We getting a new RTS. Looks like WW2 Wargame.
Dev. Eugen Systems
Publ. Paradox Interactive
We getting a new RTS. Looks like WW2 Wargame.
Dev. Eugen Systems
Publ. Paradox Interactive
Looks like a reskinned Wargame. I don't really mind as long as they add more maps to this game.
Also not having to buy three separate games would be great. I'd rather get DLC. Hope Paradox gives them some pointers.
>Paradox Interactive
what a fucking letdown. i'm sticking to wargame
Nam RTS when?
Pls dont tell me it is some wehraboo bullshit
>Also not having to buy three separate games would be great. I'd rather get DLC. Hope Paradox gives them some pointers.
how are they supposed to add planes, ships, advancing timeframe and changing the war theatre completely (and all this while keeping some sort of game balance) with DLC while not fragmenting the playerbase? wargame comminuty isn't that big you know, migration to new game was definitely the best option. besides, you got a discount for owning older titles
Paradox on the other hand is gonna jew the fuck out of this game
As much as I like a Wargame in a WW2 setting I'd very much prefer they stick to that timeframe. It's well less used and way more interesting. If they want to keep it fresh they should just set it in the early Cold War, in a sort of 'America esclates the invasion of Hungary' kinda situation.
Will propably get it anyway Eugene is a pretty competent Dev. The last few DLC's were a bit jewish but I kinda understand that they had to do it to keep themselfs afloat after the debacle that was Act of Aggresion.
>Paradox on the other hand is gonna jew the fuck out of this game
Fuck I just realised that they'll peopably keep sticking with the nation packs then.
Oh boy, check out that truck on the right.
>Nation packs
>Western Front
>want to play to wargame
>remember its dead
was good while it lasted, comrades
>Stat with only Americans and Germans
>British Forces $4.99
>Free French Forces $4.99 they'll propably be included in the basegame though
>Canadian Forces $4.99
>Polish Forces $4.99
>Vichy French Forces $4.99
>Commonwealth (Indian, South African Australian) Forces $4.99
>1000 people playing
fuck off retard. compared to all the recent "RTS comeback" games it's very much alive and well, besides CoH2 and AoE2 it's the best we have right now.
And you'll buy them all.
there are 6 armies
>Battles rage over three distinct phases, where different units unlock over time, mimicking the movements of real-world armies and adding variety to the ever-changing theatre of war. A dynamic front line illustrates the ebb and flow of the conflict. Pin down your opponent's infantry to gain the advantage and force a retreat, or push through with a perfectly executed plan.
>Using the latest version of Eugen’s IRISZOOM engine, players can smoothly zoom from a tactical aerial view all the way down to a single unit, and see 400 different real-world vehicles and units designed with careful historical detail and accuracy. Maps are designed based on actual aerial reconnaissance photos of Normandy in 1944, requiring real-world tactics and strategies to cover and control.
>From battlegroup customization to troop positioning and maneuvering, winning battles requires cunning and strategy, not just raw firepower. Each unit lost presents a growing tactical disadvantage, and players will need to fight to gain -- and keep -- the upper hand.
i'm hype
The dynamic frontline thing sounds pretty dank. One of the flaws if Wargame was the kinda pointless and usually arbitrary cap-Zones.
Not armies, but divisions.
On i.imgur.com
Also : 4 weapon slots for a unit
Or maybe I am reading it wrong and divisions replaces the specializations from Wargame
>players to take control over legendary military divisions from six different countries
>those trees
looks worse than wargame, what the fuck
I had just sort of wanted a WWII version of wargame for a while now, and this has me even more intrigued than I thought it would. I hope the deck customization is still deep. That was like half the fun, though it would certainly be easier to keep up with the meta if they weren't. The phase thing also seems cool, as do the other new features like capturing whole units and the front line system.
>Among the names dropped were the US 101st Airborne and the German 12th SS, with England, France, Poland, Canada, and Scotland also represented.
Playing as Scots, Canadians or Polish is not something ordinary.
I didn't know the poles fought in Normandy, but fuck it, I'll play them. Poland stronk.
Unless they introduce matchmaking I'm not interested in this. Getting the game started was a fucking nightmare, and I feel like I spent 75% of my playtime in thw lobbies and deck builder.
but there is matchmaking - ranked.
Would be good if anybody except the same 5 people played that.
Is this just Wargame but in ww2?
Not complaining if it is.
Each Division will be its own faction apparently.
that's dead.
The fuck did the Free French Forces even do beside finally start fighting after the Western allies arrived?
Looks okay. Paradox will jew the shit out of it like usual though.
According to Sup Forums anything that's not played by millions is dead.
same here. I have a Close Combat itch that needs to be scratched, and since their 3d engine thing is taking forever, this will definitely do even if it's just Wargame 2: Return Of The Past
Let's hope it's more RUSE than Wargame.
Tanks that run out of fuel in 60 seconds are no fun
In the case of WoW, even millions doesn't help.
>Tanks that run out of fuel in 60 seconds are no fun
>how to spot a retard who never got gud at wargame
Stop playing as Japan and embrace French bias or Glorious Design of T-72.
Having to micromanage fucking fuel trucks is not strategy. It's autism.
Should have done the eastern front first, they'll never make enough money if all the vatniks pass it up.
oh no yet a other WW2 themed game.
Never saw one of this.
WTF was wrong with cold war?
Eugene had it special place, a sure income.
A theme that was not touched by anyone. Is not overdone and fresh.
Well after AoA fail fiasco the company will be scraped for good this time.
WW2 game number 203864393467250607.
Sounds like Company of Heroes is more your speed user, why do you play complex games if you don't like complexity?
Also if you listen to the trailer, it's obvious the logistics system will be even more present than in Wargame.
>Close Combat
pls no, it hurts
I'm cautiously waiting to see how infantry perform in the game.
Presumably Infantry will be playing a larger role than in the cold war setting, It's not good enough if they're just reskinned units from the previous Wargame.
Having to micromanage logistic is strategy.
The only tanks that run out of fuel quickly are the cheap ones, so you can't easily spam them in millions. Otherwise it seems to me like you aren't using roads enough, because the only things you really need to micromanage are the planes.
Vatniks are butthurt either way.
You dare to make a game without SOVIET UNION? Outcry!
Soviet steel not OP enough? Calls for boycot.
Russian warcrimes? Meltdown
I personally think thap people who say there is too much WW2 games are mentally stuck in 2005.
>why don't they milk the same game and setting a million more times
Did you know that autists hate change? You might just be one of them.
I am more interested in Gates of Hell. Hope that one won't be like MoWAS with mindless unit spam until all points captured.
Thanks for reminding me and ruining my mood.
nice, a Wargame game that I'll actually play cause I know the units and how to use them
>another MoW rehash
>being interested in that
ah yes the retards who defended AoA are in full effect. Way to destroy a company. you do good work if thats your goal.
You will be jugged and compered to this son.
Pic related.
Too also this
You lost in all departments. In depth and modularety combat mission wins in every respect, from realism to arcade and size form turn based to real time.
In micro and detail man of war assault squad wins in every aspect not to mention the editor and mods it offers.
No Red army = No buy
I'm tired of playing fucking yanks in every WW2 rts
everyone learned that when you depict the Red Army, Russians cry and whine at you for not making them like their propaganda
$10 Russia DLC
>Le ebin I shoot my own army and people
>Le we won war by making hopeless charges
COH2 campaign was atrocious and fucking trash man.
Russians had all the rights to be mad at it.
MOW2 does everything right about them.
>Commies BTFO
Economy and market strategy disproves by your emotional response.
The market is oversatureted with WW2 games and throwing yet a other one in wont help.
I understand that you marketing niggers and fanboys try to start the hype train. Well we meet again.
I make sure to shit in every thread you have.
Neat I want a new wargame for a while
What exactly does Wargame and MoW have in common aside from the setting? And especially Combat Mission. Go pay some more for another patch, autismo.
20$ or even more since the demand form slavaboos will be higher.
I meant Steel Division, not Wargame
In recent years we had more modern and future RTS games than WWII.
Company of Heroes 2 and Mius Front are the only two I can remeber
Thanks for confirming you're indeed autistic.
oh butthurt retard freaking out.
I bet you panic right now. hence the rrors you do.
>i-i-i m-m-meant s-s-steal division
c´amon some more name calling, throw some more autism and nigger in there this makes you more credible.
It was oversaturated at one point, then Call of Duty 4 came out and now it's oversaturated with modern/near future warfare games.
If they weren't poor they wouldn't be slavboos
Meh, I don't like the focus on this specific part of the front.
I hope that doesn't mean all the maps look the same.
Freaking over about what? Are you pretending that there's some sort of competition in the dying genre? Give me a break
Normandy is a pretty varied place
We've had more WW1 games come out in the past few years than WW2 games
How large percentage of soldiers will be niggers?
How large percentage of soldiers will be cunts?
great, another multiplayer game
This one actually has all the armies and is mixing tactic with blitzkrieg like gameplay
how's Blitzkrieg 3? The first one was the shit.
America had a bix nood regiment tasked with raping French civilians
>By the late summer of 1944, soon after the invasion of Normandy, women in Normandy began to complain about rapes by American soldiers.[4] Hundreds of cases were reported.[5]
>In 1945, after the end of the war in Europe, Le Havre was filled with American servicemen awaiting return to the States. A Le Havre citizen wrote to the mayor that the people of Le Havre were "attacked, robbed, run over both on the street and in our houses" and "This is a regime of terror, imposed by bandits in uniform."[4] A coffeehouse owner from Le Havre testified "We expected friends who would not make us ashamed of our defeat. Instead, there came only incomprehension, arrogance, incredibly bad manners and the swagger of conquerors."[6] Such behavior also was common in Cherbourg. One resident stated that "With the Germans, the men had to camouflage themselves—but with the Americans, we had to hide the women."[5]
>U.S. troops committed 208 rapes and about 30 murders in the department of Manche.
>130 of the 153 troops disciplined for rape by the Army were African American.
Pegasus bridge?
Its Normandy only so only west front.
Scratch all the army´s.
Only krauts, frogs, burgers and tomys, leafs.
I'm talking about sudden strike 4
>men of war assault squad
>winning anything
It's a 2006 game with HDR filters.
Warchat is going to get a lot more interesting in this one.
They might even go beyond nation backs.
"Hobart's Funnies" for example. Want a flame thrower tank? Pay.
Wargame is kind of a failure when you think about the dev's intentions (an RTS focused on macro) and the end result (having to babbysit planes, radar aa, high-end tanks, atgm units, helicopters).
Out of 2k units in Red Dragon, only one has black people. And only on the unit card.
We also have strong, independent and food efficient Best Korean womyn.
Maybe we'll get Operation Unthinkable. I always loved the Cold War setting and thought it was pretty underutilized and it's a shame to see them go back to muh WW2.
I kind of agree, but Wargame is still one of a kind game, despite its shortcomings
WW2>any other setting
I am pretty sure WW2 has the biggest amount of hobby historians compared to any other war, epoch or country. I am one of them and I am glad I might get a Eugene Wargame that doesn't consist of SFDSRESD X23421 with IRIRIRI-L232 Missiles made in Poland. Let's face it. Modern war is shit. WW2 had this whole transition of warfare thing going on, new equipment iterations on a yearly basis with tons of innovation while still maintaining the fact that the average soldier was in fact fighting with a fucking bolt action rifle. Old and new pitted in a great transition period which would lead to modern warfare which I personally don't regard as too interesting. Maybe it's the lack of serious wars fought with modern equipment.
Your taste is shit. Modern weapons are cool.
Ignoring that, the best setting for wargames are historical time periods, but hypothetical scenarios like in the WARGAME series. If I could get that, with some inter-war scenarios I'd buy it in an instant.
pls resbond