Red flags

>"We wanted to create a game for both the newcomers to the series and the old fans"

>Free to start

>we basically removed most of the gameplay and replaced it with generic action-RPG dodge mechanics, but we threw in some cameos and memes from the original game, this should be enough for the old fans

Produced by EA / Activision / Blizzard / Ubisoft

>bigger than Skyrim!

>spiritual successor

>Note: Constant internet connection required for single player

>we want the call of duty audience.

Old school


>Hobby Grade

>We are going back to the basics

>Open world, survival crafting

>Putting a spin on old ways

>"b-list celebrity" is actually in the game too!

>It's the Dark Souls of x

i wont play a game if any of these can describe it
>devs are japanese
>its a console exclusive
>its less than 40 hours long
>nintendo is involved in any way

>Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series

>developers don't make sequels that are harder than the previous game anymore
>now every single game in a series has to be a viable entry point for new players
(can't wake up)

Bad gameplay

That's sad. You're missing out.

at least im not a diaper shitting nintencuck pedoweeb

More than 3 years in development


The second this word is uttered you just know the game will be complete and irredeemable piece of shit

>"Gorgeous and stunning open-world experience"

>Cinematic experience

This is really one of the biggest flags. I yet have to see someone pulls this off without making the game easier (read easier, not practical) and not fun for old fans.

>frag like it 1999

>procedural world generation
>cinematic 30fps

>"We've really streamlined the gameplay this time around."

Also any mention of

>"x is a roguelike[...]"
>it's clearly not

I've never seen autism condensed into a single sentence before.

Tekken 7.

>spiritual successor

Been playing Yakuza 0 and it's pretty good. Although I've only played 1 so I'm not sure how better or worse it is from the rest of the series.

Now it looks like I replied.

>"... to make it a truly next-generation experience."

>"If you want to play a game like the previous games in this series, just play [unrelated game]"

It's good, but it's easier actually

>Halo 5

great exegesis and I'm not kidding

>shoehorned RPG-lite systems
>pointless leveling and upgrade systems
>every other fucking game


Zero Time Dilemma remorse u.u