Why aren't video games fun anymore?

Why aren't video games fun anymore?

Fun comes at the expense of the "cinematic experience" and "story". The more of these there are, the less gameplay there can be, and the less opportunities to have fun there are.

Because you choose to not play the fun ones mate. Is so simple, yet hard to grasp, because you honestly are not seeking fun. Just switch to another hobby.

You've grown up. Welcome to p&p rpgs and tabletop games now.

you grew up

remakes, remasters, copies, graphics over gameplay, story over gameplay, dumbed down for mass appeal, etc etc...

You are getting older. That doesn't mean there aren't fun games anymore. You might just enjoy playing them less.

I don't buy as many games as I used to but it's better because you don't get worn out by it. I'm playing through berserk band of the hawk and it isn't perfect but it's the best DW because I love the manga and love moving down soldiers and demons. I hope they continue it. It's the best manga series ever made. It deserves fun games.

They are fun, it's just that your too infested with "SJW taking over my vidya" to look past anything and now have to consider a game shit just by the design of a character

Because you're a jaded piece of shit. They're still fun as fuck.

Just smoke weed

>tfw your GM never gives you XP for dungeoneering and you're coming up on a solid year at level 1


kys degenerate libcuck

I dunno
I still have fun with games

what the fuck, how is that any fun

it's not. it's weekly suffering

stupid people will say it's because you've gotten older
truthfully they're not fun because they've been casualized, down to the combat systems and progression, to appeal to people who play 1 hour a day, as opposed to 6 hours

you grew up, bit vidya didn't

maybe you should stop playing pc games for a while and emulate consoles instead

poor game design.

>Tfw have that one friend that hates another in our group
>TFW he's always constantly trying to be the most overpowered special snowflake so he can have an easier time killing the other player

Just shoot some heroin

I thought this game was very fun.

You might also try the new Unreal game, it's free.

nice blog r-tard


our GM won't even let us kill each other or any townsfolk or anyone critical to the story or go anywhere that he hasn't specifically planned you to go

video games have become easier and more accessible, true, but even if the difficulty and everything else stayed the same people on here would still be bored and not find them fun. overexposure to one thing kills your pleasure for it.

not to mention video game storytelling is still atrocious. what was acceptable and "fun" for you as a kid is mundane and ordinary as an adult.

Just do it anyway. He sounds like a gigantic manchild. what's he going to do if you kill someone? If he kills you you're out the game and then you can find some actual fun people to play with.

no u

I'm not telling anyone to wear flat caps and 420 shirts, I am only suggesting that people try cannabis if they need a boost to immersion as it dumbs you down, eliminates distracting superego-driven thoughts

Shits been used as a medicine to help focus for centuries, read a book about it you cunts

Why aren't video games good anymore?



That's ridiculous. Tell him he is being a shithead. That sounds like such a boring game. I usually start my players at level 3 so they have some actual options during combat and some abilities to play around with. No one has fun with level one combat.

Western development is dead due to dumbing down mechanics, trying to place emphasis on realism, and trying to be movies.

Japanese games are still good. I recently got into the Etrian Odyssey series and boy had I been missing out.



>help focus

quite the opposite, friend.

why even continue playing?

Because every fantasy is the same
>Lol medieval fantasy
>Lol sci-fi
>Lol urban times
>Lol the same franchises and mechanics from more than 5-10 years
Risk is punished and so every fantastic setting is the same
I blame normies

At least historical games are good

because it's family game night

I wonder...

play fun games
dont worry about finishing or playing hard difficulties
just play it for fun and enjoyment

>((( Ruberg )))


Why do people find this frogface attractive?


no one here said that

>always kill important characters
>always throw away plot important items
>always go opposite where he thinks i was supposed to go

He was so pissed off

Jesus Christ

What has the world come to?

Name the funniest video game Sup Forums?

Here is my bet

You sound stupid as fuck.

>Bonnie Ruberg
>Bard College
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Creative >Writing, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Literature
>Made no games
>"The way WE make games"
Wew, lad.

Seriously how can you sit there and not realize that this is brainwashing?

God I really hate sjws

Because they don't want to be bullied so they sit their pretending they appear "woke."

It's equally hilarious when you remember someone like Anita actually consulted in the making of Mirror's Edge 2, and we all saw how that one turned out.

>Western development is dead due to dumbing down mechanics
this, and even the ones trying are still dumbing them down or only half assing it

Witcher 3 for instance
>statically leveled enemies
>but placement in world and quest leveling is entirely random; no sense of progression other than moving from one main area to next

>give geralt more options for movement and more responsive controls
>enhance the strength of the lock on to remove player agency

>have intricate loot system
>fuck it everything is randomized and nothing you find will ever, ever be useful

the game is fucked beyond reason as an open world Role Playing game. You'd need someone to redesign
>what level quests unlock
>relevel enemies in Velen based on level of quests happening in the area
>statically place loot in the world, have all of it unleveled

it would be a huge undertaking on the levels of OOO and I don't even know if the current modding tools allow for it

People can kinda put whatever they want on those slides you know

God damn, I forgot that game came out AGAIN.

How the hell can you get away with teaching about how we should end cis white men?

Seriously that is racist?

Too much competition. Very little creativity or new ideas being presented. Developers/publishers are looking at existing games and saying "that was successful, let's make that but try to make it better", leading everything to employ the same tired systems and mechanics. Demon's/Dark Souls felt like a breath of fresh air at the time of release and were some of the last games to really trigger a phenomenon that wasn't a result of pumping millions into market hype. Now every developer is sticking their dick in the "Souls-like" pie and people are already getting tired of it.

I can't tell if games are boring now or if I just grew up...I can barely invest myself in a game anymore before completely dropping it

long story short, it's because you've surpassed gaming in terms of supplication.

you need something more technically challenging. there's a reason you see a lot of older guys who are building cars, building houses, etc.

i think i'm reaching tipping point because i'm about to buy an art kit and light box and take up drawing again ever since i dropped it in highschool.

there are more technical pursuits that net greater rewards and satisfaction, just have to step into them and gain momentum like you did with games.

I feel the same way. Am I just getting old or do the new games just suck?

the new games really do suck

go back and play an old classic that you've never played before. once you settle down and learn the mechanics you'll be blown away at how different design philosophies were 12-18 years ago

I dunno what you are talking about, m8. I finished Binary Domain yesterday and it was a blast. I don't have anything against the third person shooter formula, but it does get boring after a while but BD had a lot of stuff to get it spicy till the end, from the limb destruction system to the amazing boss fights. Also the "social link" system and the cheesy action movie feel were great

There's still fun in videogames if you follow a few basic rules:

>ignore mainstream western games
The game market is so risky right now, AAA titles will have the least innovation possible. Play a game from now or from 2009, it's gonna be the same shit (Assassin's Creed series comes to mind)

>buy indie games but check their social media first
At first sight of any kind of political shit, just close the steam tab and don't give them your money

>wait a week or two to buy the game
Not only wait for gaming websites reviews but see what friends and Sup Forums are talking about. Also, 1.01 patches cause this industry is shit

>go back to the classics
I'm pretty fucking sure you haven't beat all the amazing games the SNES or the PS1 had, so go do that instead of trudging through the shitfest that is modern gaming

>Friend who has a hard mariesue syndrom toward everything he ever come up with decides to be GM for a campaign of D&D.
>Eventually we loot the plotbook off a cultist in a dungeon
>Hhe start talking about how heavy the shit is since it's like a fucking book made off of slabs and that I'm gonna need to take it into consideration on my equipment load and stuff.
>''I try to read it?''
>''You can't, it's a forgotten (mariesue plothole DUH DUH DUH) language!''
>''Well I transmute it into meat and leave it in the wood. Some wolf will appreciate''
>Fastforward to some weeks later
>''Yeah I don't give a shit.''

And I haven't played DnD in over 2 years.

Nope you are wrong.

Lol I'm glad I never tried to play D+D with you idiots

It's collaborative storytelling. If you don't work together and try to antagonize your DM or go way off script for no reason there's literally no point in doing it.

games are retardedly streamlined now. older games were more complex, well-designed and feature-packed. this is what happens when the lowest common denominator becomes the target audience.

I wonder why they can't just take in the punches and revise in accordance, its all about having fun when playing games and these faggots think "muh very thought out plot" is so important in the game like holy shit

because when you have a console with a library that looks like this it's hard to have fun user

>It's collaborative storytelling. If you don't work together and try to antagonize your DM or go way off script for no reason there's literally no point in doing it.
Fuck of cunt, my DM was well known for having his own marie-sue character reused everywhere ever. During his campaign we would hear words of his MarieSue's legendary feats. We later learned that our final ''quest'' would've been to revive that goddamn MarieSue and then enjoy the cinematics where we're relayed to background noise.
Add to that the fact that every peasant was somehow a level 15 paladin with Smite evil and detect evil, and add the fact when the Loyal Neutral guy did something that was against the MD's personnal agenda, he MD kept trying to have him change his alignment on his sheet to confirm that he was evil.

Fuck. That. Noise.

Lawful Neutral* this Dm was a IRL lawfull good. The idea of a paladin serving under an ''evil'' god was totaly foreign to him if said paladin wasn't raping babies and beheading women for shits n' giggles. Don't tell me we're antagonizing a DM who isn't worth shit

Nothing is fun anymore

If you want to have fun Play Old DOS games/ pre-2000 games if you haven't.

Fun is for the most part subjective and non quantifiable, making it a worthless subject of discussion in itself. Your subject is so fucking broad nobody will have any relevant discussion. This thread will be flooded by people looking for a place to rant about their personal troubles. I suspect this is the only reason you posted this thread, ironically or unironically. Either way, go fuck yourself.

>not to mention video game storytelling is still atrocious. what was acceptable and "fun" for you as a kid is mundane and ordinary as an adult.
If anything, i actually prefer videogames with little to no story now.

Too much focus on US social-political issues such as LGBT faggots and Burger-niggers instead of just making sure that the game is fun to play.

It's simple. We nuke America.

XD nice one fellow memer


Just a quick reminder that weed isn't always magic childish funtime for everybody. If you are slightly sensitive for psychosis prepare for a hell of a ride. With extra emphasis on the hell part. One or two times i got the giggles, every other time i tried it over the years (including later on the evening of one of the aforementioned positive highs) i went down to crisis city.

If anyone wants to try it, be my guest. But whatever you do, be fucking safe and slow about it. The whole "lmao the worst thing that can happen is just falling asleep" are memes.

You're playing bad games

Ignore the western AAA trash and play nip/slav games

Nah, every Burger is cancer.

>Why aren't video games fun anymore?

Because you spend all your time shit posting online and listening to asshole strangers complain and it's made you a joyless cunt.

every burger is a nigger(white, black etc)

Pretty much.

He's not, though. "Because you choose to not play the fun ones" is completely correct. I felt like OP for a long time, but then I decided to start getting into games that are getting on in years, like Ace Combat games on the PS2, or Hitman 2.

I haven't enjoyed vidya this much in a long time.

I hear hear "___ IS POLITICAL" all the fucking time for every form of entertainment. The justification usually being something like "If it doesn't have a political message, then it's sending the message that the creator thinks things are fine, which is a political message." and that's not wrong

>Why aren't video games fun anymore?
Because they started as a fun distraction for children. Those children grew up and continued to love them. Society made fun of those people, who then demanded "serious" "adult" experiences from the medium to feel better about themselves and what they enjoy. This would legitimize their hobby in the eyes of the world. This isn't "Mario" anymore, these are for "adults". "Serious games for serious gamers".

It's the same shit that happened to comic books in the 80s and what DC is trying to do with their current movies.

This is the single most retared post I've seen on Sup Forums.

Bad trips are great. Opens up the mind like nothing else.

Games went mainstream. I know i sound like an edgy hipster but that's the truth in this case.

Everytime something goes mainstream and becomes a multi-billion dollar industry the budgets get bigger but the dreams get smaller. Resources does not equal a good X, you need good ideas in the first place. And sadly the majority of video game consumers today prefer shallow, repetitive, unoriginal and dumb entertainment where you don't have to put in any effort for your fun, and as long as that is the case unoriginal, shallow, repetitive stupid shit is what the industry will continue to give us.

Today making games isn't about making your dreams come to life it's about pushing political ideologies and getting into as many wallets as possible.

To sum it all up: normies fucked it all up REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Developing those things takes resources and manpower. Resources and manpower which could have been devoted to aspects of the gameplay, such as adding and improving levels, gamemodes, characters, guns, spells, or anything else relevant to the player's interaction with what's on screen.

Because you are old and boring now. Games are the same. You suck

Name 5 games with top of the line gameplay and a cinematic, deep story. If you say anything like The Last of Us, Uncharted or Witcher 3 you're a confirmed retard.

Personally I'd rather just function enough to make my own life and the life of others more pleasant. After i had a particularly bad one mixing weed with lsd, i am now way less rational to the detriment of my quality of life. Doing better though, but still babysteps babysteps babysteps after about 2 years still. It's not for me. I'd rather just stick to occasionally doing alcohol and maybe when there is a very special event xtc with close friends. Not being in control of your own mind and inability to feel anything other than fear isn't worth it.

Dutchfag here.

It really depends on the person. Some people can smoke weed all day and do their jobs or go to school just as well as a sober person. Others can't handle it for shit and fall asleep. It can also trigger a psychosis if you're prone to it or happen to have a family history of mental illness. It can also enhance things such as depression or anxiety if you already suffer from those things.
But as I said, it depends on the person. Cannabis affects everyone differently depending on your mental state.

>Draw maps
>Take notes
>Read pages of lore and charts of information from the manual, supplemental manual, and world map
>Work out difficult problems sifting through pages and pages of clues
>Formulate and carry out plans
>Try again
>Get lost
>Have fun

>Press keys
>Click mouse
>Eyes on screen for hours on end
>Get glasses

they're all story-driven, repetitive, and too easy

m8 that just sounds like you were autistic, or still are

you know why

>Because I choose to not play the fun ones
Are you saying I that I'm dumb? There are no fun ones. You only say what fits your narrative.