H-hey user, wanna come over and play video games on Saturday?

>h-hey user, wanna come over and play video games on Saturday?

What do you do?

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No, 3D pig go away

Nice 5head.

>tfw slowly aquiring an SJW fetish
>tfw no SJW gf to peg me whilst she gives me a rough femdom handjob

Sure thing, doc.

Does she have a benis?

It better not be a pokemon game we're playing.

no way, fag

That won't happen to me. And if it does, it will only be about playing videogames. Probably games I don't like but I'll try to have fun somehow.

Sure, what we playin'.

..And I swear to god, if you say Battleborn again, user is gonna have to choke a bitch


Nah, I'd rather not hang out with someone who has those ugly piercings and is bound to get like 50 more to turn themselves into an iron maiden.

What is it about Pokemon that draws these "nerd" girls?


>Harry Potter

Do girls do this on purpose?

>nose ring
>purple and green hair
yeah, I'm busy

I'd say absolutely, that would be fun, and then I would try to avoid her for a couple days, Friday rolls around I'd call her and say hey, look, I'm sorry, something really important has come up and I won't be at to make it Saturday. Let me make it up to you sometime. Never make it up to her. When she calls me out on it in the future, say, oh shit! I have just been swamped with work and engagements I forgot all about it. I sure could use a break from it all, why don't you come over TONIGHT and we can play those video games. Then sex.

>implying a woman or a man is ever gonna invite me over


thank her for the dose

>female co-worker gives me a bunch of games because I never played them before
>already have a massive backlog from buying consoles late
What do?

No thanks I'm taking my girlfriend to the botanic gardens

Rip out all of thise piercings with a very, very strong magnet.

Septum piercings are so thrashy
I guess I gotta be thankful for a visible, convenient way to know those women are worthless

Sorry, I have a date with my boyfriend. We're going to see John Wick 2. Maybe some other time?
he's trans so it's ok

Say yes and then get really drunk and make her uncomfortable

arigato gyro

Thanks doc

The emo scene died long ago, what are you planning on doing, woman?

what kind of trans?


Sorry, succubus whore, you ain't depleting my power level.

Jerk off to Facebook pics

He hasn't gone on any hormone therapy yet, though. Unsure if he ever will desu, sometimes he likes to look very feminine.

Bright colours are a warning sign that the bitch is poisonous

Stomach watching Avengers with her and cum on her face, duh

Ask her "Yeah sure. Do you have Bong?"

Well, shit, I'm desperate enough to give it a shot. You better not have a dick, though.

oh so they're pretending

no we cenot do this niger

I can dig this.

please don't do this right now

Would be cute without the piercings overload ruining everything. bit is ok, this isn't.

A transformer

thanks doc


Fuck off Eric.

Who the fuck are you?
Don't deadname me you prick

Is it bad that I find her hot. And has the ability to stand up for her self and shit. Only downside is her crazy over view of video game characters being over sexual and stereo typed.

I bet like 2 month after dating her she'll be a annoying cunt asking you to do everything. Or maybe feminist are like the real good girlfriends that are chill as fuck. I'm always down for chilling


No way fag

that type of girl has been creampied since she was 5yo

Fuck of Eric John Huston.

Why would i do that? My PC is probably better and setup specifically for me.

Fuck off Eric John Huston.

wanna kik bby

"Sorry I have a girlfriend"

She can tell you're lying, you autist

is tyrone going with us on our date?

Should I bring my PC or what?

>harry potter



Legit, I hate plebs that think they can be what ever gender with out committing.

i want to impregnate this


She just earns easymoney and doesn't care about this whole SJW buzz.

Fuck off, I am married.

nonbinary is a gross meme

Attack helicopter boipussi is the best.


Going to see Logan sorry, can join if you want.

>meme hair
>nose piercings
>stretched ear holes
>harry potter

Oy vey m' lady but we jews don't play on Sabbath

Depends. What kind of chromosomes does it have?

a literaly amalgamation of daddy issues

can you imagine what these monsters will look like at 50 when everything is sagging and you have dorky looking fucking zelda tattoos

>That big fucking forehead
>That Poison Dart Frog hair dye job


>neck tattoo
>harry potter poster

no thanks, doc

I accept, and remind her that she has to eat allllll the eggs

No way, fag.

Post more THICC birds.

Any porn?

does she want me to fuck h-


no thanks

Source? Google redirects me to some obscure Czech imgur knockoffs.

> tattoos
> odd colored hair
> piercings
> ear guages
> choker

Her dad either fingerbanged her or never so much as hugged her her entire life.

Cute monsters
Mainstream as fuck
Easy to play
Tons of merchandise to show off

Is this the American equivalent to sex?

y u guies hate broken girls?

Sure but we'll have to go to bed early because there's church in the morning : )

Post feet.

Am I the only one that finds any kind of nose piercing utterly fucking disgusting?

Fucking shit taste, MoP was the worst Addon next to cataclysm. Diablo 3 sucks and everything else except MONHUN is shit aswell.

Only if you show me your dick.


>MoP was bad meme

Mists was one of the best expansions.

>no ass
Proud to be Irish

Except for all the shitty rep grinds.

Fuck outta here you casual furry weeb. The only cool thing was ganking on the timeless island.

>W-what if doc was a girl?

you have to be 18 to post here

Nah, but they have their practical uses for farm animals. Pigs and cows, mostly. Seems ironic

danks doc