Turn-based or action RPGs

What style of gameplay is better/ more enjoyable to you?
Turn-based or action RPGs?

Other urls found in this thread:


Does that snake fuck the rabbit?

Yes, literally in the following page. It's not that good for that matter.

Does the rabbit fuck the snake?

I disagree

Pointless unless there's vore.
Still pointless unless it involves digestion.

well now you have to post it.

fuck outta here vorefag


Is that rabbit a girl(male)?

Not him but e621.net/pool/show/9058[spoiler/]

Yes and blows his load inside her.
She threatens to kill him if she gets knocked up.

I can't really say. I enjoy both kinds of rpgs.
Ys Oath and Trails in the Sky FC and SC are some of my all time favorites.

I usually play action like dark souls, but would want to get into some turn based as well
Thought about getting xcom 2 but my pc sure as fuck won't be able to run that well and the ps4 version=no mods

Tell me that rabbit is female.

Oh fug I remember that comic
Its hot

u da bes

what a waste of ones and zeroes.

Have you ever seen people taking turns hurting each other?

I will always prefer action but only if they commit to the action mechanics.


For me it depends on scale. Am I Yojimbo cleaning up a town or am I a shinobi "cleaning up" a town for the shogun."

have you ever seen people hitting each other for minutes and taking every single hit without parrying or flinching?
Turnbased is an abstraction, everything happens simultaneously.

Males can't go into heat.


>want to discuss video games
>become converted into a furry instead
T-thanks Sup Forums

First day? Bookmark stromfront, it's your next port of call.

Rabake? Snabit?

I learned to expect everything in furry comics

But I've already been to Sup Forums

They can, are you saying you've never been ungodly horny for a few days at a time before? Are you even a man?

>Not a female snek with tail penetration
Wasted potential. Glad it's not gay for once, though.

Don't conflate Storm Front with Sup Forums. Sup Forums is a joke and an insult to anyone who is politically active regardless of their political orientation.


men never get "horny" you fucking degenerate beta cuck

Most turnbased games (at least the ones made by Square) would be better off as anime because of how storybased and linear they are
ATLUS's flagship games have pretty good turnbased combat though

You fucking moron. "Heat" refers to animals that go into a period of estrus wherein they experience visibly physiological changes and become fertile for mating.

Males don't do this because they are generally down to fuck all the time. Estrus is a cycle that peaks and dips. Men don't experience this.

>but stormfront is totally legitimate

Kek smite you, unbeliever, with the power of this 7.

Rabble Snake

How strange, innocence.

Your seven was left, proving you're just a plant. Sad!

My faith was weak

>good turn-based RPGs
Tactical strategy games at hearts, shitloads of numbers and stats to consider, dozens of possibilities each turn, no animations so everything happens instantly (especially roguelikes), well balanced and challenging. Character building and itemization has bottomless depth that will keep you engaged for hundreds of hours.

>good action RPGs
Utilizes the real time environment to put emphasis on reading movesets, reacting and landing counter attacks. Focuses on having a good, clean combat system where timing and positioning are everything. Stats are still important but they can be simplified to major decisions (light vs. heavy, fast vs. slow, melee vs. ranged, etcc.) instead of spreadsheets of info that'd otherwise get lost in the action.

>bad turn-based RPGs
Slow, boring combat that poses no real threat and requires no decision making. You generally just spam your best attack each turn and heal when needed. Animations are 90%+ of the time spent in a fight. Horrifically unbalanced, game is always either too easy because you grinded heavily or literally impossible because you skipped the grind. Worst is when it makes you control multiple dudes and turns take several minutes each.

>bad action RPGs
Mindlessly holding down right-click as you blow up endless enemies, occasionally chugging potions or activating defensive abilities as needed. You have to shut off your brain and go into auto-pilot mode to enjoy the game. Character builds and item variety are non-existent, just slap on whatever has the highest dps to help you plow through shitty enemies faster.

Bless you for actually trying to be on topic
Yiff in hell, fucking losers

yeah but based on this, what are some good turn based rpgs? curious to know

>good turn based
>no animations

Man what the fuck. My favorite RPG of all time is Suikoden II because it's just chock full of different character attacks and animations in battle. It does help that they all attack at once though to help it flow a bit faster.

Breath of Fire IV also has beautiful animations and a skillchain system.

I agree with your praise of that guy, but the OP clearly intended this thread to take after the picture and not his text.

>She threatens to kill him if she gets knocked up
Do you think the weapons grade autism that makes these things understands how that wouldn't work?

Even mix. I just finished an action, so I think I'll take a break with a turn-based next.

Uh guys?
Someone please deal with this

How about short and sweet animations instead of minute long, unskippable cutscene for simplest basic attacks?


Not him, but Final Fantasy Tactics?

I don't think you understand

What game does this that otherwise would be good without them? And I don't mean the long animations make the game good. I just mean a game in which this is an obvious flaw holding the game back?

Why's it always hard then? My doc told me priapism is a serious health concern but that's cause he's loves the dick. I feel sorry for his wife and 5 kids.

Fuck off with your book learnin' n shit.



pretty good

Fuck off Randy Bobandy.

Was that image made for Risk of Rain? It's suspiciously like an OVERLOADING MAGMA WORM, if it was suddenly an Eastern dragon.


That Man honestly got way less interesting once it was revealed that he was a bishie neko faggot

I mean to be fair he's benjamin buttoning but the catboi shit is inexcusable

It's the Qing Dynasty flag you uncultured swine.


Oh I'll totally excuse it. I got no problem with sexy catboys.

Males are constantly in heat.

wtf i'm going trans now

Are you fucking kidding me?

Males go into rut, females go into estrus / "heat"

>Werewolf girl
Would be better as a werewolf boy

Right. But it still stands that we don't say a male goes into heat.

I wish China would use that Qing flag. It looks dope.