Red-pill me on HITMAN (2016)

Is it any game?

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Yeah, it's a game.



Cyanide pill yourself. Make it look intentional.

>47 looks too young
>No hideout to collect shit
>Absolution still considered canon
Other then that, it's a proper fucking Hitman game, and I've really, really enjoyed it so far. If you like Blood Money and the ones before that, you'll like this. If you like Absolution you can fuck right off.

Yeah it's great. It's gone back to the sandbox style gameplay and has twice as much content and replayability as Blood Money. It's a little bit rough around the edges but it's all coming together. If you don't want to pay full price for it then wait for a sale, I think it's been half price like three times so far and there will no doubt be a fourth time around the corner.

is that a photoshopped justin beiber?

can't keep your dick in my pants, eh?

No it's a mediocre rapper who just got out of jail for hitting his gf

>Red-pill me
what does that even mean? i am not familiar with generation Z lingo, is it a total recall reference?

Did you watch the Matrix?

>online drm
Not even close to Blood Money Campaign


Stop shilling that fucking faggot

Also how fucking hard is Hitman '01?
I just quitted because of that chink mansion mission

>No hideout to collect shit
Why do people give a shit about a glorified menu?

It's a sort of methaphor of Plato's Cave from the movie Matrix.

Swallowing the RedPill is accepting a hard , objective truth, no matter how hard it is.

Taking the BluePill means living in a blissful and desired ignorance due to fear or commodity.

git gud

He's not even out though


I'm glad about that

Imma keep posting this nigger because it's funny just how many people get triggered



wow it works!

>literally too retarded to see the irony
Keep going.

You're working off a false premise but I'll let you work that one out. But if you're a nigger you should tell me now.

Looks like he had a rough...weeknd



Are there still updates to come for this game?

Since they released this game on Linux, I have some questions about this as well.

-I heard it's just 6 levels, is this true? If so, how long does 1 level take to complete?
-Does it have wallhack mode?
-Does it have sticky walls? (when in cover, are you glued to the wall or are you in control of your character?)
-Does it have qte's?
-If anyone here has played it on Linux, how does it run?


It's GOTY 2016. I have at least 600 hrs in it.

It looks good but I'm not buying until the online only unlocks is gone.

Absolution was soft-retconned tho

Sorry but only niggas with a brain can post here senpai

>-I heard it's just 6 levels, is this true? If so, how long does 1 level take to complete?
Yeah but they're massive, if you just want to kill the targets and never touch the level again then about half an hour, but the levels are brimming with replayability and a ton of different angles to take your targets out from so you won't play them just once
>-Does it have wallhack mode?
Yeah it has instinct that outlines nearby NPC's and highlights items and traversal options, but you can turn it off along with every other HUD element
>-Does it have sticky walls? (when in cover, are you glued to the wall or are you in control of your character?)
You can crouch and move side to side and go around corners whilst staying in cover along with shooting and grabbing guards from around corners and over low objects MGSV style but I'm not sure what you mean about being "in control".
>-Does it have qte's?
Yes but it's MGSV style again, press Q fast to choke and press E before they get KO'd to snap their neck instead, there's also a QTE to disarm a guard from the front that is basically ALWAYS W which is stupid
>-If anyone here has played it on Linux, how does it run?
Can't comment on this

How the fuck do you kill someone in an accident in this game? This is pissing me the fuck off.

no but in all seriousness, i can't fucking use the silenced beretta, which is the most essential weapon for the game.
i have to rely on a fucking sniper that blocks my view and doesn't allow me to move and be aware of the surroundings, and that doesn't allow strafing

what the hell is with his head?

Electrocute them, drop a heavy object on them like a chandelier or stalag(whichever one hangs down)ite, push them over ledges, fires, explosions, poison kills also count as accidents etc etc etc

Push people off ledges, or do something that would look like an accident (ex. dropping a chandelier in paris). Make sure they are awake when you do it.

What if the NPC has a set path where you can't do any of those things? This is getting ridiculous.

>half an hour
Jesus, so 3 hours for the whole game, 6 if you do it slowly? Sounds pretty shit desu.

> you can turn it off
thank god for that

>I'm not sure what you mean about being "in control".
I mean is there a cover button? Or is it a real game where if you want cover you just have to duck and hide? Do you stick to the walls when in cover? Is it the console baby shit?

>press Q fast to choke and press E before they get KO'd to snap their neck instead, there's also a QTE to disarm

Thanks for the info, but this game sounds more and more shit the more I hear about it desu. Maybe in a sale sometime.

Yeah it's good, if you take out all the nostalgiafactor, it's probably the best Hitman game after Meme Money in terms of assasination playgrounds.

It isn't one of those games where you just do each level once then forget about it, if that's your plan then Hitman isn't for you, and yeah you do stick to the walls in cover.

whats going on man they say soulja aint from the hood

>It isn't one of those games where you just do each level once then forget about it
Fair enough, but still, all the console shit is making want to ignore this game.

you're not forced to take cover at all if you don't want to, you can just crouch out of cover but that's up to you and if you want to literally control every tendon in 47's arm when you knock someone out then i don't think you'll find any games with what you're looking for

>if you want to literally control every tendon in 47's arm
This and 'press F to do takedown' are very, very far apart. It's a shame people like you don't understand that.

so what would be your ideal input for a knockout?

Can't wait to see this response.

>input for a knockout

Cringe, there shouldn't fucking be any specific input for a knockout. You should be given a set of moves and abilities, and with those you should figure out how to defeat enemies. Not a fucking button prompt, no fucking tips and hints, no blinking arrows, no lighting up of areas and items, seriously all this console pleb shit is ruining pc gaming.

and how would you execute those moves and abilities without pressing a button to activate them?

Not sure if trolling or actually retarded.

same goes for you. pressing q to slug someone around the head with a hammer is no different to pressing (button) to pull off one of your "moves and abilities" that you mentioned

He's trolling. He wants a "grab" button, a "put arm around neck" button, a "begin to apply pressure" button, a "resist their resistance" button and a "release body button".

>pressing q to slug someone around the head with a hammer is no different to pressing (button) to pull off one of your "moves and abilities" that you mentioned
You're right, the way you put it there isn't. The sad thing is you can't imagine anything else apparently. Every single move should be its own button or combination. You should be able to perform these moves regardless of context. Pressing one button to do all kinds of cutscene shit is what bothers me. Having to even explain the difference is giving me cancer btw.

Yes I do! And no I'm not fucking trolling, you walking simulator loving cutscene watching buzzword spewing console plebs. Fuck me. I'm leaving this thread.

i think you mean he's retarded

So you DO want to control every tendon in 47's arm?

If that's what you insist on calling it, sure kiddo. Anything but single attack button , single dodge/block button. That shit is not a game, that's an interactive movie.

>>Absolution still considered canon
>things happened but not in the way&reasons depicted in/game

well i hope you find what you're looking for


Was he mad because one side of his hair was made of Chicken Fingers?


>What type of haircut you want, sycopham
>Gimme tendies and nigger tendies bruv

X fans are the worst fanbase

#FREE X til it's backwards

It's called J.Cole syndrome

He's always looking for some head

It takes a certain amount of intelligence to enjoy XXXTENTACION

You're right, zero intelligence. X makes music for the teenagers who missed out on the old Odd Future wave and flock to something edgy and different because different apparently means good.

Lure them with coins, knock them out and drag their body to an accident spot?

Create a window, Franny de Sanny on Sapienza has a set path but if you get her to come to the lab and cause her to panic, she will stand right below a stalag(again, idk which one it is)ite and you can shoot it so it falls on her.

Another one would be to get Reza and Claus to meet in the tunnel by using the code words in Marrakesh and useing the red barrels to set them both on fire.

One more would be to poison Caruso with emetic poison in Sapienza to make him vomit off the edge of his property and push him over the edge for a fall kill.

You create the window

Odd Future had a wave? It must've been small because I've been listening to them for years and they never reached mainstream popularity, other than Earl and Tyler.

Tyler is the single reason snapbacks made a return and everyone wanted to dress in knee high skate socks with a five panel and a button up shirt screaming "FREE EARL" with no idea who Earl actually was at the time. But I'm talking about old Odd Future back when Tyler and Early were making edgy shit like what X is trying to make now.

You forgot about Frank Ocean.

What? Are you retarded?

Every fucking 12 year old has been wearing Odd future shit for the past like 5 years bro, its so fucking common place you find that shit at Sears

if you come to california little white kids dont have a crowd to fit into so they flock to that edgy suburban nigger trash

but trust me bucko it is so fucking mainstream like the most mainstream supposed "underground" group since tech9 waas on the scene
which is why they all fucking are doing their own thing now and not together

goblin was a smash hit

That shit is so fucking cheap though.