Is he dead?

Is he dead?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes. And to think, he could've lived if he'd just bought a 3DS. But he stood by his principles to the bitter end.
Godspeed, Vitaman.

No, he just lost interest in video games

Nah, he was just smart enough to go out on top instead of riding his shit into the ground

What about the cat?

are you memeing

All he had to do was buy a 3DS

All he wanted was MH on vita

Who? The protagonist of Time Crimes?

His videos might be the funniest thing I've ever seen on youtube.


God I hate women.

fitzthistlewits, the famous youtube celebrity, how come you never heard of him?
me too, but then I saw an hour long analysis of pic related

Got a link? I never understood the pipe strip meme.

>he doesn't know about vitaman

yeah didnt you see the video dude

It still hurts

I'm pretty sure I watched all his vids but dont remember any mention of either of those handles
although it has been a while

I have no words.

He probably finally realized Monhun is shit and got over it

No he finally decided to give Frontier a try and realized that mainline was garbage.

The guy has MH on his 3DS. Still wants MH on anything other than 3DS like any sane person.

Anyone know what he's up to now? he could have easily done youtube as a full time thing and become rich enough to retire as soon as his content turns shit

MH XX is out in like a week.

You all realise this right?

>Tfw no MHXX on Vita

He went home to become a family man, after settling for Freedom Unite, Toukiden, God Eater and Soul Sacrifice.

We now have a wave of people going

>tfw no mhxx on switch

Appearing on a gunpla podcast

>MH5 will be on either PS4 or Switch

What a fucking exciting time this site will be when that announcement drops holy fuck.

but this is not a monster hunter thread, user

Or both. There's also Vita 2 coming out.

Pinkguy was never really alive.

He still makes a couple videos and a christmas special every year


fitz isn't mecha, he just stole his jokes

nice try fitz

>Vita 2
>Ever buying a Sony handheld again after they abandoned the Vita.

What kind of pathetic cuck would do that?

Don't be silly.

MH5 will either be on the 3DS or the Switch, depending on how the later does over there in it's first few months.

Regardless of rumors and vague statements from Capcom, portables are the bread and butter over there in nipland. Only the delusional and/or out of touch think that the mainline games will be moving to home consoles any time soon, effectively shunning their target audience. Monster Hunter is still niche in the west, and regardless of them wanting to expand the brand they wouldn't risk fucking with their established cash cow.

Docked Switch mode, at best, is the closest you're going to get in the foreseeable future.

>Vita 2

Patents mean literally nothing.

Sony patented this a few years ago too.

This is a detailed patent, not just an idea with sketches.

still better animations than mass effect.

Still doesn't mean it's happening.

All it means is that they've thought up some ideas for a handheld that they want to be able to sit on.

>some faggot literal who

Everyone in this thread deserves aids.

you're in the thread too
enjoy your aids faggot

>Look at me I'm new
I hope your mom dies.



Wow it's LITERALLY nothing

Or they are in the final stages of designing a new handheld. It goes both ways. And the patent is for vibration in a handheld.

Tri was on the Wii dude. Don't forget that.

Also the PS4 has like 50 million userbase which could be tempting for Capcom.

The 3DS is done. XX is the swansong. 5 has definitely been in development alongside XX for whatever system it's coming out on. I can picture 5 being announced in the next 3 months after XX release.

I'm sorry, but given the sales of the Vita I just don't see it happening any time in the foreseeable future.

They have to both learn from their mistakes, which I guess to be fair they have before, and also wait for enough time to pass that people forget about what a mess their last platform's entire existence was.


I want new Sony handheld byt if it won't have Video Out I'm gonna kill Sony, I'm gonna fly to Japan and literally kill the company

Whatever. Here's the patent. See how lengthy it is. Almost all aspects of the device's physical form is described, but now the insides. The gap between the screen and the controllers are for ergonomics so that you can comfortably grip them like you would on a normal controller.

*but not the insides

>MFW MonHun on Switch

read the thread newfriend

Can I get a basic gestalt on this guy?

This. Sony ponies will bitch and complain per usual. But Switch is THE logical next step for the franchise.

It's console AND fucking portable. It's 1080p on console and 720p on handheld. It isn't going to be restricted (despite Sonygger will probably still pretend it would "be held back")

I'm thinking about getting a switch before Capcom even announce a MH because it's so obvious it's the next system it's going to be on.


>super famous youtuber
>literal who with 60,000 subs
>hasn't posted for 3 years

he's fucking gone fags

Yogscast killed him.

>hasn't posted for 3 years
yeah that's because he died, dickhead. have some respect

is it the fuy fizzschmitiz or something? his videos were absolutely hilarious but I don't remember any MH, Vita or 3DS mentions


Yes. However, Mechagamezilla had a seance with his spirit.


can i get a quick rundown on this guy?

>new console will fix all their marketing problems
Their jew ways have betrayed them and cost them their handheld market.
Better hardware is nothing if it has
>expensive as shit proprietary memory cards
>no kind of games other than weeb shovelware

And what if they abandon it again like Vita?

Fuck Sony.

He also haunted him in mean bean machine and was in one flimsii video for 3 seconds

>Who? The protagonist of Time Crimes?
Great, now I'll never not see that, when this GIF is posted.

This is art

Can't catch aids from this thread if you already had it. Smirkingblackmanpointingtowardshisnoggin.png

He's like MechaGameZilla but slightly less good



watch the last 6 minutes

>no kind of games other than weeb shovelware
Shitting on Sony is fine, but don't pretend you ever had any intention of giving the Vita's library a chance.

Vita 2 will just maintain their Vita library. Just having a presence is enough.

>tfw someone streaming BOTW played this while waiting for the game to install

Thanks for the sharing the source, amigo

His Q/A

He died because there was no MH on Vita and the console is dead

nobody dies because of this
you have to endure through it

>newfag e-celeb cancer thinks we're talking about the faggot in the gif
Lurk more niggers

Holy shit

fucking why

fitz pls go

we all can see your snaggle tooth in your farewell video

>all these newfags that don't know who fitz was thinking this is a MH thread
Maybe you guys were right, we are being invaded by redditors

>being this new

>all these newfags talking about videogames instead of e-celebs
Oh shit you got me there, please forgive me :^)

how else would you get MH from a thread clearly about fitz, been in this shithole for at least 8 or 9 years and have never heard of any vitaman

this is a high-tier video, so much fucking effort

>not knowing some sekrit club meme means you're new
>that punchline

It does though
>sekrit club
Opinion discarded

it's post-modern art in its purest form

The ending raises many questions. But I don't want answers.

All the answers are in

shhh they haven't caught on yet