This better not be in Australia

This better not be in Australia

Other urls found in this thread:

why are you posting my house


mid west in US

Not too bad

Why is image quality so shit in US?

what the heck is happening

What's the next one OP?

burger grease on all their camera lenses

>spawn near a sign
>oh good, I can check the language
>it's in cyrillic

No idea where this might be



Sup Forums - Google Maps

It was Netherlands

Well at least I know it's in a German speaking country.

Same place


Maybe somewhere in South America?

I'd guess Brazil

>spawn someone in the middle of a forest or grass plain

This could be anywhere.

At least it was on the same continent

where to play this?

>see this

Fortunately the Korean alphabet is easy to recognise.

Looks Like east europe

one time i got a view from a boat off the coast of battleship island. got within 10m.



>mfw I found out it takes like 10 minutes to learn to read Korean

Fucking magic.

That's ukrainian.

eucalyptus you


Oh fuck no

If the image quality was a bit better I could actually read that

Or maybe it's US

Wow holy shit it was a random road on Africa

Sure was

Gee, I wonder where this is.

Could have been better

No. But soon it will be.


Lovely commieblocks

whats going on here

>chinese words
>"changing rooms "


*blocks your path*


russian I guess?

checkm8 mofos

wait, where is my pict..

This is a game?

not bad

I don't even know where to begin



check out my sweet ass battlestation

I got three right

>Get dropped into a location
>pictures are blurry as shit

Come on google.


>Get dropped into a location
>can't move anywhere
At leat it wasn't inside an office or something

one time I got within 30 metres of the place

you euros should market a perfume

At least in an office it's easy to find what language the place you're in uses.

fucking Africa and Russia.

Roads have much more shit on it: signs, poles, trash, quality of the road.

>guess Africa
>It's Australia again

opposite for me

Africa and Australia look literally identical

Australia has better roads.

>guess Russia
>it's Russia but 2000km away

>guess around moscow because it's russia
>it's vladivostok

Some of the backwater states were photographed a while ago and the google people never went back to update.


>guess US
>it's US but 2000km away
Same thing goes for Australia.

what state?

>start in a random field
>look around and find nothing
>guess it's Nebraska
>it's fucking Romania

The US is big but at least it's relatively square.
Russia spans an entire continent and a half.



It's also somewhat easy to guess where you are in the US from the enviroments

If you're from the US maybe. The midwest looks like nearly all of Canada.

>You've come to the wrong neighborhood, blyat.

I'm not from there but I can guess because it's mostly plains, mountains, deserty-area or forest. What type of forest also tells me how north or south the area is

Of fucking course

>see image
>guess south africa.
>its South Africa

Well shit, I believe I actually passed near that town a couple years ago.

>spawn in all these comfy looking towns
>live in a generic modern city

Either the US or Eastern Europe

It was Estonia



This game always depresses me when playing the UK version. I live in the middle of London full of pakis, chinks and darkies but I came from a rural area.

Always end up in some comfy little village with a few shops and a nice pub.

>mfw 5000 points


Well you are welcome to fuck off to your shithole, lad.

I don't fancy a 2 hour commute each morning pal. No need to get upset that London is fucking horrible.

This could be anywhere. Thanks (((Google))).


So just stay in your shithole and collect dem bennies, lad.