If Blizzard spent 5 minutes straightening up the male orc models, they would look like this

If Blizzard spent 5 minutes straightening up the male orc models, they would look like this.

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>casual nerd thinks modelling is that easy

Thank fuck nobody asked you about your opinion.

That would require work, something Blizzard is allergic to.

Also the game is so close to the end of it's available content that they'd never overhaul anything like this.

And yet a regular dude managed to do it in that time and post an image of it.
It's complete retards like you that is the cancer of the industry, accepting any excuse blindly.

Nigga if you think slouching models is the biggest issue with WoW you're fucking high as shit.

It's not a modeling issue.
Some people prefer the hunched orc model and they would be butthurt if Blizzard changed it.

why does literally every endgame armor set in WoW have giant shoulderpads? even healers look like they're ready to play some motherfucking football.


it's down to the animations, nerd.

Why do they even slouch
Do they not sit up properly when shitposting on the Azeroth imageboards

Not even OP but the goalposts just moved a shitload. I stopped playing a year ago and shit son orcs looks much better upright, chest pieces and tabards in particular looks garbage on Orcs

that shit looks terrible

>blizzard spending their time on anything other than the minimum effort required

Are chest pieces in WoW still just painted on or do they have real models now? I

Fuck off the last thing WoW needs is more work done on orcs

left is a FFXIV healer
right is a WoW healer

>Those massive pauldrons attached to his bare shoulders
>All of this plate armor, yet most of his chest is exposed
>That furnace belt buckle
Why do people defend Wow designs?

>Some people prefer
So what? Upright orcs is how they look in all the artwork AND the movie.
There's no reason to keep them hunchbacked except to make fun of orc players.

Fucking hunchcucks.

Tell me more about your static rotation and ridiculous pvp

Are you implying that FFXIV has better art direction than WoW? lmao
The characters have nice faces but everything else looks like ass.

The problem with WoW is definitely not how it looks like.

>Are you implying that FFXIV has better art direction than WoW?
Thats a matter of taste and I prefer medieval weebshit to tacky mid 00's western fantasy.

So you admit your taste is complete shit, and yet you try to force it on others?
What the fuck is wrong with your dumb ass.

I think your taste is complete shit, buddy.

I would prefer medieval weebshit as well, but FF looks bad. WoW looks like a Disney game now, but it looks like a beautifully done and polished Disney game.

FF has no polish, especially the environments. They look bad

WoW armor looks ridiculous but it has a certain charm to it.

FFXIV armor has a bit of style to it but ultimately still has a lot of ridiculousness to it, especially compared to the utter perfection that was FFXI.

>The armor actually looks like something the character is wearing and has multiple layers to it

>The armor is literally pasted onto the actual texture of the character and has no layers

Really makes me think.

Art direction is not a setting it's how the setting was executed.

>Environments look bad

>posts image of shitty environment
Well, you proved his point.

FF looks complete garbage.

Damn that looks fucking amazing.

you sure convinced me with that

>5 minutes

Uh no this would take hundreds of thousands of man hours to do and would likely cost us two raid tiers

>pls ignore that XIV has no shoulder armor slot making this comparison completely retarded

go fuck yourself faggot
i play wow since vanilla hunched orcs are superior
and vanilla orc models rule, wod models look like cartoons for retarded autistic children like you faggot OP

Rather uninspired compared to XI, you'd have to post a better pic to compare it to WoW honestly. Not that WoW is all that great to begin with, it just has a few real nice areas.

Was that game released in 2009?

>Cataclysm visual update was in 2010
>Still looks worse

Even if it did, your shitty game has no excuse.


Oh wait, you think I'm defending Warcraft just because I think ´the game you're desperately trying to shill looks like complete shit?

That's pretty fucking funny, and sad.

>if I keep posting uninspired weeb trash, people will surely come play my dead game!

>300k unique daily users

Not amazing, but far from dead, friend.

Nice Second Life screenshot.

If you don't like it, then transmog your shoulder armor to not be bulky you fuck

if you play WOW to this day youre a cuck


Sure but not because it looks bad

And it is nothing but a still picture. Do you think all the animations etc. of the model just magically transform once they straighten them up? Not trying to defend Blizzard, they are a cancer on the industry but just because some faggot played around for a few minutes doesn't mean that this is the end of the story.

what should i play then? csgo, dota 2, lol and blizzard games are top tier for many years now.

Actually, I think I'm going to resub after the absolute fucking 6.7 DISASTER that is the switch

animations and weightpainting are the things that'll get you. Not the modeling itself

Leave my hulking orcs alone. If you want straight backs and weird colors play a fucking Nelf.

>>There's no reason to keep them hunchbacked except to make fun of orc players.
You forget that the wow devs are mostly all alliance scum so of course they want humans and other alliance races to be more appealing

t. PCuck

You can't be this retarded.

>if I keep posting uninspired weeb trash
Wait, that's not a WoW screenshot? Given the Naru and Draenei's usual color scheme on top of DIII's heaven it seemed to me to be something Blizzard would make but you must be right since there's way too much details in that screen to be from WoW.


This is how you do Final Fantasy.

But yeah, in keeping with the OP it would be great if WoW in general got a face lift but that will never happen. Even something like "upgrading" models took over a decade. I'd have to imagine their original plan was to have Titan out around now and let WoW gracefully retire without having to rework anything in it's twilight years but that plan fell through.

>male orc models

Only manchildren play green niggers.

No, they would look like this.

No, they would look like this.

>you gonna put that staff on your back?
>Nah I'll just hang it on my hood

>MMOs in 2017 (SEVENTEEN)

I was really hoping that after ARR came out they'd start building upon it in a way where it would be taking the good parts of FFXI to become more like FFXI.

Instead they seem to be taking the direction of making it more and more like WoW, which I think is a huge mistake.

I want things like boat rides and airship rides back. I want huge dungeons that aren't instances. I miss that kind of stuff.

I really would like it if Orcs stood up straight and didn't have Pauldrons that fucking huge. Tone it down just a bit and I can almost guarantee people would be more inclined to play Orcs

>Using Gorehowl without Tusk
