Hey Sup Forums. My girlfriend wants to play video games with me, but i don't own any 2 player games

Hey Sup Forums. My girlfriend wants to play video games with me, but i don't own any 2 player games.
What ps4 game will bring the two of us the most enjoyment?


Let her peg you

>What ps4 game will bring the two of us the most enjoyment?
Nothing, just fuck instead.

EDF 4.1

Bears cant drift

>a Mario

I recently played RE5 with my woman. Its cheap (I think it was $20) and fun enough to be enjoyable purely as a co-op experience. You actually have to work together and even have the chance to save one another at times.

I came into this thread to check for this reply. Thanks user.

TPS and FPS games are pretty hard to get into if you've never even held a controller before. Handling one analog is pretty hard, two is pretty much impossible.

Fat Princess Adventures is pretty good couch co-op.

It's a cute and silly little Diablo clone, that's simple and engaging to play. It even does some things smarter than Diablo on PS4 by not taking up the whole screen when one of you changes gear.

You could also just get Diablo, or even Divinity: Original Sin, but they're more complicated, and may turn her off.