Now THAT'S what I call satanic!
Now THAT'S what I call satanic!
Satania a shit
Want me to put that revolver inside your butt, kiddo?
So this is the game with that webm about the demon girl raping and killing you that is posted in every damn webm thread.
Can't wait for all the potential porn.
>no trigger discipline
Sum it one in one sentence, TL;DR
AMERICAN (patriot)
>Killing humans that are already dead
Who is the queen of Sup Forums ?
Umaru or Satania?
>Fancy grafix
>AAA scope
Can't wait for terrible optimization and animations!
>Can't wait for terrible optimization and animations!
It doesn't have to be indie, you know?
Stop posting this dumb meme girl
Leave Sup Forums
When she'll get her own game?
Russian Roulette is her game.
name one, ONE indie game with fancy grafix that didnt run like shit.
And no, walking simulators in dark rooms don't count
none? My pc is good bro.
Noby noby boy.
>it's just a walking simulator instead of something fun
What a waste of cool environments.
Anyone want to give a a tl;dr for OP considering his youtube vids too like source film maker porn without the reason for me to watch any of it? Ie, someone stupider than both me and OP?
>name one, ONE indie game with fancy grafix that didnt run like shit.
What is fancy graphics?
Darkest Dungeon
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
All run well and have good graphics.
>this is not fun for me mommy tell them it's not fun for everyone mommyyyyyy!!
Kiddo please
why should I watch this anime of the month
Dumb memegirl poster
>actually liking walking simulators
Want me to DELET you from Sup Forums, kiddo? I'm calling my mod-aniki.
>Darkest Dungeon
The fuck are you smoking
They're not fancy on purpose.
They're stylised
Styalised and fancy are different
Please tell me if you have a learning issue because I have multiple words I want to call you that are not applicable to a person who has a legitimate learning or personal disability.
>stylized is not fancy
Styalised is "it looks nice, but it betrays the utilitarianism" like the Vatican swiss guard, or the Queens guard around the English palace. Big hats, stupid flares. Hats that have snaps so they drop if pushed or grabbed, and billowly uniforms and large guard stations that house a small armoury. Fancy is "If looks nice" and that's it." One is function giving to form, the other is form only eventually betraying to function.
Yeah, youre retarded
Not an argument, newfaggy.
Yeah it's cool and all but if this is another amnesia walk simulator with your thumb up your ass no buy from me. Need to show more of that demon controlling for me to actually want to play.