Let it be known that this game is a piece of shit and no amount of gaslighting or Zelda Cycling will ever change this

Let it be known that this game is a piece of shit and no amount of gaslighting or Zelda Cycling will ever change this.

agreed, this game looks like shit and plays like shit

I always liked it. Probably my favorite 3D Zelda game.

You are the only pieces of shit here.

agreed it is shit

It's alright. But I replayed Twilight Princess again just to make sure it was still inferior, and it is. And TP itself is inferior to OoT. So no Zelda cycle for me. I might put TP above Majora's Mask since it was still a very vanilla Zelda game made from scratch, but that's about it.

BoTW > OoT > MM > SS > TP > WW

>motion controls
Of course the game is shit, anyone who defends or praises it is a fucking idiot.

>no amount of gaslighting or Zelda Cycling will ever change this.

Every time i get mad about SS I remind myself of this fact and i don't feel so bad


twilight princess > ocarina of time

Skyward Sword was a Zelda game with a shitton of good ideas that tried to mixup the classic Zelda formula. Saddly, those gameplay ideas were poorly executed and felt inconsequential in such a small world.
As I see it, SS now feels like a proto Breath of the Wild of sorts, because a lot of ideas found in SS were used and expanded in Botw, like weapon durability, elemental affinities, unconventional dungeons, focus on story, stamina, etc.

I think SS did more right than wrong, but needed to be a bigger adventure to make those rights really shine.

Oh no. It's retarded.

The thing is what SS did wrong, it did REALLY wrong. Conversely what it did right, it did REALLY right.

I will stand by my opinion that of all the zelda games, skyward sword had the highest highs and the lowest lows.

Nah, I think you just have shit taste OP either that or the game is too different to previous games in certain aspects and you just didn't like it.

Agreed. Overworld was tedious and shitty, repeated dungeons, those shitty chores like quests, collecting notes underwater, light seed collecting again, shit tier dungeons, etc. It was a motion plus tech demo and stayed that way.

Oh god, and fighting that stupid blob or that horrendous story. Its one of those games I would never replay and I'm surprised I finished.

So I guess you hate the main Zelda games in general. Play games from other series.

Shut the fuck up, let the adults speak.

SS still has better dungeon designs and boss fights then BotW

The only thing that pissed me off were..
>The motion controls
>The overworld where you fly didnt work as well as ocean in WW
>Fighting The Imprisoned multiple times.

Calling people young as an insult is the stupidest shit ever. If the person is that age then it isn't an insult and if they are older than that age it isn't an insult.

The only people it really upsets are young teens and below who think age matters way more than it actually does. "You're a 10 year old" "I turn 11 next month faggot".

I'm a 27 year old piece of shit, does that mean my opinion matters more than everyone younger? If a geriatric fuck comes into the thread do they get the final say?

Hahahaha, you don't really sound like an adult user. Are you sure you're old enough to be posting on Sup Forums?

>The overworld where you fly didnt work as well as ocean in WW.

This isn't really true user in some cases it actually worked better than sailing did in the WW, Nintendo's mistake was never unifying the world after a certain point in the game and letting you warp to whatever location you chose.

Maybe that's why the game felt kind of uneven. You had moments where you feel lots of hype and moments where the game was just dull as shit.

I like your description of Skyward Sword, it feels on point.

remove those things you mentioned fi and 90% of dialogue and maybe I would consider giving SS another chance, but as it is its just so damn painful to play that its easily the worst in the series

Well I should have explained more.. I meant the amount of stuff to do in the overworld of the ocean in WW was more interconnected and had more variety IMO.

The SS flying mechanic was cool, but the way the flying islands were assembled in the overworld was not a step in the right direction compared to the tile island system in WW.

But thats just my opinion user.

What are the highs? it's kinda hard to think of any besides some of the dungeons being nice aesthetically.

Breath of the wild has shit dungeons... almost as bad as wind waker.

>I'm a 27 year old piece of shit, does that mean my opinion matters more than everyone younger?

LOL no, SS had good dungeons with good dungeon design not just aesthetics. If you really believe this then you can apply this to just about any of the 3D Zeldas.

>extremely linear
>excessive amounts of hand holding
>only 3 major environments
>empty sky with only one town and 3 minigame islands
>repeated boss fights
>Throwaway villain with no back story that only exists to make Ganon a constant
>Constant forcing of mechanics like dousing and the light seed hunts

Yep, worst console zelda by far

Well I don't agree with your opinion user but if you really feel that way then I won't try to change your mind.

I dropped this piece of shit before even the first dungeon. Even Zelda that I consider weak such as WW or TP, I managed to finish them.

Then again I did enjoy it at the time so there's that

I though that the secondary characters were some of the most charming deuteragonist of the Zelda franchise. Groose, Impa, Girahim and your relationship with Zelda was well done. The ending was also surprisingly emotional.

The dungeons were also not only nice aesthetically but the puzzles were also well thought out (like the one with the time mechanics in the desert).

Groose goes from a cunt to a bro by the end and the Fi's farewell music or whatever it was called tugs at the heartstrings.

How can Fi's farewell have any kind of impact when she was such a shit character for the entire game. Groose is actually legit though and also had the best theme in the game

>extremely linear

Pretty much any Zelda game since OoT and after MM.
>excessive amounts of hand holding

All Zelda games had handholding to an extent but I'll agree with you here.
>only 3 major environments

In the overworld yes, but it beats 1 major environment in other games like the WW.

>empty sky with only one town and 3 minigame islands.

All Zelda games after MM are empty, don't see why this is a complaint. TP had more towns but still pretty empty overworld.

>repeated boss fights

Ghirahim was fun to fight so no complaints there. The sealed boss can be kind of annoying but it's a good thing they varied each of the fights. Besides it's not like they lessened variety anyway the game still had plenty of boss fights.

>Throwaway villain with no back story that only exists to make Ganon a constant

All 3D Zelda games had ganon as the final boss I thought this was refreshing even if it was tacked on.
>Constant forcing of mechanics like dousing
and the light seed hunts.

Dousing is pretty much the only annoying mechanic but do you really have to use it if you played the game once?


Easily the worst part of the game and a lot of issues are tied to Fi.

The game has issues like any of the 3D Zelda games, that still doesn't make it any worse than the rest and had the most refreshing setup since MM.

>motion controls

Literally the best part of the game, what is up with you retards? Only problem with SS is Fi, the rest is great.

My issues with the world design is that unlike windwaker where every block of the map had a little point of interest, be it a town, dungeon, reef, side quest, or bkue chu chu yo find, the sky in skyward sword was completely devoid of anything intersting outside of the main story spart from a few chests. Even if the other games like TP were pretty empty there were still enough side activities to keep me interested, like the fishing and bug hunts. Then again all the side quests in skyloft were pretty good.

Also I might not be remembering this correctly but didn't the gsme lock you into multiple dousing sequences?

fighting with the controls the entire game really isnt fun

It helps that Fi's theme (when you first meet her) is very emotional, and all of those scenes where she does that sexy sky dance while explaining the plot to you are very memorable.


WW> OoT > TP > MM >>>>>> SS

no it really doesnt.



As long as you have OoT above MM I can respect your view

Whenever Fi dances or sings, she's awful. If I hated anything in SS, it was her.

Skyward Sword has obnoxious, obstructing handholding, hit or miss motion controls, a T R A S H overworld; with both a useless, way too big and empty large with the rest of the world being disjointed from it, boring, repetitive bosses and so much missed potential. But on the other hand, the dungeons are as good as ever, the surface areas are designed like dungeons, with puzzles and neat environment things, the swordplay is fun and well executed, the crafting was a step in the right direction, all of the items (except the wind jar) feel useful outside of puzzles aaaand Skyloft borrows a bit from Majora's Mask and is such a comfy hub town to go back to.

So I agree with highest highs and lowest lows. It's such a mixed bag of a game. I kind of like it, better than the better looking (style and setting wise), more ambitious and consistent, but predictable and boring Twilight Princess in my opinion.

>Pretty much any Zelda game since OoT and after MM.
Wanna know the first really, really linear Zelda game? Who checks your progress via outside dialogue and mandatory items to collect?

Link's Awakening. I'm not even baiting. Think about it. Compare it with the previous Zelda games.

The meat of the game isn't in the sky user, you can go through the game and ignore much of whatever is around skyloft. Most of the game is on the ground. It's a good thing the game doesn't really force the player to explore every inch of empty sky. As for the dousing, I can't remember having to use it by force if you already know where things are. I imagine it would be annoying to first time players.

I was talking about 3D games but I guess I should've included that.

>Skyward Sword has obnoxious, obstructing handholding, hit or miss motion controls, a T R A S H overworld; with both a useless, way too big and empty large with the rest of the world being disjointed from it, boring, repetitive bosses and so much missed potential.

Disagree user, the only bad things about SS were the handholding aspects, Fi being a nuisance, and some of the forced fetchquests. The overworld is about as boring as any of the 3D Zeldas I played the only reason people shit on it is because it doesn't have any significant points of interest like towns with different npcs. It's disjointed because you always have to go back to the sky but then again the sky sections are pretty short so you can go back to skyloft and then to the next part of the game. The broken overworld would still be a con imo. As for bosses, I thought the imprisoned was the only boring boss if anything. The rest were fine.

It is though, it is more engaging than any other Zelda combat system

Come on, user, I don't hate SS, I kind of love it in fact, but try to be fairer. I shit on the overworld because of the sky. It's made way longer and more painful than it needs to be because you have to motion control bird your way through it, and there's NOTHING on it. Its contents are ok though, the bug island, the pumpkin cafe, thundercloud and all that are fine. As is the surface. But the sky itself is shit, the worst 3D Zelda over world bar none. Majora's is small but has concentrated stuff like enemies and masks in it, Wind Waker is too big but you get a little thing of varying interest in every island, Twilight is TOO HUGE but you have some enemies to fight and some pretty vistas to look at, plus the horse combat is fun... I'd put Skyward's Sky even below Ocarina's completely empty Hyrule Field.

As for the bosses, that'd what I meant. You fight the Imprisoned way too many times, and it comes a point in the game him and Ghirahim are the only new things you'll see. It's a same, cause it has really engaging boss battles, again, a notch better than anything in Twilight Princess.

Ah, no need, I wasn't answering to anything you said, just stating that. Not many people bear it in mind when talking about Zelda's descent into linearity, the first thing that comes to their minds is Ocarina.

let it be known that OP is a retarded faggot and Skyward Sword was the best original Zelda game since Ocarina of Time.

You're forgetting that the overworld includes the ground user, you can't say the sky is shit and say everything else is shit as a result. I am being pretty fair. I still believe this game is below Oot and MM but I think it's above the other two in just about every way with only minor things being better in the other two. WW and TP had overworlds about as empty as SS as a whole. While the overworld in SS is broken and less good because of this it's also more innovative in the way it makes gameplay part of the exploration aspect and this counterbalances all the bad things about it to make it as good as the other two games.

The imprisoned is fought 3 times and I can understand why people wouldn't like a repeated boss battle but I personally didn't mind it too much because each fight was varied and didn't replace other boss fights. I guess this is a matter of opinion and nothing else though.

>Wind Waker is too big but you get a little thing of varying interest in every island.

Most islands have literally almost nothing in them though. The only ones worth visiting are windfall, Dragon Roost, and maybe the forest haven. Even Outset is pretty small and not very interesting. There are like two others that have some fun minigames but that's just about it. The islands themselves are usually too small and have very similar content.

>Twilight is TOO HUGE but you have some enemies to fight and some pretty vistas to look at, plus the horse combat is fun

That's pretty much all there is to the overworld though, it was pretty empty and probably feels more empty than WW.

I like SS, but it is probably the only Zelda game I would never revisit. There is just to much annoying shit in the game that detracts from the otherwise nice bits.

>skies even more empty than WW's seas
>tiny hubs
>shit dungeons
>enemies are dumbed down to compensate the spotty sword waggle
The game is a mess.

Out of everything you said I only agree with the following


The game's fine.

remember when she was in every piece of promotional art, like she was going to be the saving grace?

Completely agree. I still don't understand why everyone wet themselves over this when it came out. Worst Zelda I've played

Disagree OP, I enjoyed playing this game and never thought it was the worst Zelda game I played.

This. Fi was absolute garbage.

Skyward Sword had so many problems it's not even funny. Off the top of my head:

>unresponsive/unreliable motion controls. Stabbing was a nightmare
>nagging Fi
>item descriptions upon first pickup after every single boot
>shoehorned musical instrument, the goddess harp
>the sky was an even emptier version of the great sea
>reuse of areas in the worst way possible, e.g. Flooded Faron Woods

Did I miss anything? The only saving grace were Ghirahim and Silent Realm.

>Most islands have literally almost nothing in them though. The only ones worth visiting are windfall, Dragon Roost, and maybe the forest haven

I'm starting to think you didn't actually play Wind Waker, because this is the most objectively wrong thing I've ever seen in a Zelda thread. And that's saying something

I really enjoyed it. If you're playing on Dolphin you can basically turn Fi off. The game has excellent dungeons and is a great throwback for anyone who enjoys that classic style of 3D adventure game.

It seems you've messed up the meaning of less than and greater than signs.
Or you're just a retarded ocarinadrone?

Sup Forums says NFS Most Wanted 2012 is a horrible game too so nothing you say has any weight.

Then go ahead and prove me wrong user. Keep in mind I didn't include other islands IF they're dungeons or have a dungeon in them.

You missed escorting Scrapper

>9gag meme

If that's the case then you may as well not include Dragon Roost.

I only agree with backtracking to some areas and even then the flooded faron woods was the only annoying part.

The sky and land are part of the overworld user, the sky is pretty empty but it's basically like saying WW is empty because the ocean is emtpy without including the islands.

I think what made WW's overworld mostly enjoyable for me was the fact that you at least get the satisfaction of filling out your map as you explore. Most of the islands are boring, but I still really like the premise of charting out the entire ocean. It needed a faster way of doing it though, feeding the fish was tedious.

controls worked fine for me. consider not being retarded.

item description bug was inherited from TP

goddess harp was a fun instrument

sky was empty and is the only logical complaint. Fi only breaks the fourth wall if your batteries are dying: protip, stop letting your batteries die or stop thinking this happens every 15 minutes instead of every 20 hours

Must have the wrong image, OP. That's not Twilight Princess.

I don't disagree.

How can you even go there when TP suffers from much more garbage contents than OoT?

Then the issue with the overworld is more tied to the disconnect between the sky and land. The ocean is a means of reaching islands, but the sky is mostly a stand-alone area with a few indirect effects on the land.

Objectively best OST and subjectively best 3D Zelda.

Skyward Sword is the most unenjoyable game in the series for me, and I love the series.
No sense of adventure, no exploration, garbage puzzles throughout the entire game, awkward combat. Repeated boss encounters.
There's only one dungeon thats good. The whole game just feels like a chore, thats the problem.

TP was fantastic.

then you are even a bigher idiot

>i still have this

sound track was awesome, but yeah the game is shit

Let's agree that the surface and the few big islands in the sky are not that bad and that the Sky is, then. Cause in my opinion, it only makes the world feel duller and more fractioned, only for the thrill of jumping from your bird. This game needed something better to tie its content together, I still think the Sky hurts ir a lot.

What I don't like about the imprisoned is how closely its fights are at the final stretch of the game. I think the only boss not called Ghirahim or The Imprisoned you fight in it is Levias. Again, a shame, they're not even bad battles, they just harm the game's variety imo.