Holy fucking shit. This game is absolute fucking garbage

Holy fucking shit. This game is absolute fucking garbage.

I mean, when I heard they were making a "spiritual successor" to Planescape: Torment, I was cautiously excited that we'd finally get a good isometric RPG akin to Baldur's Gate and Planescape.

I barely managed to go through the character generation process, and thirty minutes after that I deleted this piece of shit. What a shitfest of pretentious writing and retardation. As a setting, Numenera is fucking terrible. Characters are terrible. Everything about this game is terrible. I wish it never existed. I wish the people who made it never existed.

So, what did you guys think about it?

>So, what did you guys think about it?

What I think about it is that we are 1 day after release, and it already fell to the 4th spot on the Steam top seller list.

What I think about this is that on release day the game had a peak of 7400 players, and on the second day we are down to 3600.

What I think about this is that this is almost too good to be true.

Atleast 50% of all Sales been on GOG.

You what, mate? GOG sales are almost nothing compared to Steam. Less than 10%. Why would this game break the mold?

And besides, no matter how you look at it, 7k on release day is pathetic. Even Tyranny, a game made on a small budget that bombed hard had 16k on release day.

So what did they do with the 4.5 million dollar budget? because they certainly didn't spend all of it on this game

Well, i was expecting more Gene Wolfe inclinations in the setting, where it's so far ahead into the future nobody knows how things work anymore but just go with it. Instead it's some Final Fantasy type of deal, LOL WE HAVE ALL THIS STUFF HERE AREN'T WE COOL, i mean ok jeez tone it down a bit.

The first hub city is just too fucking dense, just groups of NPC standing around, and everyone will have a fucking quest for you, where are the houses, where do these people live.

i'm just not feeling it. This doesn't feel like a $5 000 000 game that was five years in development

In addition, i was expecting more RPG MECHANICS from a game that's supposedly based on a tabletop.

I've gotten to the first town but it's been a bit of a slog.

I remain somewhat indifferent to the whole thing because I pirated the game (there's no way I'll ever throw my money at a kickstarter funded video game ever again), but thus far it's nowhere near the level of PS:T.

Bland setting, bland characters, boring writing.

And the gameplay is dull as fuck. I've yet to be anywhere near running out of Effort and apparently you can regain it by resting (or by getting a critical, which I've done once so far).

All in all, I can't recommend this game to anyone.

Do you have any source on those figures? The GOG vs Steam sales, I mean.

Same, only played it for 20 minutes. Whenever people say "spiritual successor" they're just banking on the name. They do the same shit in movies. "It's the Jaws in space!" That's why there's so many nostalgia movies like the new Alien movie. It's safe and it's easy.

I'm not exactly enjoying myself, but I get the feeling it might be short enough that I'll finish it anyway. At least I've got best boy Erritis to amuse me.

Do all companions have a companion quest that influences the ending?

What i don't get is why they needed to drop some companions on you so early.

And the quest with Tyber is just ugh, i fucking knew he would be a companion the moment i finished reading his first line of dialogue.

>those portraits
>not even matching the player figures
>that opening sequence
>cut content
>met goals that were reached, but not implemented because muh polish
>that level of """"polish"""

they just pocketed the money, didn't they

>wanted to get matkina as a companion
>tried to drop rhin out of the party
>thought i could just drop her temporarily, that she could chill out for a while and i'd come get her back
>she runs off crying, never to be seen again

>rpg codex shitters claiming this is bad while claiming witcher 3 was better than CRPGs

>plays a game for 30 minutes
>goes on to completely shit about everything in the game

Why have people become like this? Why can't you play it and then provide nuanced arguments to what you dislike? Rather than just "pretentious writing and retardation", like what?

You likely haven't even played Planescape Torment, because teh writing in that is certainly pretentious too in that case.

Do I need to play Planet Escape Tournament before playing this?

No, they are completely urelated in every aspect. They just put the word "Torment" in the title to scam gullible nerds out of their money, AGAIN.


>So, what did you guys think about it?
I think inXile is a video game ponzi scheme and doubt they spent more than $2M on this game.

Yes, because it's actually worth playing, and this one isn't.

"Trying to be like Torment" is enough to make it come across as pretentious.

The start of PST is fairly subdued. The game starts with very weird shit, but it doesn't dump a lot of it on you right away. There's a clear progression going from "What the fuck am I playing" "What even is this city" "WHAT THE FUCK AM I" "WHAT'S GOING ON HOLY SHIT" "Oooh I'm starting to get it."

If they want to invoke the feeling of wonder that Torment evoked right at the start of the game, with no time taken to establish some red lines for you to follow, it's gonna come across as a jumbled, nonsencial mess.

You people haven't enjoyed a western RPG since Baldur's Gate 2. Which has aged like shit. Every time it's "Why isn't this like Planescape Torment or BG2", just give it up. If you think Divinity Original Sin, Numenera, Pillars of Eternity, etc. are all garbage then stop pretending you like the genre

Where is this option?

"I will call it what ever I want, you filthy degenerate!"

I don't know about Witcher, since i'm not hot on the whole "low fantasy" sort of thing, but Tides of Numenera is legit bad.

It's just sort of there, there's nothing else going for it. It's pretty bad on its own, to call it any sort of successor to Planescape: Torment is absurd.

This isn't a product that was talked about, and took five years and five million dollars to develop.


You're given two companions at the onset, one of which you're forced to discard (although I was tempted to ditch both; "lady with weird body trails" or "man with living tattoos" are some of the dumbest character quirks I've ever read), and then two seconds later this asshole just jumps on board.

Anything made on the Unity engine is not worth playing.

Setting is great, Writing is good.

Anyone know how to get into the tomb of the first castoff?

>I barely managed to go through the character generation process, and thirty minutes after that I deleted this piece of shit.
Your opinion is about as useful as a fart in space.

I mean, it's basically the same in BG1. You're forced to have a companion right away and then in the next location you get two more and your first quest is to find another two. It's not like the original isometric games paced companions.

You need to go back, reddo.

I have played 2 hours and don't feel like that all. I am in fact very intrigued by entire game. I feel like they really nail the weirdness of Planescape. World building is really strong, so far the characters aren't that interesting but also not bad.

Overall I have really not seen anything aggravating bad like this thread wants to imply. Its just that Kickstarter really triggers some people so hard that they are convinced nothing good can come out of it. I recommend people that read these comments to just go in blind and judge it for yourself. You may find a game you enjoy.

Ohohohoh my friend, you must respect the tentacle monster's pronouns. His friend does, and so should you.

Let's not add dialogue to explain to me what the fuck this bizarre creature is. No no no, the game assumes I already know what it is. What I need to know is WHY the man refers to it as a 'he,' because pronouns are important.

Because your character didn't call it anything?
Because the character in the screenshot isn't telling you what to call it?

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>Numenera, Pillars of Eternity
>stop pretending you like the genre

Except Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and original Fallouts (including Tactics) don't look and play like absolute fucking ass.

Compare Fallout's character creation and stat chart to Numenera's.

it's straight up embarrasing

I'm not going to lie this will probably end up as my personal GOTY.

But yeah my GOTY of last year was Tyranny. So I guess I just REALLY like these types of RPGs.

Also I am 30 hours into my playthrough and I have been in 0 fights. I think you can finish the entire game pacifism with only talking. That is something commendable since I always play as an enlightened pixie "elf" female that wants peace for everyone.


I'm currently running with Rhin, Erritis and Matkina. The other three don't really interest me, though tattoo man has at least some redeeming qualities.

Do all of them have personal missions? Also, does Rhin become useful at some point, or does she keep being dead weight?

Not him, but how does PoE look like ass?

Low effort garbage, unity engine is fucking trash, just like your life

Blew it adapting their game for a nonexistent audience

>ask a guy why he calls it a "he"
>guy says he has no idea what it really is and it's easier for him that way
>get mad

Why did you even ask

>they are convinced nothing good can come out of it.

They are convinced because nothing good has come out of it to date, except maybe Original Sin, which was in development for years before they put it up on KS.

> I feel like they really nail the weirdness of Planescape.

Nigga you played for 2 hours and can't even remember the setting properly. Do you think you're playing in DnD's Planescape? Bruh I got news for you, you're playing in the world of Nu-Men-Era, a realm where ancient artifacts "just works," and where gender is no longer binary.

I know it was probably a typo on your end.

yea whatever kiddo
although there aren't many great games coming out of unity, it has some gems as well

Rhin becomes borderline OP after she can use cyphers, that don't give permanent boosts, multiple times without using them up.

Until that she's basically immortal thanks to her stealth so you can use her as an item healer and to activate points of interest on the map.

Also she's supposedly required if you want the better ending.

First guy here. I should probably specify the big issue is that everything in PST makes sense, but typically in roundabout ways.

Numenura just handwaves a lot of shit. It's lazy design where you could have had something interesting.

>liking Tyranny

Oh god, it's retarded!

It's a waste of a perfectly good setting.

Is Numenera a good setting? Most of my fa/tg/uy friends say it's on the low end of fantasy sci-fi.

>Also she's supposedly required if you want the better ending.

Probably my biggest problem right now is that there isn't a decent walktrough yet. I don't want to spend 30+ hours finishing this only to have to reload an early save because I missed something to get a decent ending.

Reminder that this game got more crowdfunding money than Pillars of Eternity.
Reminder that this game got five times as much crowdfunding money as DivOS

I wouldn't have a problem with the sjw bullshit in my rpgs if it wasn't just an obvious preaching session and my character was allowed to actually ROLEPLAY and choose to be neutral or hostile towards it rather than just having to be a good boy and accept it. Vampire the masquerade is one of the only examples I can think of where you can actually do things like
>club owner has to fuck a russian mob boss who degrades her to hold onto the club
>wants you to kill him
>you can cut a deal with him and kill her instead
Just give me the option to be a complete shitlord and I'll be fine with it.

I guess it has its problems but I really like the concept .

>a realm where ancient artifacts "just works,
Entire city of Sigil just works from player's perspective.
Lady of Pain? ”just works" despite being a godkilling usurper.

so, how much progressive nonsense is in the game?

I really wanted to like this game since the visual artstyle is fucking gorgeous and the gameplay enjoyable but holy shit I just could not care about any part of the world or characters or lore.

Game is trying being weird and mindfucking too hard . Its not why people liked planescape. But the most sad part is, that all that "weird" staff is bland , boring and useless. Most of it was used in another games, even main story seems like mix of planescape and pillars. Locations are tiny, visuals are boring and blind, worse than in pillars and even tyranny.
Gameplay conisists of tons of statchecks glad we have savescamming.
Dont buy it, better pirate and try yourself

you don't like "these types of RPGs.", you're a brainlet underage piece of shit who likes poorly written visual novels, do yourself a favor and play Planescape Torment and Fallout.
Holy shit it's like you have a fetish for horrible games.

back to switch threads with you

this kind of game requires more attention and focus than what you're capable of

The tides are a stupid, contrived, unintuitive and largely meaningless mechanic. How did they not cut this shit out and make a proper alignment/reputation system instead?

Do you mean Original Sin?

I have already finished both of those games though.

Planescape torment is my favorite game of all time even.

Wasn't OS already in production, and that kickstarter just supplemented its budget?

I mean that would make sense. It's one of just a few games that feels like a polished, professional game, and not just some half assed trash.

>after 30 minutes I deleted this piece of shit

Annnnddd opinion discarded. I can't take the opinion of someone with ADHD seriously. Grow into an adult, attempt to get past your first triggering, and then come back with an opinion worth having. If you stop playing a game before finishing it, or even a couple hours of attempt, you're literally not worth listening to

As long as you get all the lores and perception on your character you'll be fine.
You can get an implant that gives you perception in the city for 100 currency.

Every other skill is used in skillchecks so you can use your companions for them but the various Lore skills and Perception have places where only your character can use them.

It definitely stays more fantasy than fantasy sci-fi most of the time.

If you're expecting to do some dank RP in the Book of The New Sun/Long Sun style, you'll be extremely dissapointed.

just like i was


Ironic post

Like what?

Then how can you enjoy Tranny or Tards of Nu-men Ara ?

I'm a sucker for isometric RPG, a couple years back I'd have sucked dicks for a new one to come out but besides DivOS, Age of Decadence, Underrail and Serpent in the Staglands all of the "revival" garbage has been one deep rabbit hole leading straight to hell.

>wants peace for everyone

Holy shit there are people who honestly think like this.

I don't see how gender not being binary is a problem? We have a super technological world where organic tissue and machine are basically fused into one and and where magic exists.. but gender still has to be binary?

>likes Tranny and Numenara
>doesn't know what ironic means

true poultry

Yeah, already got the eye implant. It seemed the most directly useful of the ones on offer in the clinic.

I'm kind of torn between getting all the lores or getting some actual combat skills, though since I've heard you can avoid most combat I'll probably get the lores. means that only matkina and erritis will be any use in a fight though.

Here's hoping there aren't some thigns that affect the ending that are easily missable.

I like it so far. Nostalgia fags really are the worst.

But user you have to judge it by today's standards and get triggered by literally everything. Didn't you know?

I don't play shitty games like these.

Age of decadence was so bad I shitposted on the lead devs steam profile about how bad it was. I wanted to like it because of the setting but there's only so much trial and error stupidity I can take. If I wanted to read a choose your own adventure book I would.

Tyranny was great, my only complaint is that it was too short.

I think you should stick to games that don't feature women. It seems they trigger you quite a lot.

I genuinely think Tyranny and numenera are good games.

I also played DivOS, Age of Decadence and Underrail in your list.

But I only enjoyed Age of Decadence.

Again this is probably because I like to be able to avoid combat and games that have a story focus.

>Lady of Pain? ”just works" despite being a godkilling usurper.

I bet you think Die Vecna Die was a good supplement.

Is that seriously actual dialog from the game?

>game markets itself as a spiritual successor to PS:T
>its trash by comparison
>"nostalgia fags are the worst"

God forbid we have high expectations when a game constantly thrusts this in your face as a selling point.

Had the game been called "Numenera" or "Tides of Numenera" and disassociated itself with its much superior "spiritual successor," maybe people wouldn't be so critical.

Actually, they probably would. Because nothing about this game is even remotely good.

So this is my first time playing an inXile game, how is Wasteland 2 compared to Torment ToN? I was thinking of trying it out.

Not that guy, but if fig's info for investors was accurate about the sales of Pillars of Eternity, then checking it against steamspy's numbers (which again, we're only assuming are correct) left like maybe ~5% of sales being non-steam. It wouldn't surprise me if that's how it is for most games.

there is almost no trial and error if you use your brain

>how is Wasteland 2

Just play Fallout Tactics with an HD patch

>Forget this is even a thing
>4 years later
>You relearn of its existence
>Get a little excited
>Like an old friend from childhood is coming to visit
>Go to Sup Forums
>Apparently it sucks
Welp. Shit.

If anything it's not weird enough.
It's set one BILLION years into future and everyone is still human.

I'd expect almost everyone be as fucked up as Tleilaxu in dune after such a long period.


But it's still shit, an rpg shouldn't be 90% of the options lead to instant death with no chance of survival, it's fucking boring and lazy

It's hard to be bad in Age of Decadence but you were. Congrats.

Most kickstarter games rely on sources other than the campaign for their funding, but yes, I think DivOS was already in the production phase when it was announced and the crowdfunding money covered a relatively small part of their overall budget.

>Vecna literally escapes Ravenloft and then breaks into Sigil and fucks everyone's shit up.

10/10 best rules defying supplement to transition from 2e to 3e ever


You misunderstood context of my post.

But I wasn't, I went down the linear paths and had no fun because there are no choices, just the illusion of choice.


Jesus Christ.