Why do people who play on PC have such shit tastes?

Why do people who play on PC have such shit tastes?

Majority of PC players are actually poor. So they have low end machines and only play f2p games.

You mean people who use Steam.

steam playerbase isn't an accurate representation of pc gamers

so these are the games people buy a 1080ti for?

>inb4 meanwhile on console

Literally every pc player uses Steam

Most PC players do not use Steam.

that's definitely wrong

Post the list for other platforms. The most popular games are always shit on everything, unless you're looking at a niche platform like the Vita or Wii U.

>most people buy a 1080ti

I'm buying a 1080ti and only play GZDoom, dorf fort and frontier

You're either trolling or retarded.
I don't know what's worse.

It could be much worse.

You do realise that the console most played are literally shit versions of multiplats and occasionally a shitty port of a PC game, with the "top quality" exclusives nowhere to be seen,.

consoles don't even have any ranking you nigger

I bet there would be some anime weeb shit on top 1 with 500 players active if at all

sub 30 fps is so cringy in 2017

there plenty other AAA titles to play


Nah he's right if you're including casuals

Plus Steam is missing the two biggest PC games anyways, League and Overwatch.

>there plenty other AAA titles to play

such as?

>67,000 people still playing GTA 5

Literally how. I mean it's fun and all, but how. 1 hour and done at a time. 2 tops.

start steam and filter
you massive faggot

Because the majority doesn't like or can't afford video games.
The people with high end rigs are only interested to up their resolution and framerate. Any game from 4 years ago to them "aged like milk" and they spent more time looking for graphic mods and then taking screen shots than actually playing.
Nothing wrong but they're not interested in vidya.

Then there's the poor crowd with toasters that are oftentimes stupid or kids and therefore stupid. They have shallow taste and play f2p shit.

Lastly the piratefag who just hoards games and tries to emulate a shit ton but only does so because it's a cheap and not physically straining hobby. He's not in it for the vidya, just for easy and cheap entertainment and doesn't really care about games as long as he can get them for free.

Then there's the small bunch that actually plays anything from indies, to f2p, to new games, to old games and only emulates games hard to acquire - most likely an idort too.

>first game is the greatest game ever made
>second game is the only relevant and skill based shooter on the market
>shit tastes

Consolecucks so assravaged they had 2 games in the last 4 years they try to force their shitty opinions on pc games lmao

LMAO For Honor on Xbone had over 60000 players over the weekend. I guess it's true that only losers play games on PC.

Because most pc gamer is actually a poor fag who cant afford a high end pc nor a console and only play cheap or f2p game

It's essentially this every single year.

ps4/xbone most played are practically all multiplats, nintendo most played are practically all exclusives and PC is a mix of exclusives and multiplats.

good thing every PC game is a steam game right?

i knew you couldnt list any games.

Why bother including?

>league of legends
>blizzard games

>why do kids play free games?!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So devs should just ignore the PCuck market then?
Sounds good to me.

Every single popular game (which wasn't bundled) on the ps4 is multiplat you idiot

He's actually right though. Most PC players don't use steam unless it's a multiplayer game that's connected to it in some way. Is it that shocking to say PC is a pirate heaven and games are pirates 50% of the time and the ones that are purchases tend to be about 25% steam games and 25% non-steam?

maybe, but not all games are on steam, and even if you use steam you are not forced to play the steam version of each game you play.
as you can see in that list are all multiplayer games that require steam.

pc gaming is cancer

The most popular multiplayer games are mostly MMORPGs, Blizzard games, and League of Legends anyways, none of which require Steam

thats nice but we arent talking about the ps4. not sure why you brought that up, lol.

>posting the truth in a "muh plasticbox is best" thread
For your own sanity: leave and don't look back.

so what games are worth getting that arent on steam?

>Most PC players don't use steam

Wait what? Even if you buy retail games you get a steam code. Everybody who plays on PC has steam you are the minority if you don't use steam.

Underrated post

rarely witnessed such a degenerate in my life who isn't able to use a steam search engine to find what he's looking for

>Literally 80% mobile tier f2p trash tier games

weebshit sonyggers don't even buy themselves




Well technically that's what they're doing. "Consoles first" isn't a meme. Skyrim is a good example for how devs focus on consoles first because that's where the money is. A lazy port can be done with low effort. Assume Sony or maybe even Nintendo would one day fully indulge in their kb/m support and push sales of the according perpihals while making sure devs are aware of the new possibilities. What dev would even develop for PC anymore when they can develop for a platform that confirms sales? Doubt that will ever happen but you can't deny that consoles are the governing factor at the moment.

>Console top 10 games
>Uncharted 4

And idk what else cosnoleshitters play, but I guarantee you none of the games Sup Forums jerks off about are on the list.

Really justifies that 1080 ti huh? Or the unoptimized console ports lol

I only used to use my PC for hearthstone. I had to switch to IOS to not be associated with those gay butt ticklers.

with more player than the entire console market combined
Really makes you think and gets you aroused

cs:go, tf2, gta5 are all great games and played because of their online features
dota, paladins and warframe are free games

I do agree h1z1, ark, rainbow six siege is garbo though




niglets everywhere

>it's real

its funny how when you ask a PCfag for game recommendations, they could never list any games.

at least when you ask a sonyfag, they can list bloodborne and nioh.

strange how that is, huh.

Go browse through /vg/. Literally half the games there are PC games that don't require Steam.

>rainbow six siege
>Listing the only decent game in the whole mountain of shit games as garbage.

Include me in the screencap

Really made me think

That's because PCucks knly have f2p trash, and unoptomized console ports.
All they can do is try to deflect the conversation elsewhere.

Overwatch, shitty mmos and EA games?

>I was recommending you games
>you weren't asking for games that are on PC which are AAA

beyond nigger

>F2P and cheap games for normies are popular
No shit. Glad to see Siege up there though.

Add FIFA to this and you have the UK games market

Faggots like to ignore right?
The same shit multiplats faggtron.

R6 siege is casual as fuck and pay-2-win.

>more players is a criteria

Mobile wins

outside h1z1 these are all good games in their own genre

The only worthwile PC games are a decade old or indie shit a la Undertale.
Hell the only reason I got a decent PC was for old games I missed because I never had a good PC.
I'm just working off a 2 decade old backlog but if you played the classics like Daiblo 2, Stalker, WC3 and co. already there isn't much left but Indie games.

You don't know what that means, my man


You missed the point of my posts. I do have steam and I've played some of the games listed in the past. But not everyone has steam because steam doesn't have access to all games, or rather, you aren't required to use steam for all games. Games like League of Legends or Overwatch has tons of normies who haven't even thought about playing the games listed and haven't used steam once. There's also MMO players to take into account, Minecraft kiddies, and many other facts that when listed makes the whole "Steam is the majority!" argument seem less real.

>dota mobile
did your mother fucked the black neighbor and you are the result ?


Uhh excuse me

Where is bloodborne???

Evidently you don't. Here's a visual aid for you.

R6 siege sells different characters and guns in exchange for money, so it's pay-2-win.


holy shit hahahaha

consoles BTFO

why do gamers have shit taste

>different characters and guns in exchange
Why do you lie?


When will you grow up mentally and realize these people have good taste and you have the shit taste?

Console would look pretty much the same just with Battlefield, infinite warfare NBA, NFL and Fifa repleasing the top list with the exception of GTAV

Delete your account


Shit is rough.

You do know most sales on console are not digital, right?
Stop trying to push memes and take a moment to reevaluate your life.

You dont need a gaming computer to play almost any of those games you dumb consolefag pieces of shit, for fucks sake, half the people playing those games are consolefags themselves
Yes thats right the PC master race is a bunch of poorfags incluing jose in brazil who just plays dota 2

Not that we're just small in numbers

You fucking dumb smug faggots should kill yourselves, you're clearly so mad you dont have an expensive computer

why would anyone buy digitally on console? its literally consoles only advantage.


Said the buttblasted sonygger

>no operator is better than any other operator or required
>every DLC operator is unlockable after a few hours of play anyway
Try harder



RTS games, MMORPGs, 4x games, grand strategy games, MOBAs, card games, VNs, random other shit (war thunder, world of tanks, dfo, etc), unless you only play aaa fps games there's plenty of stuff not on steam

Normies are disgusting.

>You do know most sales on console are not digital, right?


lol everyone that disagrees with me is a samefag



I bet half you dumb faggot shitposting consolefag retards have steam installed on your shit computers for garbage games like this RIGHT FUCKING NOW, then you turn around and say "lol look PCfags are all poor and play shit games"

I only bought the game and got every operator and weapon in the game without spending 1 dime. What do I win?