Journalist insider here. Prepare for a Valve game announcement this years E3

Journalist insider here. Prepare for a Valve game announcement this years E3.

lel we all knew that though

Gaben saying they are working in 3 IPs doesn't mean fuck all man, they could have allready been scrapped

Valve makes video games?

Who gives a shit?

It'll just be another platform for Valve to sell you keys, crates, skins, and other forms of paid mods.

They don't make games to make experiences, they make games to sell you more shit.

Why would a virtual hat company make games?

>Journalist insider

What the fuck does that even mean? You're either a journalist or insider, you can't be both

SIN: Episodes part 2, CS: Pro and TF2 Karts

Post ending in 3 and it will be Portal.
Portal 2's forced humor had me cringing all over. The hole mysterious atmosphere about a forgotten research facility got made into a joke. Sad.

Portal 2 is my favorite valve game. Check my 3.

>liking the video game fedora
Portal 2 is literally the comedy relief for the first game.

It's a highly enjoyable, smoothly written, polished gem.

>making games


I would actually buy TF2 Karts.

this is the year, lads

If they made another tf2 with 10x the keys crates and skins on launch it would be the best news I ever heard. You know why?


yes you do if you want to make the perfect character build to suit your playstyle as the crates have weapons and stat items as well

I don't know about CSGO and DOTA but the items in crates in tf2 are 100% identical in gameplay function to the ordinary weapons you get for completing achievements and playing the game, they just track different stats as you use them with no benefit whatsoever.

I want a new HL but not from nu-Valve maybe they should give the HL series to From Software.

wrong. Items in TF2 have both a stat bonus and stat penalty.

Half-Life 2 HD Collection

I wouldn't Mind SiN Episode 2

Day of defeat 2?

>From Software
what the

No they fucking don't you fucking fetus. Post a link showing how they're better or worse than the normal ones you find at random while playing the game or shove a cactus up your shitposting ass.

Check VNN last video. Gaben himself said there was no purpose on going to E3 anymore and they prefer to stay in Washington "working".

I am nor hyped not pessimistic about the new games: they have lost a lot of the great creative minds they had, but they are still Valve. I predict fun re-playable games full of stupid memes, anyway. Just, not HL3.

>SIN: Episodes part 2
don't hurt me like this
I was actually really bummed to hear what happened to the devs of episode 1 after it was released (they got bought out in a hostile takeover by some mobile shovelware company called mumbo jumbo or some shit, then they forced the devs to make trash until they all quit)

I really enjoyed the gunplay and potential that the first episode showed

Why the fuck would I do that?

Oh someone spent a load of money there

are you saying the force of nature is just a reskin of the normal scattergun?
the other guy's right, it's not just a cosmetic

god tier developer unlike nu-Valve.

Ricochet 2

>the items in crates in tf2 are 100% identical in gameplay function to the ordinary weapons you get for completing achievements and playing the game
>better or worse than the normal ones you find at random while playing the game
You mean the ones I'm not talking about because you don't get those out of crates at all? No, I'm not saying that. You don't get a force of nature by spending money on a crate, you get a strange force of nature, or a festive force of nature or whatever other stupid pointless bullshit variant they made. You get a force of nature by either completing achievements or by playing the game.

It's not at E3 you stupid fucking retard, it's at Steam Dev Days. If you're gonna pretend to be someone at least get your info right.

god, i wish. that shit was fun.

Valve is probably going to release, or at least announce a game, if not more than one game, this year.

We know they're developing at least 5 games right now, unfortunately for most people, 3 of those are VR exclusive.

Fingers crossed for L4D3, they've allegedly done quite a bit of work on that and it should be close to completion.

L4D3 would be a mine of hats and skins.

Are you transitioning?

Get ready for a brand new VR """experience""" guys, 2017 will be the final nail in the coffin of PC gaming, as even Valve will lower their standards to appeal to all the preordering consoletoddler fanboys out there. Qte galore and press F to start the next cinematic cutscene.

Guys, the Steam dev days will take place on October 9th just like last year (which is the 10th anniversary of Orange Box) and they said they'd reveal new games there last year.