So with the launch lineup now greatly extended, what games are you interested in for the switch?

So with the launch lineup now greatly extended, what games are you interested in for the switch?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know what it will have on launch.

Zelda, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Snipperclips, Fast RMX, Redout, Shovel Knight, Yooka Laylee. World of Goo for my young kid. Whatever Pokemon they come out with. Maybe if we get the new Ni No Kuni 2 or something as well.

132 games, 20 exclusives. Future lookin' bright.

Like all the games that never materialized on the Wii u?

I'll see at the end of the year. I want to see different versions of the system, too. Maybe a cheaper one without joycons, just a handheld with an HDMI out.

>all those indies

Did Nintendo just kill Steam and PC?

Indies should stay on handhelds.

Playing Shovel Knight, Stardew Valley etc. is fucking boring on my computer.

Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem. Same as before.

On launch:

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Fast RMX
I Am Setsuna
Super Bomberman R
1, 2 Switch
Just Dance 2017
World of Goo
Human Resource Machine
Little Inferno
New Frontier Days: Founding Pioneers
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Skylanders Imaginators

Later in March:

Snake Pass
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
Has Been Heroes
Blaster Master Zero
Pocket Rumble

Getting Zelda and Snipperclips(to play with gf) on day one.

So just Zelda?

>the return of Bomberman
>Fast RMX
>not good


>Battlechef brigade

Two cooking games at launch?

Who gives a shit about any of those?

Skylanders is still a thing?

When was the last time Spyro the dragon was in a game that wasn't Skylanders.

Kill yourself.

Lot of Indy games would be best on a portable device.

Play an hour of a rogue-like and then take a break,
And since it's not your desktop it's easy to get back on as soon as the itch to try again comes back.

>Fast RMX
>Binding of Isaac

That's a decent lineup of games in the first month. Better than the XBOX and PS4 at the very least.

6 . 7

What can you do on Super Bomberman R?
Like I enjoy Bomberman, but idk about $60 for gameplay that hadn't changed in decades beyond graphics.

Zelda, Mario, Blaster Master, Wargroove, Stardew Valley, Shakedown Hawaii, Graceful Explosion Machine

I do.

You high nigger?

PlayStation 4

U.S. launch: November 15, 2013

Angry Birds Star Wars
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Battlefield 4
Blacklight: Retribution
Call of Duty: Ghosts
DC Universe Online
Injustice: Gods Among Us - Ultimate Edition
Just Dance 2014
Killzone Shadow Fall
Lego Marvel Super Heroes
Madden NFL 25
NBA 2K14
Need for Speed Rivals
Skylanders: Swap Force
Sound Shapes
Super Motherload
The Playroom
Trine 2: Complete Story

Don't care. Still buying.

>Fast RMX, Redout
What's the difference between these?

With Steam sales? No.

Indie games will stay full price on eshop for a long ass time. It can't compete on a price basis..

BUT the added incentive of Console AND portable play could be a deciding factor on getting a game on switch .

Me personally I honestly think I would get a indie game on switch over PC for the ability to play in bed or with my feet up on the couch in addition to on a big screen.

>Angry Birds Star Wars
>Blacklight: Retribution
>DC Universe Online
>Just Dance 2014
>Lego Marvel Super Heroes
>Madden NFL 25
>NBA 2K14
>Skylanders: Swap Force
>Sound Shapes
>Super Motherload
>The Playroom
>Trine 2: Complete Story
Shovelware unfun games.

>Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
>Battlefield 4
>Call of Duty: Ghosts
>FIFA 14
>Killzone Shadow Fall

Nintendo has more.

I really really want this

I skipped Wii U so I'm actually hoping for a bunch of Wii U ports. I never regretted not getting a PS4 or Xbone, but Wii U kept getting really fun looking games that I wanted. Mario Kart Deluxe and Splatoon 2 I can see myself sinking a lot of time into.

The Nintendo shit obviously. A proper 3D Mario platformer and successor to Galaxy will obviously be outstanding. Whatever the new Shin Megami Tensei (hopefully SMT5) is has my attention. The new Fire Emblem project as well. I don't know if Smash Bros will be a port or a new game but either way I'm looking forward to that.

Buying the console now I'm basically just making sure I'm ready for this stuff to come out. Prices don't fall in my country for a couple years, and I know that the next year of games is enough for me to want it, so I don't save any money by waiting. I can put a couple hundred hours into Zelda (like every other Zelda game) while I wait.

I work 6-10 day weeks and then get 4-6 day weekends. I usually take those weekends to visit friends. We play a lot of local vidya. The Switch fits into my lifestyle really well because I'll be able to bring Mario Kart and Smash Bros and stuff like that on the go.

>Did Nintendo just kill Steam and PC?

are you blind?

Jesus, that looks difficult.
I'll end up getting it eventually I imagine

>>Call of Duty: Ghosts

what the fuck does a 2 frame Luigi gif have to do with that

but that picture is wrong

I was planning to buy a PS4 before I saw the launch lineup and I realized that 90% of the library was just going to be stuff I could play a better version of on PC, and the exclusives were going to be shitty cinematic games like Uncharted and TLoU.

Credit where it's due, Bloodborne looks like a masterpiece, but right now in 2017 PS4 has exactly as many good games as Switch is launching with: One.

It's called a reaction image, newfag. You seem surprised, I thought a nintenyear old like you would be used to seeing such a low frame rate.

>unironically pitching 3-5+ year old multi-console/pc port indie games as anything of merit
>anyone who actually wanted to play those games has already bought them on sale or humblebundled down to less than $10 a pop, on e-shop they ain't gonna be that cheap
>straight up bait for parents and kids who don't know any better




Jesus Christ. Like seriously? "I can finally play Shovel Knight! And World of Goo! Cave Story! Stardew Valley! Wow!"

What the fuck kind of reaction is lugi supposed to be conveying?

Man they're really milking World of Goo, aren't they.

None. I still have my Wii U.

>portable enter the gungeon
Wish we had a date on that Dragon's Trap remake.

You're missing a few "release tba" games.

Everyone already owns the rest on pc or Ipad.

Super Bomberman R is $50.

IDK much about Bomberman though. I was never a fan back in the day.

>AAA multiplats

Why would I not just get them on my PC where they will look and run better? I don't need a $500 second PC with worse specs and no KB/Mouse input.

I don't own a single one of those games. Your retarded opinion is invalid.

He's missing nearly everything because that pic is meme bullshit.

Only ones I'm interested in at the moment are Shovel Knight (never played the original) and Hollow Knight

That might change as I learn more


Why dont people understand that the tradeoff is graphics for portability. They just keep thinking its graphics for nothing

>Fast RMX

Is an expanded port (better graphics, all DLC, some new content, runs better) of Fast Racing Neo for the Wii U which got good reviews. It also has split screen coop. There's less variety in cars and the tracks aren't as loopy. Gameplay focuses on changing colour to match the colour of boost pads.


Currently only on Steam. Got good reviews. Stylized graphics. Tracks are much loopier and crazier. Cars are more varied. No local/split screen coop (they say it's coming). Releases for Switch in Q2 2017.

all the games for switch look interesting
the least appealing to me games are:
party games in general
smash bros
games for literal kids

That guy was talking about the PS4. He was saying it had AAA multiplats.

And I was saying, why not just get them on PC which is better than a PS4 in every way, minus a couple of exclusives?

Meanwhile the Switch is portable as you said. Playing AAA multiplats on the go would be awesome. Steep is already coming to Switch, so it can definitely be done.

Thanks, I've been itching to play a racing game like FZero or pooodracing for a while now

yeah, can't wait to play all those games that are out on PC already and have been for years.