Nintendo Switch price in Latin America

>Nintendo Switch price in Latin America

Why is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:

>living in a third world country
Just move to north ameri- Oh wait

The US is part of Latin America now. Sad!

>Implying America isn't some third world country

Lmao'ing @ your life

Dunno, why is it allowed pedro? With NAFTA doing so many good things it should be free. Why don't you get your gangland mates who are more militarised than the Canadians and stage a protest.

I'm seeing double! Four trumps!

A lot of South American Countries impose ludicrous taxes on foreign made electronics. These taxes do not exist if the product is made within the country itself.

You can either blame the politicians for the duties, or blame console manufacturers for not setting up factories inside the countries in order to sell at a reasonable price.

>have tons of countries far below poverty line
>expect them to see you as a viable market to invest in.

Sorry man if you were closer to first world they would care and maybe put a factory there to avoid your governments cartel tier taxes.


They are paying for the wall

>nintendo console

shitskins btfo :^)

I'm from Mexico and pre-ordered one

But price is still bs

Oh right, I forgot Nintendo abandoned Brazil.

>third world countries put gambling tax on video game systems (as if anything there works lmao)
>blame video game companies for prices
Really makes you think.

But in official Colombian retailers its listed at 580 USD.


You're just spouting buzzwords now

I'm not racist and tolerate every race and culture of humans from black people to slavs but hispanics/everything in the americas south of the US border are not humans and they don't deserve anything

>source: our followers on social networks


>only 12 pesos more

Mexican here. Not only the Switch is at an outrageous price, but so are both the WiiU and 3DS. It's almost impossible now to find those consoles decently priced.

As an example (and taking each USD as 20 pesos) Amazon offers Xbox One S bundles starting from 6000 pesos while the WiiU bundles can be as expensive as 9000 pesos. 3DS is a similar story, with the N3DS not going below 5000 pesos.

Even in our ebay-like webpage, MercadoLibre, Nintendo consoles are being sold at very high prices now.

Taxes or exchange rate or whatever, Nintendo is also to blame for allowing distributors and stores to charge such huge prices to the consumer. Doesn't help that stores here in Mexico don't buy from the manufacturer, but from US stores themselves.


mercadolibre aka: "we pump up prices 20% more before reducing them 20% for black friday"

>Wii U bundles
>9000 pesos


Maybe your government shouldn't set up tariffs on electronics. The cost is passed onto you.


This is the cheapest bundle I can find at the moment, 8299 pesos:

Both Ps4 and Xbox bundles are way cheaper than this.

>6000 pesos
How much is that? 0.32 USD?

Can't you pay some white cunt to come across the border and hand it off? How has no one done a grey market urber yet? Get the one black dude in texas to buy you and your postcode what you want, cross the border, drop it off, then he can be arrested and no one cares because he's black.

Are the Mexicans too nice a country to exploit the African Americans? Or are you worried they'll run south, or ask for amnesty? Because belive me they believe their shithole is better than yours, despite you having rights in your shithole.

There's also the fact that retailers know they can get away with jacking up prices because it's Nintendo. Your average FIFA-playing nigger will never buy a console for $600 but know Nintendrones will pay the same price and more just to play Zelda.

>Nintendo is also to blame for allowing distributors and stores to charge such huge prices to the consumer.

Nintendo isn't the Politburo of a fixed price Mexican economy, you retard.

The fault lies with your stores. Entirely. Don't even try to argue otherwise.

I know the Mexican National Sport is blaming others, but do try to raise your head above the sand to breathe sometime. If you stay completely under the sand, you'll suffocate under the weight of your national delusions.

>Chart says $400
>The average person makes around $35 a month

>buying nintendo shit if you are a spic
Kek, you do realize the japs consider you sub human, right ?

>The average person makes around $35 a month

>want capitalist electronics
>have a socialist economy that nationalizes capitalist companies the moment they turn profitable

No one shed a tear when Soviets couldn't buy kitchen appliances and washers and dryers, either. If you want to play in the sandbox, stop supporting a system that allows you to steal other people's sandcastles after they've built it.

Ikd man, here at Colombia not only Mercadolibre offers better deals than the the physical stores (which charges whatever the fuck they want) but also you can buy things that aren't FIFA, COD, Mario or Pokemon.

Nintendo switch with Zelda BOTW on brazil is 800 dollars

Roughly 0.05 USD, each dollar is aproximately 20 to 20.50 USD as of today.

Some people actually do that, in general many stores in my city (since I live in a frontier state) buy from US to sell here, but the prices still tend to be high and the exchange rate doesn't really help at all.

And this happens mostly with Nintendo, as other consoles have both machines and games decently priced, sometimes even cheaper to buy in Mexico than in US due to taxes already been included in the price here.

>Implying I support this shit
Whenever I see people on this site saying capitalism is shit my blood boils


In argentina, the taxes have no rhyme or reason sometimes. For example, cars (wherever they are from) always have 50% tax applied even if they are made in argentina. Now, since chile and paraguay have less taxes...

For argentinians, It is actually cheaper to buy cars (that are made in argentina...) outside the country and have them imported. It's nuts.


I bought a Wii U for 5000 pesos a few months ago

Yeah, prices went up severely recently, that same bundle was 5500 pesos a few months ago also in a local store.

I can't even look for a replacement 3DS because they're almost as expensive as an Xbox now.



Vidya prices are cheaper than other south american countries