Cash me outside howbow dah

cash me outside howbow dah

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Nice facebook meme, kid.

cash you with a ban howbow dah

Bitch is begging for a mobile game

Cash Ousside Clicka: Click the bitches to get them to cash you ousside. Like Cookie Clicker except with a gangsta bent. Honest to God if I could code I would make money with this.



forced meme

incredibly unfunny she is a troubled teen for fucks sake.

Rule violation!

This is not about video games, I have reported you to the moderators! Enjoy your ban.

Her mother is in on it too. She's 13/14 years old doing vines with people like Josh Peck and a ton of other """vine celebrities""" and her mother is letting her do it all and probably giving her a ride to and from the locations.

Something about the whole hood rat turbo slut look turns me on. I also have a thing for hyper sexualized slut 13 year olds that are just starting to develop their curves.

I would fuck her brains out.


>normie memes

you'll love NJK_008

>shes 13 years old


>Something about the whole hood rat turbo slut look turns me on.

Me too. I like trashy girls. And bimbos. And trashy bimbos.


Is this the first instance of what's effectively a national lolita? Pretty much any man with sexual inclinations of the hetero persuasion will find her attractive.

it's lil terrio all over again

literally the textbook definition of a coalburner. She'll be pregnant with niglets by next year.

Facebook stop.

What's her vine? asking for a friend

White "women" are a joke

Vines dead bud

Hahaha, get fucked, idiots. Yeah, I reported it. You should've treated me better and explained me the meme.

There's a few already

this whore can't be 13

What happened to my nigga terrio?

born in 03 my dude

how in god's name


>it's a Sup Forums acts surprised that teenagers are sexually awake beings episode

This is the first time I see a phone screencap where the phone's 100% charged

stop, please. I'm gonna have to turn myself in at this rate


When I was 13 I was playing Jak&Daxter on PS2.


No, she is a whore

>tfw not amerikkkan
>tfw no FB
>tfw no idea what this is about nor do I even care
feels good, s'all

i still remember when I was in grade 8 and there was one girl who had huge tits and an ass and literally every guy obsessed over her

hilariously enough she ended up turning into a huge skank and got pregnant at 15

What is this degeneracy and why should I care?

Another puerile social media "meme", I presume.

"A promise is a promise user! You said you didn't are about my age, now give it to me. I'm curious about the taste~!!"

>someone does something stupid on TV = new meme!!!1
facebook memes are the worst

Its natural for a boy but a skank for a girl

better times, they was

>13 year old girl goes on dr phil
>threatens the audience whilst doing a terrible impression of a black person because apparently that's her actual accent
>gets beaten up and dragged out of a vehicle by some other girls
>somehow became twitter's meme of the month and has multiple fan made accounts and a ton of followers for a video that came out last year and has only just became popular
you shouldn't care, just another stupid person made famous for a stupid reason

jada is an ugly midget
this lil one is better

shut the fuck up you weeb


I don't remember any boys having huge tits and ass.

She was born the same year Wind Waker was released.

Youre all going to prison

It was a different time.

Only reason she became a meme is because she looks like a cheap whore and is underage.

Your post sounds like a Facebook status update.
Ironic, really.

got more pics?

>mfw I found out she was 13