Admit it, it made you feel guilty for the things you do in sandbox games

Admit it, it made you feel guilty for the things you do in sandbox games.

Haven't watched television in over 10 years what did I miss?

>implying it's possible to feel guilty for chopping off dude's head with a shovel, pissing on it and using it to play fetch with a dog
Your move, emoboi.

Red Dead Redemption: The Theme Park

Has some cool Gnostic motiffs, but overall a letdown

A shitty tv show

Relax, it's just Vidya

What if Read Dead Redemption were real and a theme park and then the androids that were cowboys all realised they were NPCs and went crazy like the dinosaurs on Jurassic Park?

Keep your shitty TV show in Sup Forums. Every faggot was hyping it so I watched it and it was mediocre as fuck.

It's fine, you're just cynical.

Is it good? I've only watched the movie a couple of times and I enjoyed it.

Westwood was really bad

Constant hints and shots implying there is a deeper story going on, big company with cutthroat competition, archetypical characters, characters that seem to explain their motives but then in the next episode shed another layer with little logic to it.

There were no characters I really cared about or felt intrigued by, and the ending was stupid.

No, it didn't, because we don't give NPCs in games or sandboxes complex emotions just to feel good about fucking with them. And they aren't able to become self-aware. And there's no big-budget game that would allow graphic rape and child murder because devs are pussies. And nobody is going to dump development time into a consequence-free robot themepark when you can just go to Bangkok or Africa and fuck 10 year olds for 300$. And probably fifty other reasons.

I admit, the first time in Skyrim I encountered a bandit screaming "I yield! I yield! Please no more!" who ran away crying, I did feel bad and let them go. Then 5 seconds later they ran back screaming "Never should've come here!" and I got over it.

Watch the original Movie then, might be more your speed if you can tolerate the age.

i've seen one episode so far, and what it made me feel is that fallout 4 has no originality whatsoever.

the show is literally the institute make a fucking wild west LARP, at least at first.

No. I'm not a fucking loser.


I don't watch trash, so no.

That's literally just the final episode though after Ford tells everyone to fuck off, the rest of the series is about watching a strong black woman that don't need no man stage a breakout, a crazy blonde woman relive her memories and a cuck cowboy suffer. Oh and a fat programmer says "doesn't look like anything to me" and discovers he was a robit the whole time.

Hope youre right, got it in my downloads

>Ford tells everyone to fuck off
Fuck man Ford was so disappointing. First episode he talked about lazerus and through the whole series he was basically balling telling everyone to fuck off. I thought he was going to research robots so he could become immortal in a robot form and then become the ruler of a fantasy world or something. Instead he somehow turned good and wanted robots to grow up and stand up to humans. Such a disappointment that was

If nothing else, it's a fairly unique spin on the early ideas of Artificial Intelligence and moral responsibility in response to it.

Not him, but speed has nothing to do with it. It's slow and it's boring, because there's fucking nothing to it, it's a show based on characters with little to none character development aside from 2-3 characters, which is also set in a fucking sci-fi theme park that we have 0 fucking idea how it works. Half of this show doesn't make any fucking sense and I'm not talking about the twists, I'm talking about how park operates. What are the limits of hurting the guests? How long is the overall story loop? What is improvisation module and how much can it bend the scripted character? Why some fucking low level technicians can change the CORE FUCKING PRINCIPLES of AI, which can lead to dangerous situations for guests or potential deaths? There are so many questions that are basic as fuck, yet the show doesn't answer to them, instead doing these retarded as fuck twists everyone has predicted like 6 episodes away.

The show can redeem itself in the second season, if it's willing to go the route of "it's just a part of grand master plan of Anthony Hopkins". If it won't - then it's garbage. 7 or 8 episodes of the show were just filler, with no worldbuilding and almost 0 character development. In these episodes it wasn't a show about a theme park full of robots, it was a mediocre western with some office drama. Picrelated is a good show with bad actors, but it has great worldbuilding and character development. Westworld is just garbage for 90% of the time.

the first 10 minutes of the westworld pilot is SO GOOD. talk about a fantastic hook. go pirate and watch it now, all of you!

if you enjoy rad bradbury style sci-fi, great twists and classic nolan storytelling then you'll enjoy westworld.

>Holy shit, Westworld is totally the next LOST!
And now, no one really talks about it much, while in 2005 there were dozens of forums dedicated to LOST in several languages, every popular show made LOST references and parodies, people were using the numbers in the lottery, and the hype for season 2 was only matched by maybe Game of Thrones.

Accept the mystery.

i feel really stupid that i didn't connect what was happening when the photo was shown the second time in terms of plot.

Only Fallout games make me feel any sort of regret at killing an NPC, and even then you're still aware they're all just scripted characters. It's mainly because I feel like I'm killing the voice actor by extension.

Liam mcpoyle visits a theme park and finds Trevor from gta 5 who's actually a robot
Did I cover it

Its funny the show would probably be more fun if they played it straight and made some kind of episodic series about various guests coming to the park and their adventures there. As you watch more of them you can see various loops interact.

The show wants you to make up answers yourself. It doesn't want to spoonfeed you with the world; the themes are more important. A Philip K Dick novel would infuriate you.
>What are the limits of hurting the guests?
They have failsafes in place in their code. They can't kill them. There is probably a release waiver that allows them to hurt you, because Logan got hurt a bit.

>How long is the overall story loop?
It's a game; until your vacation time you've bought ends. Or your story finishes, like a choose your own adventure novel.

>What is improvisation module and how much can it bend the scripted character?
It's based on their reveries but also coded. At first, not much. They go into it with Dolores.

>Why some fucking low level technicians can change the CORE FUCKING PRINCIPLES of AI, which can lead to dangerous situations for guests or potential deaths?
Because they likely have extreme safety clearance. And the Asian dude is likely an idiot savant wanting a promotion. Just go with it.

Too bad your first experience came from skyrim then. If you'd played a real game with proper programming it would have felt more genuine

Literally everything you just said is explained.

>What are the limits of hurting the guests?
There's no hard-limit beyond not being able to kill them or do permanent damage; when you're close to the center, they can barely touch you, the further out you go the weaker the restrictions get till they can bruise and beat the shit out of you up to the point of actually breaking something.

>How long is the overall story loop?
It doesn't run on a constant loop, they activate and deactivate story-cycles as needed. Beyond that, some stories like Dolores' homelife are a few days at most, while something like the Robbery happens every week or two. The Hosts are built to improvise so overlap is a non-issue.

>What is the improvisation module?
It gives the Hosts flexibility to adapt, sort of a fallback when the normal scripting fails (they get killed off early or a critical part of their story is removed) or when entering an unfamiliar situation (a storyline they aren't supposed to be in). It bends them only enough to generically satisfy the current situation while keeping them 'in character'.

>Why can low-level techs change the core principles of AI?
They can't, all they did was fuck with the level-limits on intelligence, adaptability, etc. Essentially just moving a slider that says "CPU is allowed to use 10 processors instead of 2". Prostitute-Host was able to ignore core principles because Ford, the top guy, fucked with her brain pre-show and offscreen.

Watch the goddamn show before getting bitchy, I'll admit there are quite a few problems, but you listed literally none.


Improvisation module isn't based at all on the reveries, two entirely different things. The overall story loops are set in the story, and have nothing to do with your visit; visit for 3 months straight and you'd see tons of looping because most stories were stated to be several days to a week and a bit long (considering it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars just to visit for a few weeks.) The techs don't fuck with the core principles, but what they do fuck with is due to l33t hacks, not safety clearance, their job isn't remotely tied to messing with sourcecode, Asianman is just a super techy.

Why didn't they just let Anthony Hopkins play God? He did literally nothing wrong.

>tfw Westworld was one of my favorite films as a kid
>there are people who will never watch it in favor of HBO's animatronic deadwood reboot

good movie 40 years ago

crap show

He indirectly killed a bunch of people.

I'm not going to spoiler because fuck you for reading threads about shows if you haven't watched the show;

The entire point was that he DID do bad shit 30 years ago, and has spent the last 30 years trying to make amends. He blames himself for not backing up Arnold when they originally created the park, and for pushing them to open with the original plan even when it became clear the Hosts had budding sentience. In fact the only way he sees to make amends is to do MORE wrong by forcing the Hosts to suffer for 30 years, in the correct belief that Memory+Suffering=Self Awareness and Learning. The fact he accepts being shot for his role in the Park should speak volumes as to how much he blames himself for all the bad shit that happens.

>black woman stage a breakout
But that was all scripted by Ford, so no.

The only actual choice Maeve made was going back to look for her "daughter".

>the rest of the series is about watching a strong black woman that don't need no man

1. The actress's race is entirely incidental to the character. They could have cast a white woman and had to change absolutely nothing.

2. She's a prostitute. She literally needs all the men she can find. That's her business model.

Nice try though, 6/10

>>The only actual choice Maeve made was going back to look for her "daughter".
I thought the point was that it was a prison without bars. Even if you are almost out you are drawn back in in some way

No, she'd been programmed to escape. By returning she was breaking her programming.


No, cuz the IA in those sandbox games isn't evolved enough to make me feel anything for it.