6.7 Nintendo Switch


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so it's above average? nice.

>not final
also who did this review? IGN? Aren't they always wrong?

How can you rate it when it has no fucking games to get a good impression

>rating a console
what are they basing the rating on?

I cried right now and forever... ;_;

Who the fuck and why rate a console?

ESPECIALLY at launch?

>How can you rate it when it has no fucking games to get a good impression
A console with no games is 0/10

>he doesn't know how modern review scales work

6 is absolute trash, the equivalent of a 0.

8 is barely playable, like a 4.

9 is average, a 5.

10 is good, what would normally be a 7 or 8.



Jaded but not completely wrong.

6 is like a 4
7 is like a 5
8 is like a 6-7
9 is like a 7.5-8.5
10 is like a 9-10

how do you rate a console
a console is only as good as the games it has

Now who would've guessed that the score would be so low...

By the way, I think the Xbox One at launch, which was arguably one of the worst consoles we ever got at launch, managed to hit 7.8.

This is bad for the Switch. Really bad.

you can rate the hardware, controls and the operating system

70% is average. Didn't you go to school?

Then how come TLOU is a 10 and not a 6?


>literally every other review is positive

what kind of salty fuck reviewed this for IGN?

>Called switch
>Doesn´t a switch that turns it into a good console
What the fuck???

I don't know how the school rating scale goes because I always got perfect tens.

About right.

I'm a game reviewer myself, honestly, would be shocked if this thing outsold the Wii U. It's very underwhelming.

>a 6/10 console has to be saved by a wii u game

>Years later Sup Forums is still asshurt about TLoU


>xbone is such a shitty console on launch that event paying the reviewers gives it less than a 8

I hope you will be as honest in your official review as you are here on an anonymous mouse milking board.

I think as a console it's pretty weak. But as a handheld I'm probably going to love it. Don't even think I need to plug it into the tv.


okay fine but why attach a score to it

>asshurt that the developers lied to us about things like a balance of power system that was never in the final product
>thinks its delicious that naughty dog literally lied to everyone
Sonygger please go.

You're clearly an idiot then

Wait, how do you rate a console? What is this sorcery?

Why do they keep putting the kickstand up and purposely knocking it over?

70% is a C-, slightly below average

why does Sup Forums pretend to be reviewers
why do you think your meme opinion would be worth more if youre a reviewer, if anything it would be worth less

The reviewer has got a serious bias against Nintendo and has almost never reviewer Nintendo games because of it. On top of that they have a 10 to the massive disappointment that mgsv was while eating up shit like the uncharted collection and witcher 3

They reviewed it on a TV channel, it seems that it is a really good console, but as I've been saying for months it's supposed to be a PORTABLE one. It's underwhelming on a big TV, but then again wether Sup Forums like it or not, most people actually go outside most of the time.

It's basically a 3DS deluxe and the 3DS will stay here for 6 years old kids wanting pokemon.

>tfw you get an 8.8 for your essay

Connectivity issues aside, what else is there to complain about? Nobody really expected Nintendo to make the most powerful console on the market, and battery technology has been stagnant for years now.

To simulate what most of the buyers are going to do with it, you know, like play video games while it holds itself on that stripe of cheap plastic.

>rating a console

>when the check doesn't clear in time
Suck on that nintendo drones.

There for good reason. As we've learned, the Switch has a lot of content missing from a console that we come to expect in our consoles today. The score will increase once those features are added in.

uhm, what are you trying to prove here? we all know Galaxy is the better game of the two. But that game is also over 10 years old already and Neoshitendo hasn't released anything that comes even CLOSE to it ever since.
That's the real tragedy.
The Switch is a blunder.
BotW confirmed for trash/10.
There is no hope.

>not realizing all critics have their own biases and likes/dislikes
There is no objective 10/10. Someone---probably a person you know personally--would rate COD BO a perfect score.

>literally says the switch is weaker than a ps4 pro so it's underpowered

just wow
these kind of people are paid to do this

They should really get a better voice over guy, this guy talks like he has a cock in his mouth.

We rate consoles now?

Not games, so their opinion literally doesn't even fucking matter, and I don't know why they thought it did.

But if they weren't trying to purposefully knock it over it wouldn't fall down, it looks sturdy enough when they're not touching it. Not to mention they also have the joy cons still attached.

>Amazing controller

>rating a console that's not even out yet
This is some next level retardation.

So they've praised the switch, and they give it a 6.7?

This is Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire "7.8 too much water" all over again.

More like Shits.

wuh? I'm so confused. why are they reviewing a console before launch

>reviewing a system


So we can laugh at nintentoddlers both launch AND after launch

want my review?
0/10 there are NO games out for it

>controllers don't work
>dangerously underpowered
>paid online
>one game until november
6.7 is generous

>le hardware issues* **

*referring to jeff fatman dropping his switch on the concrete and then finding it easy to pop off the joycons

**referring to desyncs of the left joy-con that have only happened to select US early reviewers, no one in EU or elsewhere and that will be fixed on day 1 with a patch

I just watched the new Gian Bombast with some guys from other outlets and literally nobody is impressed with this thing,even Digital foundry guys from Eurogamer when they did the unboxing said that they dont regret canceling their order.
So its not that good if anything is a tablet that cant even do tablet like things.

10 is like average at most

below 9 is paid trash

The PS4 had literally nothing worth playing at launch and yet they gave it an 8.2? What the actual fuck?

>Bomberman console

Guess it could be good.

>that will be fixed on day 1 with a patch



It had Knack user.


There is some serious Nintendo bias spreading across these gaming journalism sites. Not positive bias.

>he doesnt know about Sony marketing division that also handles movies
They have that shit cornered and know everyone that worth the shill money.

The guy dropping his Switch and the Joycon's easily popping off after that legit triggered me harder than a female SJW.

Pii poo 2.0 confirmed


get yur shit together nintendo

yeah but it has a Gorgeous, Compact Design

Wot video m8?

>ignoring Fast RMX, Bomberman R, ARMS, MK8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Puyo Puyo Tetris and Project Octopath

Fuck whoever wrote this


It's just a shame people are such cancer these days. That's what enables these kind of stupid clickbait "reviews". It's obviously way too early to review the console, because a logical person judges a person by its game library, and it's too early to do that.

But people yearn for the words of these fat retarded virgin nerd game reviewers. You just couldn't wait to hear what [email protected] had to say about the Switch, because his opinion matters so much to you.

Fuck you people.

Nintendoddlers on suicide watch

>game library is a desert
>system isnt even out yet

they're reviewing the hardware, not the fucking software you dummy.

so far switch's hardware has been massively disappointing considering the price. $300 gets you 720p, joycons with poor signal strength, no web browser, no media functionality like MP3s being played during games, no voice chat/lobbies baked into the system software, etc.

> no one in EU or elsewhere and that will be fixed on day 1 with a patch
Wasn't there a frenchie that confirmed on twitter that they also have issues with their device too?

>no web browser, no media functionality like MP3s being played during gam

literally who wants this

jack of all trades, master of none

>So they've praised the switch, and they give it a 6.7?
6.7 is still 1.7 points ABOVE average. You know how a rational human being would see a 5/10, unlike the completely skewed video game "journalists" scores that in reality start at 8/10, with everything below being shit.

So, yeah 6.7 is actually a very fair and great score considering the Switch really is a piece of shit power lacking device with less features than the fucking Dreamcast in 2017.
As a pure handheld only it would be a 9.something, but Nintendo didn't design it as a pure handheld device, did it? And they don't market it as one either.
They wanted a jack of all trades toy, their Blue Ocean 2.0, hoping to strike another Wii. Therefore a lot of compromises were made. And we have to be fair and review the whole picture and that picture is not as marvelous as some of us had hoped it to be.

After Nintendo once was the savior of video games, they have fallen from grace. Nobody wants to play Mario anymore, now that gamers have been graced with fantastic titles such as The Last Of Us and Gone Home. However, with this device Nintendo wishes to claim its place as the king of electronic entertainment. Unfortunately, we have yet to see whether the Return of the King will actually come to fruition. Releasing a console with such a cliffhanger story is a no-go.
The entire device is a simple, black shape. Nintendo certainly does not provide the horse-power to render a complex shape and thus relies on this boring tablet form. Here goes our dream of a Nintendo Gamesphere...
The Switch does not come with music. While we wish to respect the author's decision to go minimalistic, the results are underwhelming. Music is important for a strong emotional response and without kick-ass tunes like those of DOOM or Hotline Miami, we're all left cold.
After CNET has had fun slamming the kickstand onto the desk for hours, we tried our best to replicate the results. Unfortunately though, without a button press, we found this process to be rather confusin. Additionaly, an intern broke xer fingernail and has now been hospitalized. Unacceptable!
6.7274 / 10
Would not review again. Score not final as we are still waiting for our check by the Nintendo Marketing Team.

literally every normie since being able to play MP3s during your games has been a feature since the original Xbox.

Console costs $500 after paying for all the hidden fees.

Defend this.

I earn a shitton of money, idiot.

>small UI font
That's the problem with making console games for handheld. See for Vita they make handheld games that can be played on your telly with the PSTV, not the other way around.

>Apparently, the left Joy-Con is an area where Nintendo could’ve spent a little more. I’m not the only person experiencing de-syncs with it relatively often when playing with the Joy-Con detached or in the Joy-Con Grip, leaving inputs temporarily unread until it reconnects a few seconds later. I’ve seen it happen occasionally with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Link died more than a few senseless deaths this way – but more often when playing 1-2-Switch, which has several mini-games that require you to cover most of the Joy-Con with you hand, potentially interfering with its signal.

It's good that it's ok when Nintendo does it, because if Playstation or Microsoft had a faulty controller like this at launch, which actively interferes with the gameplay experience, people here would never stop talking about it.

>"Should you make the Switch? That answer should largely depend on whether you think the system’s library of games will satisfy your needs, but Nintendo has undoubtedly laid the groundwork for a great gaming device."

Seems fair.

Don't be a retard. We already know what the system is getting for this year at least. They're not just gonna announce smash 5 during the june direct with an october release date.

You misunderstood the name: it's so bad you'll Switch™ to another console.

>modern review scales
>modern review scales
>modern review scales
>modern review scales

End this fucking meme

I have been reading game magazines since the early 90s, even back then getting something lower than 7 meant it was shit, less then 8 was "meh"

Stop using modern as a synonym for shit. "Oh no my modern icecream fell on my modern suit now the modern dry cleaner will charge me modern dollars, those modwrn gooks" End yourself

Please tell me they link to the CNET video


They fuck themselves over when they think it's a good idea to make a HH in 2017, it will get sandwitch by a fucking Mobage and HD console.

You are probably too young to remember, but this has always been a thing.
At least since the SNES/Genesis days. It might go even further back, but that's the cutoff for my memory.
Yes, I'm an oldfag. Yes, you are here forever.

It's over guys.. we won't be able to outsell the iPhone.., I'm ready to put my Mario cap in the bin.. I can't fucking believe it..