Witcherfags will defend this

>Witcherfags will defend this

only consoli-kids who started with TW2 or 3 will.
Said casuals usually have never even beaten TW1, which is the only GOOD game in the series.

TW3 is more casual than Skyrim

really tickles the pickles

I'll be the first to 1 is my favorite but I dunno if I'd go that far. It's got great combat, but the fact it's on a Bioware engine really fucking hurts it. It's buggy as hell to say the least.

W3 is like a dumb slut. She only looks good but is an uninteresting person and lame in bed, too.

>It's got great combat
you're the first person (besides myself) I've seen to dare and say that. Impressive.

I didn't experience any bugs on my 4 playthoughs. I might be a bit oldschool, but I still find TW1 gorgeous.

>Gothicfags will continue to bitch and make this same post week after week

This fucking guy again?

Janitors can you like ban this image or something lol

the autism is strong with this one

That's because they actually tried with the Witcher 1 because it wasn't Witcher 3. They actually wanted to make a good video game.

gothic 2's gameplay feels a bit clunky from the videos I've seen, pretty much that is holding me back from playing

it only seems clunky at the beginning, once you get used to it you won't notice it at all

I'll give it a try then

>a movie has bad gameplay

make sure you get the gog version, and if you start from 2 then install DX11 and L'hiver

but 2 is extremely hard so if you haven't played 1 which is a bit easier then you will get raped by everything and will probably give up

>recommending l'hiver for a newcomer
>recommending l'hiver at all
You should be shot.

the autism is strong with OP. He is been posting the same shitty image for weeks.

>implying it's Gothicfags
Never heard of false flagging, huh?
It's neither Gothic nor Witcherfags making these. Hell, Gothic was a huge inspiration for CDPR when making Witcher.

what's wrong with L'hiver?

TW3 is still better than your favorite game. NT

Weeks? Trump wasn't even president elect and I remember these threads.

no it's not, it's an ugly game with crap core gameplay ripped straight from batman and bad writing

just think how much praise this game would get if normies didnt like it

>Witcherfags completed TW3 and all DLC 3 times over
>moved on to other vidyakino
meanwhile witcher hatemob: