Will this be Nintendo's first silent release? I haven't seen any advertising or promotions for it anywhere

Will this be Nintendo's first silent release? I haven't seen any advertising or promotions for it anywhere

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how young

Nintendo cant afford to make commercials anymore.

They had a Super Bowl ad you dumbass

I literally just saw an ad for Zelda + the Switch yesterday on regular cable TV

Not in France. I saw several TV spots for this Zelda.

>literally had a superbowl ad

what? one of the previous (was it the last?) e3s was dedicated to zelda almost exclusively

You wut?
They've run ads on TV quite a bit. You know, the super bowl ad?
This one?

It had a motherfucking Super Bowl ad

>Posts Wii U version

He means on wii u you fucking autist.

E3 was the Wii U version.

They don't even mention it, though.
Not even a "*Also available on Wii U" in small text at the bottom.

Implying they want
>*******also on Wii U
To hinder possible sales of the switch

They don't want you to know there's a Wii U version, because then you wouldn't buy a switch for it. No reason to promote it.
One of my friends even thought the game was a switch exclusive that's how people in the media are treating it.

They've officially ended production the Wii U. It makes no sense to advertise it in the least. The handful of people that bought Wii Us already know about it and if they don't have a Wii U, Nintendo certainly doesn't want you buying Wii U to play it instead of buying a Switch.

They had a conmercial for it during the superbowl you retard

That's a Wii U game, you retard.

This is the commercial they showed
Please watch it and tell me the exact timestamp of where it says for Wii U.

>advertise for a console they don't make anymore instead of the new console you're trying to sell

You're an advertising genius

There's no reason for them to advertise the Wii U version, they are more interested in selling it on the Switch. The only reason they didn't cancel the Wii U version is because it would piss off a lot of their diehard fans. Those same fans that bought the Wii U don't need to be advertised to.

The only point of this thread was for OP to call out a bunch of people and make them look like a retard. It's a tactic among the biggest autists to make their dicks grow bigger. Post an outdated box art RP ESRB picture and just pretend everyone is supposed to instantly know he's talking about only the Wii U version without clarifying at all in the OP, only clarifying it when he can respond to people to make them look wrong.

Disregard this. I'm a fucking idiot who can't into reading.

wii u stopped being produced
they don't want to market a dead console, instead they're focusing on the switch

Who the fuck owns a Wii U and doesn't know this is coming out?
It makes no sense to market a dead console.

>6 hours of footage from E3
>e-celebs get the game a week early to generate buzz
>TV Ads

that's because Nintendo of Europe is million times more competent than Nintendo of America