Zelda BotW is a true masterpiece

>inb4 TL;DR:
Zelda BotW is a true masterpiece, it's on pair with the best games of the franchise, it's by far better than WW/TP/SS, and no matter how much you shitpost, Sup Forums, it won't change the fact that this game is a masterpiece that will be quoted, praised, referenced and copied countless times, an instant classic, nothing more, nothing less.

So, as said, BotW is arguably the best game of the whole franchise. Most of the flaws that Sup Forums (or Sonyshills) is pointing out do not make any sense whatsoever, let's see...

>muh all the enemies are reskins

First and foremost, BotW has the coolest and more badasses enemies of the whole franchise, Guardians, Assassins, those minotaurs things, etc, they're very challenging and a complete joy to fight, and overall the enemie designs are the best of the whole series.
On the other hand, anyone who says that the enemies are just "reskins" obviously hasen't played the game and is just a sonyshill flaseflager shitposting, those "reskins" are really different from eachother, they have its own movements, animations, AI, attacks, etc, and you'll have to use different strategies to beat them. So that shits like saying that all the games that don't feature fantastic creatures only have 1 enemie, it's like saying that games like RE only have one enemie (zombies) with different variants, etc.I understand that some people don't like that the enemies are so "universal" (I personally loved it, it makes the world feel more cohesive), but regardless, that's clearly a design choice, not for lazyness or something like that.

>Muh only 4 Dungeons

People who say this is retarded, because you just can't compare BotW with previous installments, the game is just too different, it's the biggest change the series have suffered since OoT (and even AlttP because apart from the aditional dimention the formula was pretty much the same). The Divine Beasts are not the equivalent to the traditional themed dungeons from previous installments, this time there's no barriers between the dungeons and the overworld, the world itself accomplish all those functions. You people just have to change your mindset, this is not another shitty OoT rehash with the typical forest Dungeon, fire Dungeon, water Dungeon, etc, no, the core formula of this game is entirely different, these dungeons are more like the ones from AlttP/Zelda 1, They are short and non-themed, a traditional 3d Zelda dungeon just wouldn't match with the cohesiveness of BotW. And btw, the Divine Beasts are probably the most cleverly designed Dungeons of the whole franchise, they pretty much take further what MM did (the fact that you can alter the whole structure of the Dungeons), some people is talking about how this game is what HL3/Portal 3 dreams to be and I entirely agree...

At the end of the day no matter how much you shitpost about it Sup Forums, the game is gonna get plus95 on metacritic and will be remembered as one of the best games ever made, but I just wanted to inform to the few inocent people here who is genuinely worried due to the desperate damage control and shitposting of some people around here, listen up, don't fall for it.

Anyways, I'm really happy for the route Nintendo took, the shitty OoT rehashes were getting old, the franchise was already dying and they gave it the Breath of fresh air it needed, what Nintendo just did was literally the jump to 3d of the 32 bits era all over again, they just saved the series, they made Zelda great again. Congrats Ninty, you did it again, you truly are the number one.

can you pls post the screen of the fish gril?

I can't tell if OP is trying to be ironic or not. I mean, BotW looks amazing but you just sound deranged.

I'm never going to ever want to play Breath of the Wild.

I'm never going to ever want to buy a Nintendo console again.

Nothing you or anyone else will ever change my mind about this.

Horizon is a game where I've already seen the final boss get killed and I'm extremely excited to play through it and take my time doing side quests and shit.

Zelda is a game where I saw enough gameplay to decide I was going to watch the final boss fight and never actually play the game.

This being said, just play the games you want to. Threads like this are silly.

You're literally going to change 0 people's minds about anything.

>wanting to do generic fetchquests instead of dungeons
I'll never understand horizonfags


because the fetch quests hold their hands and tell them exactly where to go, what to kill, and where to turn it in afterwards. no brains required just auto pilot.

i'm playing both games, each others lack in something the other one has.

what does horizon have that zelda doesn't?

What is what Zelda lacks that Horizon has?

Its the first Zelda game in 19 years that isnt just OoT redone, therefor its great.

Kek we'll see once you actually get it lmao. Nintendo isn't known for delivering quality products. Make sure to make your rage post as funny as possible Friday.

The game actually looks interesting.

I've done the water temple tons of times. I've shoved the Master Dick up Ganon's ass more time than I can count. Just looking at gameplay trailers of Zelda bores the shit out of me. It literally looks like the same shit I've done in every single Zelda game. When I looked at the world map overall I was shocked at how small it was. How has Nintendo spent like 6 years developing this thing? The first trailer made it look like it would be big, I was thoroughly unimpressed. Horizon's world looks way bigger and more interesting, I actually want to know the lore behind it.

I've never killed robot T-rexes or played in some futuristic world where mankind has gone tribal and robots literally roam the earth. Seems like a 10x more original and interesting concept.

I'd literally rather give Horizon a chance, even if it's shit, than play through yet another Zelda game even if it's objectively and scientifically concluded to be the single greatest video game ever created in the history of the human race.

I still don't want to play it. I'm still going to have more fun playing Horizon. I actually want to know what happens in Horizon and what kind of weapons you get to use and such. I actually want to know who Aloy is, I want to see what her journey is.

I've gone on Link's fucking journey 10,000 times and it's the same rehashed shit every single time.

I don't even feel one hundredth of that desire for Zelda.

Again, absolutely nothing you say or show me can change my mind on this.

30 stable fps and a better graphics, and the dinorobots are fantastic to fight
Zelda BotW:
better gameplay, more thing to do in the open world and the temples are pretty fun.

For my tastes Zelda is better, but also Horizon is a great game and i can understand why people prefer it over Zelda.

You're being ironic, r.right?



Also, if you're playing the Wii U version is literally your fault for not playing the game in the console it was intended., you're obviously just a Sonyponie falseflagging, literally nobody but desperate sonyers would prefer HzD aka ILL KILL MYSELF BEFORE I HURT HER over Zelda.

Stop lying sonykek.

>It literally looks like the same shit I've done in every single Zelda game
are we talking about the same game? BotW changed so much that some have debated if it's even a zelda game anymore


It just feels outdated, the camera controls, the movement, the combat, the graphics. Really good sound design though.

This game was 3 years too late and would've been satisfactory if I was still a Nintendo-only guy who loved being coddled by the companies products and market but I grew up and PS and other Japanese games have now taken a bigger priority over these half-ass games.

I'll play Zelda again when it's up to scratch if that ever happens. I want a good Zelda game, not this.

>You just have to think its not shit for it to be not shit
How did Nintendo brainwash people so well? It's astounding really.


He sounds reasonable. Youre deluded

I think my preferred console for playing Zelda would be no console at all. Even when the inevitable pirated version works well on PC, I'd rather just spend my spare time playing games I'm actually interested in.

I'm playing Nier: Automata right now, halfway through second playthrough 22 hours deep. I'm not actually that excited for Horizon, just looks like a generic Zelda like. But that's just the thing: even a game that basically looks like it's taken more of it's gameplay aspects from Zelda, now looks more interesting to me than the actual Zelda game coming out.

The difference between Horizon and Zelda for me is that Horizon is a game where i've already watched the final boss get killed, and yet I'm excited to play through the whole thing. Zelda is a game where i've watched enough footage of it that I just decide to watch the final boss fight and then never play the game on any console.

yes but this is the problem. you're so deprived of Zelda games you'll accept anything so long as it's Zelda.

This game should have been a launch title for the Wii U. The fact that it's coming out in 2017 is just kind of sad, Nintendo is clearly playing catch up again. They haven't made a good Zelda game since Wind Waker. It just looks like Breath of the Skyrim to me. If it was 2012 again and I hadn't played a bunch of games that look more interesting than Zelda already, maybe I'd be more interested.

Stockholm Syndrome is a helluva drug.

If you played the game you'd know it has more than 4 dungeons.
Trying to make fans of this game look bad?
You have better ways to spend your time.

>just play the games you want to
The only reasonable poster in this thread is pathetic? Look, I like BOTW.

>If you played the game you'd know it has more than 4 dungeons.
pls prove it to me( not shitposting)

This. BotW looks pretty good but Nintendo literally ALWAYS misleads their customers. It seems like only people who haven't had a real console or PC are just throwing shit into the wind and thinking this will be the best game ever. I mean ffs hard mode is a damn dlc.

>yes but this is the problem. you're so deprived of Zelda games you'll accept anything so long as it's Zelda.
That doesn't make any sense, BotW is the least "zelda-like" game of the series, having the most in common with the first game but even then there's a lot of major differences. As someone that largely doesn't find zelda games fun, though, BotW is fantastic.
>This game should have been a launch title for the Wii U
now you're just changing the subject entirely

Most people have watched like 20 hours of BotW gameplay and the hype was even more, the fact that you watched a gameplay and you're still interested doesn't mean anything retard.

>It just feels outdated-
Stopped reading right there.

It feels like the future. It truly does.

What is a real console? let me guess.... PS4 hmmmmm....

Yes. The switch can't even do 1080p, it's pathetic. Even the Wii U could do 1080p

When you actually meet the most ardent Nintendo fans in person, or even just look at the hardcore Nintendo fanboy channels, it becomes obvious that most of these people are mentally ill. They're completely unable or unwilling to look at anything objectively. And to be clear, I'm specifically talking about the type of people who genuinely believe Nintendo is the greatest game developer of all time or something, Switch will be greatest console of all-time, etc. There's a difference between those types and the types who play all games and Nintendo games are just another one of those games. I'm talking about the fervent Nintendo fans, the ones who make this board known as Nintendogaf. These people often seem maladjusted or like they possibly have Asperger's. I mean, this is the worst of the worst we're talking about here, but still. The fact that they can all universally fit into this mould of being adult children with low standards seems to be across the board when you look at the youtube channels of the average hardcore Ninty fan or meet one of these neckbeards wearing a mario/zelda shit in person.

Look at how deeply hurt they are when you simply say something like "I don't want to play this game." You're not even saying it's a bad game, just that it's not interesting to you. Just the fact alone that someone could show no interest in something that means the entire world to these people actually hurts them. Just look at how people react to my posts. This makes me want to play Nintendo games even less.

Again, play the games you want. I don't care if you like Breath of the Wild.

I looked at the gameplay.

It looks like every Zelda game I've ever played with some bells and whistles.

The open world looks small.

I don't want to play BotW

I don't want to play BotW

Nah PS4 is outdated shit. Make sure you buy a brand new, sealed Sony Computer Interactive Entertainment PlayStation 4® Pro. It's worth it goyim, trust me.

>The open world looks small.
What? How? It's huge

No it doesn't. I looked at people go into the map mode and was just stunned at how small it was. It takes like 10 minutes to run from the spawn point to the final boss fight. People can run in Horizon for almost 30 minutes across the map. And again, I'm not even saying this like Horizon is some incredibly groundbreaking open world, it's more like an "up to snuff" open world that meets modern standards. BotW flatly fails in this regard.

Maybe this game looks big if you haven't played an actual modern open world game in the past 10 years. To the average person who has though, BotW's world just doesn't look that impressive.

Fuck even Nier Automata has a more interesting open world than Zelda.

>The open world looks small.
it's like 20 times bigger than HzD wtf are talking about. Sonycucks are clinically retarded people holy shit...

it takes around 35 minutes to run from one side of the map to the other. The castle is quite close by to the starting area, which is why people can head straight there quicker. You can claim the world is bland, but it's by no means small.

BotW is confirmed to be almost as big as XCX which is like 10 bigger than Skyrim you literal fucking retard.

lol it's not 20x bigger than Horizon. it looks really small considering you can just climb some tower and glide over to whatever part. Also it seems like most of the game is just boring shrines sprinkled around the map. I will admit Hyrule Castle itself looked like a cool final dungeon, but even that just lets you skip straight to Ganon if you want.

and again, even if it was the biggest open world of all-time, there's still one thing that rings absolutely true.

I don't want to play Breath of the Wild.

nice goalpost-moving and backpedaling, fag

It doesn't. You can say that it's an original conecpt, but it's not. There are many hard facts that Horizon is garb. You don't have to like the new Zelda, but don't act like Horizon is amazing, you shill.

Jesus fucking christ get the fuck outta here I just realized that you must be like fucking 12yo.

Couple questions for you guys who've been playing the game already, specifically the Wii U version as that's the one I'm buying on Fri.

Can you completely ignore the gamepad for the entirety of the game? I prefer using the pro controller and leaving the gamepad docked and untouched. I've heard conflicting reports on this one.

How are the puzzles?

Did they get rid of the green foggy haze filter that we saw on the Wii U footage?


Gamepad does fuck all for the Wii U version, so I would assume so.

I have never changed the goalpost. The map looks small. I don't even feel compelled to explore it. The gameplay looks boring, I don't even care to try it. Horizon looks more fun, and I don't want to play Breath of the Wild. Between still playing through Nioh, playing through all the different scenarios/endings in Nier: Automata, having Gravity Rush 2 to play (haven't even cracked it open yet), Horizon coming in the mail, I STILL haven't fucking beaten Persona 5 yet (because I'm lazy af), and then Detroit: Become Human is coming out later this year. If it weren't for the constant clamoring of Nintendo fans over this game, I'd basically forget it exists. And let me be clear: I hope you guys enjoy the game. I just don't want to play it.

10,000 perfect 10 reviews and all the scientific analysis in the world is not going change my mind that I don't want to play Breath of the Wild.

>you can say it's an original concept

OK please direct me to the modern 4k HDR open world action RPG where I can play as a tribalist living in a post-apocalyptic world taken over by machine based lifeforms.

Again, I've repeatedly said I don't think Horizon is some incredibly groundbreaking game. It just looks more interesting than Zelda, which basically doesn't interest me at all.

Honestly if you want to talk about a REALLY fucking incredible game, talk about Nier.

I'm 12 years old and have more money, paid more taxes, own a bigger tv, had more sex partners (male and female) and have a better education and career than you. Kinda sad, man. Oh well, at least Breath of the Wild is coming out next week! Have fun user!

I'm gonna laugh so hard once the game comes out and Zeldafags start tearing each other apart because of this game

That's what I was hoping, but I've heard some guys over on /vg/ claim that you need to use it for certain shrines due to needing gyro controls. I have no idea if it's true, though.

>Trying this hard to shill when people already have the game
Switch is going to flop if this game flops, so I don't blame you.

You're trying too hard Nintenshill, but you get a cookie for the effort. Really, I'd say this game is at best an 8.5/10. It's not that good by any measure.

Why should I believe everything you're saying user, you don't sound too convinced yourself.

>gonna get plus95 on metacritic

It won't, you'll see.

>claim the game is a masterpiece
>proceed to defend obvious flaws

If it really was amazing, it wouldn't need defending. You sound like Nintendo hired you for damage control. The game looks like an 8/10 game at best.

This is what happens when 11 year olds are allowed to post.

>(Male and female).
Everything and this whole discussion made clear with these three words.

Thanks for the personal blog.

>even more unrelated bullshit to the original discussion about the size of the world
you're totally not diverting attention away from your mistake, nope.

>Can you completely ignore the gamepad for the entirety of the game? I prefer using the pro controller and leaving the gamepad docked and untouched. I've heard conflicting reports on this one.
>How are the puzzles?
kinda easy at first but then it gets really hard. They're amazing.

reee fucken ship already everyone is already fucking playing the game

>Detroit: Become Human

If that's what hypes you the most for this year I can see why you're so stubborn on BotW

Fucking graphics shill

>showing off on an anonymous IB

you truly are a pathetic human being...fuck off and die retard.

That's good and all OP but it will still be inferior to Okami, just like all Zelda games except for Majora's Mask

>enemies are challenging and a complete joy to fight
sure man
>inb4 cherrypicking, "that was a bug", or "works like intended"
i dont mean to shit on Zelda, i used to love them, but you cant throw up arguments like that especially when the fights are halfassed

Obvious Sony shill/Sonygger troll is obvious.

BotW GOTY confirmed.

Huge massive world confirmed.

BotW got MGSV syndrome... great gameplay, but had to pay the cost and it spoiler alert... it wasnt worth it.