Why would anyone get this for the Switch when you own a WiiU...

Why would anyone get this for the Switch when you own a WiiU? The only argument I see is IT HAS BETTER GRAPHIX!!1 But when someone points out how outdated the graphics are on any version of the game suddenly graphics dont matter?

Why would you pay 360$ to play one game when you can just wait for a pricedrop and there are alot of good games to play for it?

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I've heard the WiiU game is pretty much constantly running at 15-20fps.

I'll wait for reviews of both and then decide.

Because I'm going to buy a switch anyway so who cares.

I would say you can play it portable on the road but who would play it somewhere on a small ass screen when you can play it on the tv how a proper Zelda game should be played.

But I dont own a WiiU

Nobody owns a WiiU. That's the problem.

There are some heavy drops but it's really not nearly that bad

Why would I get it for the WiiU when I want a Switch anyway?

I'm pretty sure there are 14 million more people that own a Wiiu than a Switch.

I think it's has less o do with graphics and more to do with overall performance.

I doubt anyone gives a shit that the Switch runs the game in 900p. However, if the WiiU game is 15fps and Switch is 30fps that's a significant difference in performance.

i've got it installed to system memory and the only reason you'd want the switch version is for

>a more constant framerate (both versions have dips, it's not as ad on the switch tho)
>slightly better textures
>increased FOV
>better load times (tho if you install to the wii U internal memory they're nonexistant)

but all of these are at least good on the Wii U - good enough to really want to make you second guess a switch purchase.

Why would anyone with a WiiU keep that PoS?

>sell shitty console
>buy new console
>buy new game that runs better on new console
>play a good version of good game on good console

>Selling your old consoles

breath of the wild's biggest problem is that Zeldas english va literally sounds like Ling from Kung Pow with a shitty british accent

>tfw thinking about selling my wiiu and the games but can't bring myself to do it

I don't know man it just feels wrong, I've never sold any of my consoles or handhelds. Even if I don't play them again.

>being so poor you have to sell your consoles
Wii U had some great exclusives. Two fantastic games from Platinum, the best 2D platformer ever made, and one of the best open world games ever made. Plus all its games are free since its hacked, plus its the best way to play N64, Gamecube and Wii games

Those 14 million are so saulty that I'm sure they're not gonna get jewed by nintendo again

Being smart and poor are two different things.

>don't have a wii u
>don't want to buy a dead console
>buy a switch instead in hope that it has a strong line up in the future.

I'm getting it on Wii U, but the game is designed to shill the switch.

Because Nintendo consoles have such a short lifespan, In 4-5 years the next console will be out already. I bought the WiiU less than a year ago and played pretty much all the games that came out for it in a month. It was a fun but short experience. This time I want to be there from the start

I bet most of the WiiU library will be ported to Switch over time anyway.

No loss.

Which is not a lot. That's Vita numbers. That's Dreamcast numbers.
That's less-than-half-of-Xbone-numbers (and that's saying something)

And considering only the most avid Nintendo fanboys got the WiiU (for the most part), a good portion will also get the Switch day1 like the retards they are, and buy Zelda there instead anyway.

4-5 years used to be the standard console lifecycle for a generation.

>I've heard the WiiU game is pretty much constantly running at 15-20fps.
This is just Switch preorderers who are exaggerating for the sake of shitposting. Wii U version runs at 30fps 80% of the time with some slowdown here and there, mostly in the villages.

>I bet most of the WiiU library will be ported to Switch over time anyway.
niche games like The Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 definitely won't. I bet Tropical Freeze won't either.

>when you can just wait for a pricedrop

Yeah, have fun waiting for that.

I bought a switch cause I had money burning a hole in my pocket and cause my wiiu pad is broke and nobody sells just the pad.

There will at least be a bundle which is basically like getting a free game for waiting a few months.

FOV between the two versions is exactly the same.

I would wait for a price drop and hold on to my WiiU if Nintendo didnt drop the console 4 years into its cycle with the exception of this one game and it wont be getting anymore games in the future. I'm stuck with a dead console.

Any Wii U games that are getting ports would have been announced by now. I doubt you're going to see any more Wii U ports on the Switch aside from maybe smash

This. I didn't even know much about it when I got it, but I bought a Wii U only for W101 and worried about filling out the library later. I would do it again, too.

Selling your Wii U is not smart at all if you care about being able to play pretty much every game ever released on Nintendo hardware, and if you don't why would you own one in the first place.

well the Wii U will not have any more games coming on it, and the wii U is not portable. I don't have either so the switch is a better deal - especially when the wii U already has emulation figured out for every other game I've wanted to play on it.

Only idiots get the switch on launch.
The smart person already got a Wii U cheap for its exclusives, and can now pick up the definite version of BotW without having to spend 360$ for a game and beta testing a broken console.

It's 20 FPS when you enter a village.

It dips in combat a little and it dips when using the tablet special powers. It's only really bad in villages. I mean REAL bad. Which is a shame because the villages are super comfy and all look great

I don't know about graphics but it runs like shit on my Wii U.
Constant sub 20fps drops.

I bought a WiiU last christmas for 120$ and got all the good games for less than 100$. I'm doing the same with the Switch in 5 years.

>when you own a WiiU
There's the problem, I don't own a Wii U nor a good enough PC to run CEMU.
If Switch has ports of all the good games from Wii U plus new games like SMT V that's more than enough for me.

Hacked WiiU is great. Entire Wii, GameCube and WiiU library on top of DS and emulators.

The Wii U is only a bit less portable than the Switch.

One cable is all you need to play it. The Switch is seriously just a rebranding of the features they didn't boast with the Wii U.

I'm getting one anyway for Odyssey and future games. Might as well get it out of the way now

I got a Wii U back in 2014 for Zelda and future games. Figured might as well get it out of the way then.

If you own a wii u you're clearly a fan of Nintendo and will buy any hardware they put out to get their games. Nintendo has stated botw is the last wii u game

Why would you not get the switch? You'll have a better version of Zelda and will get all Nintendo games going forward

Why are you trying to dissuade people from buying a switch anyway, how does it hurt you?

>Why would you not get the switch?
Because I don't buy hardware at launch regardless of Nintendo. Zelda is only marginally better on the Switch and early adoption is for suckers.

Well, there's a rumour floating around that only pirated copy suffer from some framerate issue due to the multiple background software hogging the memory and the process.
There's supposedly a workaround for it in a way you install your BotW copy.

Why indeed

>Both versions can only last 3 hours in handheld mode, although the switch has a better screen and can be taken anywhere.
>Both versions can be played with a pro controller, however the Wii U pro controller is incompatible with switch so you'd have to shell out $70 for a new one. This also applies to non Wii U owners.
>Switch is at 900p, Wii U is at 720p.
>Both suffer frame drops in certain areas
>May be less pop in on the Switch version
>Both consoles will have no games to play after Zelda until summer especially Wii U which will be dead at that point.
>first run Switch controllers may or may not be defective

The Switch version has some advantages but if you already own a Wii U there's no reason to invest $300 dollars in a Switch at this moment.

If you are/were a wii u owner*

Except hacked Wii Us don't run any extra background software over normal Wii Us, and reviewers playing on legitimate copies of the Wii U version are reporting the exact same thing as pirates are.

Why are nintendo fans absolutely retarded when it comes to piracy. It's insane.

A hacked Wii U does not need to run any background apps to play games, they are downloaded from Nintendo's servers and installed to the system memory or external HDD.
Unless you're talking about loadiine, in which case anyone who's retarded enough to still be using loadiine deserves shitty performance.


>tfw nintendo fan
>tfw switch is 550$ in your country
>tfw stuck with a dead WiiU with no new games ever untill I magically conjure up the money for a Switch

Have you seen the prices on Wii U? If you don't own one you're better off getting a Switch

It does run and look better on Switch. You can point out whatever bullshit you want, it won't change that fact.

No duh genius. OP's premise was that you already own a Wii U, not that you buy a Wii U just for this.

Because I have the money to spend and frequently travel for my job. GG poorfags

>Common sense and logic is bullshit

I'm a simple man that finds joy in buying new gadget to play around with, especially new game platforms.

I work and I make decent money. 300 or 360$ is not investment for me. It's not a decision or something I might discuss. It's only 350$, I don't care.

Send me $360 pls senpai its for a good cause

>15-20 fps
isnt that good for a console?

The greatest Zelda of all time ran on that framerate. It's fine.

550$ for a swith? fuck my life

Not only this, but loading times will be better on installed copies, so if reviewers experience dips as things load, they will experience them longer since the game is on disk. The pirate will experience less with install

I have a salary and buying and playing game is one of the few joys I have left, why should I keep myself from buying a game platform for a game I want to play ? I have the money and I also want to play Mario Odissey in the future, there's no reason for not buying the switch if you're not a poorfag

More bad frame rates. Last 20 seconds are basically a slide show in high vegetation area.

If you work for me for a few days I would give you 360$. It's not "free money" man

shieeeeeeeeeeeet goddam honkey gibsmedat

Really makes you think



More slide show. youtube.com/watch?v=F7c9FLfyLCU

I'm waiting for emulation because fuck nintendo for not going third party already, you got to be fucking kidding me if you think I'm going to buy shitty hardware every other year for a single fucking game.

>bought 3ds for Zelda & Monster Hunter
>worth it
>buy Switch, a significantly more powerful system for Zelda & potential Monster Hunter

He's right tho.

Behind all the false marketing, the fact is that Switch is basically a Wii U revision, just like the Wii was a Gamecube revision.

Wii U was actually a massive bump in graphics from Wii. But the Swicth is a very minor if any at all, bump in graphics from Wii U.

What kind of retarded question is this?

This is just like GTAV with the PS3/360. Man I'm glad I didn't buy a PS4 to play that pile of shit.

How did somebody at nintendo see this and think it was okay? I seriously refuse to believe this. Especially after, once again, we waited an entire console generation again for another Zelda and you're telling me they couldn't be fucking bothered to polish it up a bit in that time? A mainline Zelda game at that? I just don't even know what they're thinking anymore.

The GTA V port was much more substantial, because of the changes to foliage, dynamic weather and textures. The Switch port of Zelda is literally the same.

Also portable

Why would wiiu users buy the switch? Its the same shit

Dreamcast sold more and still has more developers

Because nintendo knows their fans are basically crack addicts and will gladly hand over cash for anything they put out.

>A mainline Zelda game at that?
None of main 3D Zelda games either have good framerates, though. It was expected that BotW wouldn't be different, so it's pointless to complain.

I wonder why none of Zelda 3D games before BotW has received any single complaint of their bad framerate, but BotW receives.

I'm just so glad they didn't cancel the Wii U version

I get to watch the Switch crash and burn and I won't miss out on the one game I've been looking forward to for a long time

its really bad what are you talking about.

You can't go into a village without your frames dropping to 10. Fighting more than 3 enemies also tanks your framerate. Basically doing anything besides afk'ing in grass tanks the framerate.

I am a nintendrone

>It was expected that BotW wouldn't be different, so it's pointless to complain.
You're basically saying being consistently given shit isn't a reason to start complaining. I think it's MORE of a reason.

to pirate games and play Zelda Breath of the Wild a week early?

What's the point to complain if something will never get resolved or solved? Zelda 3D has received titles through years, and still, none of them features good framerate. Aunoma and his team doesn't care about that, as long it's 30fps.

Basically, why bother? If you want good framerate, wait for CEMU.

it doesn't count if it's the wiiu, switch is a good replacement

so I can take it farther than 5 feet from my house user