Heard you all like attractive and cute waif characters in your games.

Other urls found in this thread:


new one is better imo

Too anime

All they had to do was keep the hair and fix her chin/jawline to look more like the concept art. THAT IS IT. I don't hate the current Aloy but the concept art was such a qt.

Aloy isn't ugly

I'd kiss her.

I think what puts me off is that her forehead is narrow as hell compared to her manjaw

head shaped like a fucking egg

That looks like shit too.

She literally looks like a man you fucking faggot

She looks like a goblin who was stung by 400 bees.

She looks like fucking Shrek, what is wrong with you?

The original design was actually good, how did they fuck it up so badly?

Looks like some league of legends garbage


>Aloy isn't ugly

>tfw no shut hell game

so you idiots are going to keep shitposting about this game

My first thought as well

>work in a medium where you don't have to rely on real actors and can shape the look of your main character in every detail out of thin air
>decide to make her ugly as sin as to appear "realistic"
bitch nigga, if I wanted realism I wouldn't play games now would I?

Alloy looks like fucking Ronda Rousey. i.e. ugly as fuck.

>game goes to great lengths to shit on white males in every possible way because it gets numale beta cucks off
>get backlash
Oy vey, what a unexpected consequence

Cant have a brown girl. That would be cultural appropriation.
It only feels right if minorities and brown men kneel down to a stronk white womyn who needs no man and tell her they want to worship her.
Basically a beta cuck power fantasy.


yeah, maybe if you're a homo


>get backlash from Sup Forums about shit they made up

The game is full blown "kill whitey"

>>game goes to great lengths to shit on white males in every possible way
It literally doesn't though

>We missed on yet another brown goddess

So you see a non-white person being in a game as a message of "kill whitey"? You might be crazy, user.

>try to prove a point
>prove it
>nobody likes your game
Shilling this shit on Sup Forums must be incredibly hard, because all you do is push people away from your agenda.

The game's only evil tribe is a tribe of white men who gassed all the minorities. Sup Forums already streamed the game, so your marketer damage control doesnt work.

its fucking funny that you retards are mad about her you stupid fucks where even getting mad about that black guy in that lord of the rings game stay mad retard

so zelda is sjw now

>marketer damage control
How about the opinion of someone who is currently playing the game?

>Completely ignores the story point that the reason the world is so shit is because white scientists gassed the minorities.

No, zelda is just more japanese waifu masturbation fodder and it makes you leftist shills buttmad, because you have to argue against your own interests and you try to falseflag as the alt right boogeyman by calling zelda "sjw" because it's full of hot waifus and twink link crossdressing and people here fucking LOVE IT while they shit on your ugly bulldyke simulator.

Is that Baldrick the rat king?

so you keep showing how stupid you are

you are a stupid fuck

Maybe its time for you salty soniggers to take a step back and analyze why people love "degenerate" zelda and hate "progressive" zero dwan and come to the conclusion that you got warped ideas of how people on Sup Forums operate.
Even half of Sup Forums faps to trap hentai.

Maybe, just maybe zelda is being light hearted about it and doesnt try to force educate you with dumb bullshit.
And maybe it's appealing and cute to look at. Moreso than some shrek faced ginger bitch written by cucked numales.

>triggered sonigger running out of arguments


That goes both ways though. I'm not far into the story but Aloy lives in a woman run society that threw a baby out into the woods because of some wonky ass religion and unfounded superstition. The same society has a new black war chief who is an ultra closeminded dickwad to you and your closest allies consist of your WHITE adoptive father, a WHITE merchant, a WHITE guy you saved as a kid, and the WHITE matriarch, while the ASIAN matriarch is a fucking bitch. The entire world is fucked from what I see and there is no agenda here to make minorities seem like innocent victims when half of the ones I've seen so far are assholes.

SO how censored is the western release compared to the original JPN one? What did Treehouse do this time?

holy shit you fuck are stupid tell me more about the game you didnt play

The game is FULL to the brim with sexual innuendo.

link truly looks like a gil in that pic

>remove delicious brown
>replace with patronizing white savior grrrl


Zelda is definitely "cuter" than Aloy but in an anime way that the degenerates on here don't feel threatened by. There was a 400 post thread yesterday about Link getting his boypussy turned out by Gerudos and I think that says it all.

Either way, I've been having fun with HZD even though I'm only about four hours into it. I'm going to pick up Zelda on Friday and enjoy that too. It doesn't have to be a contest.

She looks like Artemis from Smite.

I dont feel threatened by aloy, she's just not very appealing and her game looks like shit too.
Im busy with nier and nioh anyways.

nice mad bro

>mad that people dont like his shitty game
>u... u mad
erry tiem


the kid version of her has a stupidly big head..and she looks terrible at certain angles.

nice crying im going to play this zelda and lots of more games you stay on Sup Forums and shitpost about shit you dont like

"Nothin personnel, mech."

That Tin-Tin movie was good m8

Can you refute those points? I only played it like 5 hours so far but that was what I ran into. The matriarchal tribe threw Aloy into the woods to be raised by a white outcast because she was found in old world ruins and so they thought she was a curse and motherless. Rost, your white adoptive father is literally the best example of a morally good person in the game who is both caring and law abiding. He dies trying to save you. Teb, the white guy you save as a kid risks being ostracized by being grateful to you. The white vendor (I forget his name), sells things to you in secret because he sympathizes with your outcast status. Teera, the only white high matriarch is the only one who believes you aren't a curse and helps you at any manner she can. Lansra, the asian matriarch is your most staunch hater and calls you a shit ton of names and always tells you to fuck off. The same with Resh, the new black war chief who also tells you to fuck off and offers no help. Even the stereotypical white jock, dickwad Bast, died in the prologue while trying to help save his fellow tribesmen.

Can't argue with that. I hated how her bangs looked coming out from under the headband too. Like they were part of the headband itself. I still think older Aloy is cute. The original concept art was better though.

>make white cis gendered females instead!

thanks devs youre so not racist

>He dies trying to save you


ok what are you trying to get at here looks like you are just bitching

Just pointing out that from what I played, no race is depicted as good or evil and that they all have examples of being on both sides. Even the big buff dude that kills Rost looks more pale, asian to me than white.

underated post

I got the same impression. If anything the matriarchal tribe suffers from the same problems as a patriarchy tribe.

t. landwhale

Seeing as how everyone now lives in tribal societies, they're all backwards as shit. One worships the literal sun as a god and another worships some machine/ruins they also view as a god.


Get your eyes checked, samefag


>game goes to great lengths to shit on white males in every possible way
Then why are the regressives turning on it

>I’m really bummed out and we need to talk about why.
>In the past week leading up to the launch of Guerrilla Game’s Horizon: Zero Dawn, I’ve read several thousand words about it. And now on the eve of its launch, I’ve read several thousand more.
>Most of those words repeat, but none so glaringly as these:
>But in all those thousands of words, those dozens of instances of that particular list, no one calls them into question. Not a single review makes mention of the historical usage of those words, or the tropes reflected in Horizon that caused the writers to use them without hesitancy.

I haven't played that far but it would only be a matter of time till one tribe felt the need to convert the other tribe by force.

I doubt the Nora will, they just threaten other tribes with death if they ever step into their lands because they treat the lands as sacred and the other tribes as godless heathens. The previous sun king used to raid the other tribes for sacrifices to appease the sun though because of some stupid notion that it'd placate the machines. Literally some Aztec tier craziness.

no one cares except you neets

Give me a brake. There are alot of Nordic and other ero tribal influencias mashed in there too.

>Then why are the regressives turning on it
Because leftists turn on everything. As if that wasnt already clear.
There is no use in pandering to them because they're hardwired to shit on anything.

Americans are dumb af

It's not even about anime or waifus or even girls for that matter.

Just have characters that are pleasing to look at, for god's sake.
This is very good.

This isn't real right?

>implying regressives know that Europe also had native/tribal cultures

Have you been under a rock? Actually stay there. You'll be happier.


Does Aloy EVER shut up? She's constantly talking even in combat and most of the time she's talking so quiet that I can barely make out what she's saying.

Why do devs do this?

I only really notice random comments she makes sometimes. Like when gathering she'll sometimes remark how she'll save stuff for later, etc. Or when enemies are searching for her she'll say they are, or when you've alerted them. She also remarks on falling from high places or into water. But that is really about it and not anymore frequent than say, other protagonists in games always taunting or goading their opponents when entering battle.


I'm sorry user.

Get a paper bag for that shit

Nah she talks WAY more than that even when I just walk from A to B and nothing else happens. Its worse than Uncharted and Tomb Raider

>This wasn't the definitive design

If you pay money for this game you deserve to have Ashley Burch talk in your ear for 10+ hours.


Is it related to story or areas? I notice her talk about things like where signals are coming from for her focus when I was venturing outside the embrace or remarking about landmarks.

I only played like 2-3 hours.

The worst part was that race you had with the others in the snowy area where she constantly says "GOTTA CATCH UP FAST! I CANT LOSE IT!!! FASTER ALOY FASTER!!" and then that fight with the NPC who screams the same 3 sentences over and over again "TOO MANY WE CANT WIN!! OH DEAR MOTHER IN HEAVEN!!!"

Super annoying.

I think these are the tamest memes to ever touch Sup Forums.

You're 100% right user. This virgins just don't know a natural beauty if it would hit them in the face. They just like to jerk to 2d waifus.

That is all story related then and just common for games with full voice acting. NPCs will always repeat lines like any other game. General overworld exploring though she'll only talk about things you are interacting with and not randomly spout things out of the blue.

Is this game fun

Yeah, what the shit. These guys pretend like "native americans" are the only people who live(d) in tribes. The game is made by dutchies, it probably will be more based on a european setting than anything.

I will never understand Sup Forums. Does anyone here even have a girlfriend? Or do they just call all men cucks and all women ugly?

Western design
> sjw trash

Japanese design
> waifu weeb trash

Have you considered dying in a car fire? You're literally a useless whining noncontributing sack of fedoras and fat.

Her ancestors probably got blacked for a while