dad/husbando/trainer/fuckbuddy, you learn to stop talking shit real fast. The Ashlanders are still contentious however, contenuing to insist the governance of the House Mer is injust and they and their ancestor Big Andy Sul are the true followers of Lord Nerevar, not the False Tribunal as they call the Living Gods of Morrowind.

4/oh god i am so sorry I didn't realize it'd be this long fuck nigger shit fucking damn it

I know and I hate myself but we've started down this clusterfuck path and now I've got to finish it.

In the far frozen land of Atmora, the place so cold even time itself has halted, the Frozen Hoard has claimed all but a handfull of the ancient Atmoran settlements. The Pact has a moderate sized holding, roughly the size of Maine, on the far East of the arctic hellmouth, consisting heavily of refugees from the fallen kingdoms now overrun by the endless hoards of the living dead. The Pact settlement is holding fast. Actually, it's become a bit of a tourist trap. What will thaw first, the skeleton dragons or the air? For only 3000 Drakes, you can place your bet!

The only regions not controlled by the Pact are Atmora, the Quey Islands, remnants of what was once Hammerfell, the smoldering islands of what was once Yokunda, and the mysterious distant lands of Akavir. Atmora is, as I said, currently being fuckstomped by ice zombies as the pact holds them at bey on the far Eastern Coast of the continent. The Quey Islands continue to be spooky and full of some things that look suspiciously like shoggoths. Akavir? Hell if I know. Yokunda? Might still be radioactive, we'll hit it before we go for the Quey, hopefully the deathclaws and radscorpions will get us ready for what ever Lovecraftian clusterfuck is going down over there.

The warring states of Hammerfell are... well... warring. The Crowns and Forebears continue to rage against each other, even as the world around them has succumb to the Crimson Tide. A small international incident was caused when a small duchy to the North arrested a High Rock noble. This small incident turined into a campaing of horrific vengence when Jeer and the now-dead King Anton Deleyn I of High Rock found out it was the aforementioned king's wife. The Duchy called on it's neighbors to aid it, and the ultimate result as a six way war.

5/of fuck why won't this fucking end shit up a rope

undeniably a masterpiece


On a personal note for Jeer Maht, I have passed the Warlock's Ring to my disappointment/son, marking him as my designated heir. He fills me with shame. I tried to drink bleach to end the suffering, but then I remembered I'm an argonian and realized I just wasted 20 drakes. The alchemists however appreciate my now-frequent business I assume. There's no fucking way I'm handing him Magebane. I had to assassinate half of the Colovian Highlands for that thing. The hunt for Ogrinum's Coffer, an artifact of legendary power capable of generating gold from dust, as proved somewhat fruitful. It lies in the hands of a Maromer noble, one with a raging hateboner for me. Fun fact, when you kill someone's God-King they get pissy. I have yet to find a way to snatch it, but I'll be damned if some snakescrewing fish elf who's bitching about elven Kim Jong Un getting what he had coming has an item capable of fuckstomping my economy sitting on his shelf. I have been overcome with stress, what with everyone trying to kill me, people convinced their dead fishfucking king is going to come back and vomit snakes stalking me, and a cabal of cultists popping up in the middle of Morrowind, so I have resolved to take a quick break from my duties as Potentate, go on a Pilgrimage to the shrine of the Nine Divines, pray, spend time meditating with the Moth Preists, and fuck my cartographer. It worked. I have also become a kinder person. I petted a baby deer. It made me feel less guilty for all the wars I declared.

Thank fuck that's over.

>Some missions impossible to beat because of controller aiming
>Loadings between the bridges because the ps2 can't handle it
>the fucking race

I appreciate your autism, but could you compile these posts into one pic, or somebody else? Thanks in advance

That is both totally doable and the only acceptable pertinence for being this much of a sperg, short of suicide.


call me a weeb all you want, at least I don't play the pc version.