Bethesda partnering up with AMD, Nvidia users will suffer worse performance

>This week at the Game Developers Conference, Fallout and Elder Scrolls publisher Bethesda announced a "long-term strategic partnership" with chip-maker AMD. Bethesda said fans can expected to see "unprecedented performance" from new technologies as a result of the partnership.
>A press release from AMD explains that the partnership is for multiple games. Bethesda and AMD will "collaborate to develop and accelerate the implementation of new technologies, including the full potential of low-level APIs, such as Vulkan, and the computing and graphics power of AMD Ryzen CPUs, Radeon GPUs, and AMD server solutions across existing Bethesda franchises," the release says.
>AMD added: "The close-knit strategic partnership will combine hardware, software, and game engineering talents at both companies with the creative genius of Bethesda content developers to deliver extraordinary experiences on upcoming hardware architectures."

TL;DR: AMD Gameworks is incoming and Nvidia users are fucked performance wise.

Please, it's a Bethesda game. AMD users are fucked performance wise as well.


Nothing was lost, move on OP

wonder how much they paid him

Anything new?
Nvidia users are always fucked perfomance wise, no matter the developer or the company itself

>Yfw you didn't fall for $500 Nvidia GPU meme
>Yfw you didn't fall for the core i7 meme

And they still cant optimize their games for shit.

>bethesda games
>top tier performance
>on any card


*notices your ryzen*

Can't wait for Skyrim 2

based todd

>Had to endure Dishonored 2's incredible launch
>Now Prey will be the same

kek, comparing a 1080p card to a 1440p card

1070 is 400$ tops

Maybe if AMD didn't spendball their money on shills they would be ahead

Mfw my upgrade path went from a HD 4250 - HD 6850 x2 - HD 7950 - GTX 770 - GTX 970 - HD 6950.

Anybody else realized their graphic card was being wasted on sub-2012 games? Haven't played a new game since fallout 4 and I dropped that shit game after 50 hours of tedious trying to have fun.

It's been nothing but downhill lately for Nvidia. Their drivers aren't as good anymore, their hardware is overpriced for what they have to offer, and they're getting more and more scummy with their business practices as time goes on.

I guess this is what happens when you have a monopoly for awhile and get too cocky, kind of like Sony with the PS2/PS3.

>AMD Gameworks
PC gaming is one big meme


oh nooo i wont be able to play the next fallout: call of duty edition

Good for AMD.

okay, my body is ready todd.
throw me the games ! i've got cash to burn !

oh no

>expecting their games to run good on any system regardless of hardware

what the fuck are you talking about
amd optimized games never fuck with nvidia cards, different of the nvidia gameworks games where nvidia clearly bottleneck the amd cards and even goes to the point of fucking their own cards

That's nice. Although I can't see Bethesda's incompetence doing Vulkan any favours.

Oh my god yes. Finally.
Loyal AMD fans are finally getting what they deserve. Thank you Todd Howard, I love you so much.