343 Halo

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


nigger mc and promethean enemies and weapons.


Nothing, H5 is amazing

The multiplayer for 5 is the best since Halo 2 though.

>Blue filter
>Over-complicated design
>Goyim traps... I mean requisitions
>Delayed release of features
>Trying to capture cod audience when the games play nothing alike
>Ruining Big Team
>Michael Bay campaigns
>Poorly thought out enemies (Prometheans in their entirety, complete waste of potential.)
>Halo 4 High TTK, Fast movement. People didn't die on big maps.
>Halo 5 Low TTK, Fast movement. No big maps, effectively making the game COD for sci-fi babbys

Sprint improved Halo though.

Ignore Halo 5 shills, they just want people to play with them in their shitty future-shooter/titanfall ripoff/chinese pay-to-win/microtransaction game.
As it is desperately dying.

You have to be 18 to post.

Story went to shit but multiplayer stayed strong. I'll keep hopes for the next release for story.

>wahh ignore people with different opinion than me
Grow up faggot.

they lack talent and direction

so everything really

>paid shilling on que, every halo thread at the top of every thread
>using (((the campaign was bad I agree goyim)) to bridge the gap to consumer to win him over
>(((but the MP was best in the series goyim, of that you can be sure))
>every single halo thread for the past 7 days

They tried to copy call of duty.

>promethean enemies and weapons.
This is the biggest problem, garbage enemies and weapons

also removal of splitscreen in 5

I have plenty of people to play with already thanks to the matchmaking...

but as a fan of FPS, this is the best modern iteration of arena shootan

it plays nothing like cod loser

No splitscreen in guardians, and all the motherfucking retcons only because art-direction what the fuck were they thinking

>aimin down sight

Yeah it does.

Doom mother fucker have you heard of it?

neither of those mechanics work the same in H5 as they do in CoD, are you stupid?

Doesn't change the fact that they don't belong in Halo, because it makes the game feel un-Halo, and more like CoD.

DOOM has garbage MP, but definitely an infinitely better SP that's true. I'd be hard pressed to choose between the two

>games can't change

nice goalposts there. Face it, the changes make the gameplay better

Fucking Halo 5. As a bookfag (Halo is a better book series than game series) this game pissed me off to no end by how sloppy, lazy and overall terrible the campaign was.

But, the worst of it is the apologists. People who say Halo 5 had ANY redeeming factor in its campaign. I suppose this is what a Mass Effect fan felt like after ME3.

>halo for the plot

Whatever you say, friend.

>he unironically reads children books

They continued a series that earned its good ending. Anything after Halo 3 is just milking the series for more money.

Dooms mp is a fucking blast, what are you on about? The matchmaking system is shit but the variety in maps, gametypes, and weapons as well as fast game play and quick respawns makes for an amazing time.

>Dooms mp is a fucking blast

woah there

>he calls someone a child for reading decent and comfy military sci-fi books on a fucking anime gaming forum
>talking about video games
Grow up, your insecurities are showing.

>reminding me of that awkward sex scene

Why would anyone write that?

Halo 5 is the best multiplayer Halo there has ever been. Single player sucks, but multiplayer is top notch.

also everything you said in defence of doom mp applied to H5 also. Not saying your wrong, but u kno

Yeah I love class based gameplay. That is truly what arena shooters needed to become actual good games



>calls someone insecure on a videogames board
Grow up, your insecurities are showing.

>didn't play the game

I think you're confusing load outs with classes, but it's okay, you're posting on an anonymous internet forum and no one will remember this.

>all these faggots in this thread apologizing for nu-nu-Halo 5 and shitting on the kino book series, as if you can't like both games and the books
Fucking kill yourselves all of you, I bet you hate The Witcher 3 as well.

Fall of Reach and First strike i would consider decent, the rest were eeehh


it's like the word has lost all meaning

This is unrelated, but why the fuck are people bringing up militarization of space and literally spouting >muh problems on earth >wtf I hate space exploration now

Just because Trump wants to support the space program? Seriously, some people are just so fucking delusional. Decrying Elon Musk because he's on Trump's advisory team? The president of the US?


So much fucking rampant shilling on reddit, even on Sup Forums regarding trump and space. Thank you for reading my blog

Giving the company to people who care more about money and catering to casuals and SJW's was the first mistake Bungie made honestly. Nothing chronologically after Halo 3 is canon

Silentium is kino though, are you implying that meme word ever had a meaning above "good for its genre/I liked it?"


I'll check it out, thanks

Everything correct that could possibly be stated in this thread in one video.


It's written by Greg Bear, very good hard/grand sci-fi author. Remember it's a trilogy.

Cryptum is OK
Primordium is boring but has some interesting setting and ideas
Silentium is god tier

Read all three! Don't be dissuaded by reddit-tier Halo 3 fanboys and >muh forerunner mystery

Maybe because the campaign was trash but the multiplayer was good?

>"we intentionally hired people that hate halo"

And in addition to that their games lack direction and creativity

>thread asking why games are shit
>the reason is because it changed into something not Halo
>"hurr games can't change"
Go choke on Locke's dick, faggot. 4 and 5 failed because it tried to get the CoD audience, it's obvious.

>not halo
It clearly says Halo 5: Guardians on the box

I can write Halo on my cock as well, what's your point? Fucking retard it's fanfiction.

>what's your point
Just saying that it's not in the spirit of the franchise is a nebulous argument

hilarious shit right here

grow up dude

It isn't. "Halo 5" and "Halo 4" are non-canon. Any attempts of 343 to legitimise them are fruitless

no, 343 owns the franchise, so it's canon

No it isn't. They regularly butcher the franchise and the lore. Whether or not they consider their shit canon is irrelevant. Halo is more than just money.


still tho the mp is lit

I agree senpai

Watch The Act Man's videos on YouTube. He does a really great job of going in-depth as to why Halo 5 is garbage and is generally pretty entertaining.

i like it tho

You mean casualised, commericalised COD tier bullshit for people who don't like having to actually enjoy prolonged and stressful firefights

COD MP is shit, H5 MP is lit

>grew up playing halo (+custom edition), 2, 3, reach to death
>didn't have the money to buy new vidya when 4 and 5 were released
>took Sup Forums at their word that they were both shit
>finally able to buy xbone, MCC, 5
>actually enjoyed campaign and MP of both

Fuck you Sup Forums. The retardation on this board never ceases to amaze me. Maybe you faggots just love being pissed off about everything idk

>Halo 4
Everything that wasn't the campaign

>Halo 5
Campaign and no split screen mixed in with the same art style problem of Halo 4

>Halo 6
Seems to be fixing the problems in their games
>Master Chief focused campaign
>split screen
>possible black undersuits
>simple story that keeps the EU out and doesn't pull another Halo 2 or 5
>possibility of 343 using the art style from Halo 2 Anniversary and Halo Wars 2

"Halo Reach" is non-canon. Any attempts of Bungie to legitimize them is fruitless