If you could change just one thing about Sup Forums, what would it be?

If you could change just one thing about Sup Forums, what would it be?

I want the people who repost the same shit threads over and over again to die.

I would change it so that the mods actually do their jobs

make it so that each shitpost earns me a dollar in the bank

post more cute snake

Make it a non-blue board

ban dumb phoneposters

If anybody on the autistic spectrum never posted.
This. I don't understand what satisfaction you could possible get from it.

fold /vr/ back into Sup Forums

add more sneks

>flagrant "fanboyism will not be tolerated


Remove GR15

>Says this here of all places

So this whole site?


I'd make Sup Forums not so fucking ironic and passive aggressive.

Split it into /vw/ and /vj/

Not allowing meta threads

Remove all politics. It would improve the quality 100 fold.
Prove me wrong.
You fucking can't, you fucking newfag.

The incredibly cynicism. You can no longer talk about vidya without some cynical asshole tired of life coming in and ruining the thread with his shitposting.

more sissyposting p-please

More snek threads


/pcv/ for PCuckvidya and Sup Forums

magic anti-shill firewall

nobody cares that much about the dumb girl'n'robots game, there was another one on the other platform that came and went and nobody said a thing

Don't do this, but allow TFH on Sup Forums. It's a video game, and /mlp/ doesn't like talking about it because it doesn't have their pony characters in it anymore but discussion of it is forced there because mods think "durr it's pony-related"

what if their job is to be fanboys and delete threads that make fun of nintendo and their userbase?

The posters honesty.


Not everybody who uses Sup Forums has a form of autism. Even Sup Forums has normal people.

ditch the sissy/trap/cuck meme posting

come guys, the joke is over already

More snakes probably

People shit on people who are normalfags and casuals as well I hope you realize.

No more false flagging or console war baiting
Good luck trying to get a good discussion on anything that isn't a multiplat


>upvote/downvote system
>more moderation, such as banning offensive words (ni*gger)
basically only this, post quality would grow instantly
also rework the horrible ui like wtf its not 2003 anymore


It sounds corny, but I guess more positivity

I can actually feel my soul growing bitter and black every time I browse Sup Forums. I know that's kind of the point though so no use in hoping for the impossible


Mods that actually do their fucking jobs.

And that form of shitposting brings the quality of the board down.

that is one f*ckin good idea

oh right, how foolish of me to think that everyone on this board is unironically gay



make it so that people are capable of ignoring things they dont like

>he wasn't here in 2007
It's OK. Neither was I. I long for that time to come again.
Actively moderating moot and snacks fucking when?

more pictures of cute snakes

i-its not gay if I'm a girl


r u sure??

More weebs.
Or at least a higher east to west ratio of posts.

Say no more famalam

Well you shouldn't be surprised this place has tons of people who aren't normal either, especially for what it is.

Remove faggot redditor mods that think Sup Forums is srs business

Ban videogames.
Ban mexicans.
Ban degenerates.
Make this board /trump/.

Everyone is just so angry and bitter, it's exhausting to browse. And once you get past the anger, you have to dig through mountains of irony and reactionary contrarianism. It's basically impossible to have genuine, pleasant discussion here.

That I come in here.

sneks are cute

I'm all for banning mexicans but can girls(male) stay?



remove sony

You two are huge homos, pls go choke on a dick.

I like the way you think.

o k then

have a (you)

Remove Sup Forums.

I'm gonna rub the fuck outta that snakes head

Make a counter that appears next to posts that show which board they frequent the most

Remove /cucks/.


Also make a counter that shows if they have been on Neogaf/Reddit/Tumblr.

remove e-celebrity shit
remove newfags who scream Sup Forums at every turn

at this point i'm not sure which one would be more beneficial


Homosexualism is my first choice. They bring the worst of girl attention-whorism with the too, worse of cringeness.
I don't even think that they are people who like men, they just want to play pretend to be a girl because they have too much insecurity/attention problems.

but I am a girl so it's not gay

Make all waifu threads and "DUDE LOOK AT THIS BUTT/BOOB/DICK" threads bannable.



Have we even had a sticky in the past year?
At E3, PSX, Nintendo's Switch Presentation, The Game Awards, or any other event?

It feels like a lawless wasteland now.
When we knew moot was around, we felt an invisible hand on our shoulder, but Hiroshimoot is stock silent.

I fear this site will disappear without warning one day and we'll all scatter and scramble without finding a place to fit in.


PermaBan gays, traps, transvesties, anime posters.

Temp ban console war starters, falseflaggers and shit posters

If the same thread gets posted on the third day in a row, ban poster and force /vg/

Give warnings for people who start threads with the same recycled shit

>X Is cute. CUTE.
>what did X mean by this
>sun falls out of orbit



>yfw these are the types of cucks that apply for janitor

That's why every time they open application for new janitors the board quality drops. These redditors shouldn't even be posting here, yet they want to tell US what to do and how to post.


you're not foolin' anyone, bud

Thinly veiled Sup Forums threads getting deleted on sight
Thinly veiled gfur threads getting deleted on sight
E-Celeb threads should have the OP get banned but let the thread stay up so it gets derailed
Brianna Wu, Jim Sterling, Dark Side Phil, and other video game """""critics""""" don't need threads made about them every fucking day
Blatant shills or advertising that isn't even trying to hide it getting banned (NEVER EVER, WE DID IT BROS, GUYS I'M SCARED ABOUT [Exclusive] ), same goes for anyone that actually takes metacritic and IGN reviews seriously
Phone posters get a special icon or flag like Sup Forums, so you know to ignore them. Kinda like anyone that bought a Sup Forums pass.

Make it so Sup Forums likes video games.


Sup Forums is a blue board you fucking worthless cunt. Your kind and the wave of fagvots coming in here with your echo chamber for faggot acceptance and cuck mentality have turned a fucking latrine into a communal shitting shore in India. Fuck you and everything you stand for.

No more ironic shitposting

It was the beginning of the downfall


i-i am... don't bully me

make them talk about video games


Social media/Twitter/Youtube e-celeb threads are perm ban.

This. It'd clear up almost every single problem with this board.

Why only gfur?

I would say false-flagging in general should be a global ban, but since that isn't really tracable, I'll just go ahead and say consolewars should be banned

>no more Jake """"Briana Wu""""" Flynt discussion
>no more Jim Sterling
>no more Extra Credits

Make it happen.

Ban posters like these

Kick out the shitposting Sonyggers and give them their own board.

I guess you're right.
Furshit in general, then.

And I don't mean talking about a game with animal characters. I mean those "What are some beast races in vidya" threads that always get derailed