What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Man, everyone in MC OWH is so slutty, all the time. I miss it being a rare variant like it was in the original.

That's one way heroic ?
How's the game?

It's pretty fun. The pc version is better but mystery chronicles is ok too if you want to play on the go.

Mystery Chronicles is also on PC

>everyone in MC OWH is so slutty, all the time.

Did they hire a hentai artist to draw and write for this game?

>those stats

>Check on steam
>One way heroic
>One way heroic plus
>Mystery chronicle one way heroic

Light my lantern

OWH is the original game..

OWH+ is a DLC/Expansion for the original game.

MC OWH is a spinoff/remake by SPIKE Chunsoft.

Also, all three are available on PC.

Only MC OWH is also available on PS4 and Vita.

Okay so I guess MC OWH is the one I should go with?

The original was pretty lewd as well. There was literally a guy named Panty Shot.

Gendarme is cute, CUTE

Original base OWH goes on sale dirt cheap if you ever want to try it out.

MC OWH has demos on PS4 and Vita.

Generally agreed on Sup Forums that OWH+ is the best balanced game. Also has best music.

MC OWH has the most content and most of the screenshots you see in this thread is from it. Not as balanced as the original games, but you can get it on Vita and play it on the go.

It was lewd, but it wasn't lewd 24/7.

I hate this fucking place

You don't have traps set to visible? You masochist.

Traps never managed to kill me,at worse they grilled my meat and burned some herbs.

And i died to a tough Hellhound +4 after i used a berserk,fug.

Why do you enjoy a game where all you do is move right?

I don't know, but I like it.


Its neat having to balance between exploring the upper and lower parts knowing you have very little time to move between them.

It actually makes grinding impossible which should be a must in a roguelike

Must be the equivalent of that hero power in the first one

>2.5x damage or something
>double all this shit
>-100 to INT and CHA
>can never wear armour again

>traps set to visible
What the fuck? Did they patch that option in or what?


Still locked at 30fps and with limited resolution options?

It works in 1080p last I recall. Or are you one of those 4K faggots?