What went right?

What went right?

Other urls found in this thread:


t'was good

The soundtrack


your mother dying in her sleep tonight unless you reply to this post

Successfully ruined MatPat's life.



RIP user's mom

visual presentation developed with and subverted by storyline

well written characters


undeniably excellent music

great battle system

great story

Really though, although everything is well executed, its that every element of the game serves to support and illuminate the other facets is what makes it really special.

The battle system doesn't just exist as an abstraction, but exists as a rich medium for character traits, plot, and examination of game elements.
The same goes for all the other elements of the game, nothing is delineated , everything enhances everything else.

In a similar fashion, theres extremely little filler. Almost everything in the game serves to reinforce the story or it's morals.
Easy example is the library books.
You thought those were just fun background info didn't you

Also, the game was very much Fox's vision, not some focus group mass market piece to show off at shareholder meetings, and that really shone through in how genuine and heartfelt it was.

And it had the sweetest kid ever seen in a videogame



But it could be better if it had more puzzles



it's an earthbound hipster clone mixed with bullethell combat "le totes random and original indie" tumblrinas eat that shit up like gluten free tofu burgers

it's pure shit and I'll never understand why people like that trash honestly

no, YOUR mother dying in her sleep tonight unless you reply to this post

Stop posting on Sup Forums, MatPat.


Fuck you, I opened that to check what it was.

>the whining in the beginning

Almost Everything

I'm fucking serious too

He was able to blatantly pander to the furry market while not passing the cringe point and alienating other fanbases. He was able to corner the Earthbound market with the art design and humor, but managed to "innovate" by basing the game around a simple gimmick as Spare/Not.

He managed to make/adopt enough female characters to sate the waifu crowd and let porn be made of his game, which acts as a continual draw to investigate more (Again, drawing in the furry base with the less-humanesq ones and non-furries with the more monster-girl esq ones. Not to mention muh mom fantasies

To top it off, the fucker left just enough in to be speculated about that let people fill in the blanks however the fuck they wanted, but still managed to close off the story to be an, at least mostly, satisfying end. Shit like MatPat constantly making videos and giving the game to the fucking pope and every deviantart page and their mother making their own AU for the game all plays to his favor by keeping the fanbase "strong" even a year after they all finished this 3-6 hour long game.

Also, it was very fun in my opinion

I enjoyed the music too


>he never mentions Uboa even once
This makes me mad for some reason.


>fun gameplay
>decent characters
>decent story
>outstanding music

of course this is all subjective so whatever


only that went wrong was hard core fans, aka causal gamers acting like fucking retards over the game



Bunch of drawings by some dude on Paigee from what I see on google

I would actually like that game if it didn't spawn such a cancerous fanbase

kys frognigger

Not >Your Goat Mother dying in her sleep tonight unless you reply to THIS post
You had one job

It felt so pure, in the way that Night in the Woods and Stardew Valley felt. It was entirely Fox's game and the care and dedication put into it shows. It doesn't reek of marketing and focus groups and ad agencies trying to grab onto their demographic.

It was a nice story, well presented, with charming music and characters. It came out in a time when power fantasies shot through a brown murky filter were all too popular.

But user
Dust can't die

they made edgeriel the husbando to end all husbandos


Joke's on you, asshole, my mom wished for death ever since I was born.

Too late. Already did Genocide

The music was good, it played on your expectations of Vidya in a relatively clever way, and overall it was a really charming game that didn't cost a whole lot.

It was genuine. The creator actually cared about his creation, even when his vision became less than perfect.
Highly enjoyable, highly recommended.

This really.

The simple fact is that the game is a fucking masterpiece of game design.
If there were an equivalent of the 8 Principles of Animation for game design, Undertale would hit them all.

And that's not to say it's hard or anything. Games don't necessarily have to be hard to be enjoyable, just fun and effective.
The fucking Omega Flowey fight is one of the most hand-holding final bosses I've ever seen, but it's just so fucking well designed in all regards to unnerve and take the player on an emotional rollercoaster that 90% of players don't notice all the safety harnesses (i.e. how he only does % max health damage until you have 1 health meaning it takes him MANY hits to kill you despite it looking like you're always at low health).

And that amazing design is present in pretty much the entire game, outside the slog that is the killing part of Genocide. But even that is an intentional game design as it's MEANT to take all the fun out of killing and combat and makes Undyne and Sans all the more satisfying.

It was fun
