So what are the best survival games

so what are the best survival games

anyone who says unreal world can go fuck themselves


>no more JoWood games ever again

Project zomboid
Oxygen not included

Long Dark

Does anyone else think that the game is too easy? After the first year you are practically set for life. None of the other seasonal bosses matter because the very first winter gives you the two best items in the entire game. Needs more late game shit.

I find it either too easy, or the first giant shows up before I could get my shit together and I get squashed.

Maybe any finished games? Or ones that are going to be finished any time soon?

Playing single player, the pig skin helmet + wood armour stacks and gives so much protection it's ridiculous. Makes the deerclops do only 6 damage so can tank that shit easy.

The Long Dark
Haven & Hearth
Wurm Online
Project Zomboid

I will be hated for this opinion but Minecraft does a damn fine job if played on hard mode. There's something to work toward at all times and a final end goal if you so choose. So many survival games focus too much on the gathering/crafting that it barely feels like a game.

How is The Long Dark in the current build? (i haven't played it in any build)

anyone try this?

Fucking this, but don't try write something on DS forum that would criticize the game or you will be memed by retared fanboys or they will tell you that game is great and you are wrong. Boring as fuck after 70+ days.

This game always has been all about inmersion.

Few crafting recipes, but with the new clothing system most of them become useful in the long run, not as soon as used to be.

Except in dire situations, the game is a peaceful walking simulator with music only playing at certain moments. This is great because you won't get bored from listening to it and improves the feeling this game gives you.

Don't expect too much interaction with the scenarios save butchering animal corpses, looting containers, breaking furniture and climbing ropes in particular places.

Looking at maps or watching youtube videos is totally not recommended. Part of the fun is discovering places by yourself.

Dire situations, on the other hand, are totally unexpected and give you an adrenaline rush. They aren't always lethal but they happen when you commit a mistake. And every veteran does.

You won't survive forever in this game. Resources aren't renewable, especially in higher difficulty modes.

Overall it's a good game, but if you need more interaction with your environment and/or variety, get Subnautica. However it's very demanding on CPU and RAM.

The Void

That sounds great, I hate how most survival games are clusterfucked with recipes and items. So you gotta spend most of your time fucking with that instead of actual exploration and survival

Can't think of any I like but Rimworld could easily be called finished, tons of content and little details.

Is it possible to be played properly without any guides? I've heard the games does close to nothing to explain all the important mechanics.

Yes, and forgot to mention there is a random spawning of items, but quite irrelevant unless a critical item (as the hunting rifle) doesn't spawn where it used to be. Or when you are desperately needing a particular item and you can't find it anywhere, whilst a blizzard howls outside.

There are challenges too that make you play in a different way (not recommended unless you know the maps)

Finally, there's a skill system that rewards you in the long run, during a single game and after many of them. But many of them means hundreds of real time hours.

it may be, but honestly, I got fucked pretty hard without reading some guidelines
the problem weren't just the mechanics tho, I figured them out pretty quickly
but I still had no idea how I should go on about properly managing the ressource