
Really makes your noggin' joggin', doesn't it?

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Western game industry is a fucking joke

Americans like to bleed something until there is no more money to be had.

All these crazy good games released this quarter almost made me forget about Persona 5.

Like what? I bought a lot more games last year

like some of these

desu I'm not interested in 85% of these and I'm a weeb

Yakuza 0 and Nier are the only other things other than P5 I want. I guess the Atelier when it eventually comes out maybe. Still, I feel last year and 2015 had a stronger line up


purce narcissm

>I don't like the games so they don't exist!

You had a rough day in the Horizon thread. Calm down.

Since when is the release of 4 games you want in 4 months a bad thing? And all of them (but Atelier) are huge releases. AND you filtered through a lot of neat games like GravityRush2 or NioH - but hey tastes and tastes.

I think 2016 was great too because AA games saved that year. But how is Q1 2016 even comparable to Q1 2017? Same question for Q1 2015.

What came out in those years, in the first quarter-ish period, that is better than Yakuza0, Persona5, Nier Automata and Atelier?

ok retard its not like you cant play both

That's not unique to any nation's media producers. They all do that.

America is one of the more unique ones in that their AAA industry will spend an obscene amount of money to force something to be popular and make a shitload of money. They use up the product very inefficiently, often tainting its brand, then discard it before they actually could get as much as they really could from it.

Meanwhile Japan has many of the longest running series in all of games and other media. Even if the profits are small and the budgets need to shrink, as long as they can keep making them, they'll make them. If you want to see products being bled for every possible penny while doing it at cheaply as possible, you look at Japan.


Is this.... a Bioware fanboy I spot?

what? Your kin still exists in this day and age?

the fuck are you talking about i dont want the game you just look like a fucking retard trying vs shit

western devs take their audience by granted so they tried to appeal people outside that circle


Exactly, people like you.

Will you ever stop? This is bordering to mental illness.

na i havent been here in 4 days just to come and see if Sup Forums was still shit looks like it is

Chink games suck balls. I really hope japmoot creates /pcv/ where there are no slant games to be found. Take your anime garbage and shove it up your ass.

Is this a new form of autism?

You've spent all morning trying to defend Alloy's shitty model and now you're here doing the same retarded one-word-with-picture posts. You can't even type. Are you a nigger?

No need to worry about that- I mean, you know that since some years ago this place tries to be a safeplace for your kind.

He's like XV-kun but for western games.

What 2016 games are we on about here, I didn't really like last year at all.
Maybe I missed them.

no but this is
fuck you retarded east vs west shit retard

yes its funny to see retards scream sjw over and over

Yeah nah, Phil Fish blew jap devs the fuck out

How old are you? Black? Poo? You type as if actual English is very tricky for you.

ok kid go back to your east vs west shit you keep trying to push im going to sleep

at least they've finally moved on from the COD obsession

now everything wants to be an open world RPG, which while already tired is a better genre

Didn't answer the question. Age and race? Spill it.

I tried Persona 3, and it was one of the worst games I've ever played. Literally the entire game is running through empty random generated corridors, and when you encounter an enemy you select the correct persona, spam the weakness, and win - like it's a baby puzzle or something. That's it. The whole game for 60 hours. As for the story, it's like something you would see on deviantart. Why does Sup Forums pretend this absolutely mindless casual garbage is better than something like Call of Duty, when it's far worse?

so no dark souls, mario, metal gear, ace combat, chrono cross, no japanese games?

I'm surprised I know people hate weebs
but never thought that somebody would hate japanese games entirely.

Mostly AA games. Stuff like GundamBreaker3, GrandKingdom, the OdinSphere remake+remaster, EDF4.1, Digimon CyberSleuth, Ratchet, etc. You also have high tier AA's or low tier AAA's depending on your classification - stuff like DragonQuest Builders, #FE or World of FinalFantasy, and the 5 billion fighting games (new SF, KoF, GG and more)

Majority of AAA's were shit though, but that's to be expected. The only good western AAA last year was Titanfall2, that's about it.

But nearly all relevant western games ARE shit nowadays, while the opposite is true of japanese games. There is a VERY clear difference in quality between the two regions.

I'm not particularly interested in GR2 at all. NioH might be alright but it's not my preferred style of game.

2016 Q1 releases: Cyber Sleuth, Mega Nep VII, SMT IV A. I guess Disgaea PC and Stardew. For 2015 I'd have to look at a list. Maybe I was thinking of things that came out later than Q1.

I won't argue with you that there are more AA and AAA games this time, it's just a matter of personal interest. I still want to give For Honor a try and RE7 might be worth a rental

World of Final Fantasy and Gundam Breaker 3 were great, but later than Q1

I forgot them here

This Q1 is packed as fuck

It's god damn suicide, considering picking up a switch for zelda too

No motherfucking rest

>considering picking up a switch

They aren't in it for the game, they're in it for the fap material and escapism.
Same reason persona "fans" won't play 1 and 2. Same crap gameplay, better written, less suitable for self inserting, still has super cute girls.

it's always an open-world rpg where you use guns so they can have both, especially if they shove in a multiplayer mode at the last moment

Soulsborne is the only decent vidya to come out of Japan this decade. The West is still pumping out good games.

P3 was a dumbed-down "preasu buy our gaemu, mainstream consumer-san" entry in a sub-series that already had a good deal of gameplay issues. It should not be indicative of much.

>japan has no lowest common denominator pandering guise, n-n-nippon are good

That said, their games targeting specifically only the west are better than both sides.

>as many players as passable
>make it an exclusive

stopped reading threre

>female protagonist in a japanese game
>cool, charismatic, developed personality, attractive with a thoughtful design

>female protagonist in a western game
>obnoxious, attempts to seem badass are forced and fall flat, pandering and agenda driven, ugly and trash

Every time.

Why does this happen? Isn't Japan supposed to be a more conservative culture?


western women feel threatened by those that are superior to them, even if it's 2D. Guess they don't like to pretend like they're better than their miserable existence