Today I'll remind them

I just wanted to remind you that Dark Souls 3 is OBJECTIVELY better than Dark Souls. Nobody is forcing you to like it, nobody is stopping you from thinking DaS is better, but if we're talking OBJECTIVELY, DaS3 is just miles above DaS.

There is ONE thing, just ONE thing DaS does better, world design and area connectivity. And that only applies to the first half while the second is completely fucked up. Yes I'll admit the world design in the first half is a complete masterpiece, and let's be honest, that's why people remember it and will remember it many years from now.

But how can you say DaS is objectively better when it's the ONLY thing it does better? DaS3 does everything else better, such as:
>better individual level design (undead settlement is just the peak of Miyazaki's talent)
>better gameplay
It's equal to Bloodborne
>better difficulty balance (the game is way harder while being less tedious and frustrating)
>better bosses (most bosses are Bloodborne tier good if not sometimes better, like Twins, Champion Gundyr, Friede, etc...)
>enemies are way more aggressive and brutal and hit harder
They also have better movesets
>hitboxes are the best in the series
>better AI and NPC scripting (enemies and even bosses can delay their attacks and bait you into rolling, have better pathfinding, etc...)
>better movesets and weapon arts are cute
>Bloodborne engine allows for better graphics, but most of all, better animations (especially on bosses, you can literally feel their power and the weight of their attacks. Very good bosses like Champ Gundyr become god tier because of that, you can feel his rage and brutality when he shoulder bashes you or when Lorian smashes his sword on the ground)
>Anri's and Onion Guy's questlines are 10/10

DaS3 does also more than enough on his own, but has also plenty of throwbacks to both DaS and DaS2, therefore expending the lore and literally serving as a love letter to old times fans.

Other urls found in this thread:

Finally, someone on this board with good taste.

Even if your retarded argument was true, DaS gets credit for coming earlier and being more innovative

DaS3 could be the most competently made game in history, doesn't matter because it's a rehash of a rehash of a rehash

agreed DaS3 is the best Souls.

linear shit with rollspam gameplay

I didnt enjoy it but youre right

>linear is always bad
When will this retarded meme end? It's led to a surge in shitty open world games and indie games with zany time travel plots.

Do we know how much the Fire Fades Edition will be for PC?

it's terrible in a game like dark souls where you do the same run every single time

Also to add to OP:

>I was burned out from souls games by the third one
>It felt too much like a sequel

Are not valid arguments as to why DaS3 shouldn't be considered the best in the series, and to say it was unoriginal is a blatant lie

hey fuck you buddy

scholars is way worse than demon's and even dark souls 2. sotfs being better than das2 is a meme

also >10 unique posts


Funniest thing is when you see Sup Forums bitch about DaS2 being way too different from DaS, then bitch about DaS3 being too similar.
>terrible game
nice arguments you got there
>same run
Make a different build?

Then play BoI if you want something completely new each run. There's enough variety and content in Dark souls 1 and 3 to keep it interesting for at least a few runs in just the combat and weapons.

I started this series with DS1 and played all of them after that. 3 is easily tied to BB as my favorite though i still return back to DS1 sometimes for low-level invasions. DS3 hate is absolutely retarded and proves that souls community is sht, with duelfaggots being the worst part of it.

my point is linear world design reduces replayability

making a new build doesn't fix that

quoting me saying 'terrible game' and then criticizing it, makes you look like a moron

I'm curious why Undead Settlement is praised so highly. Anyone care to explain?

Agreed OP. Dark Souls 3 is the best Soulsborne. People easily forget the MMO-tier enemy AI of the earlier Souls games prior to BB.

It's pretty darn open. It reminds me of a level from Deus Ex.

Go back to dsg meta fag

lots of nooks and crannies, the giant sewer area and the overall look of it is fantastic

The problem is that games and especially sequels do not operate in a vacuum.. DS3 might be "objectively" better than DS1, but its something that we as gamers have already experienced.

Thats something that bothered me a lot on DS3. It doesnt help that you can run past everything on the game too.
I mean, on DaS i sometites went from the burg and killed the butterfly or gargoyles as my first boss. You can even go back and kill the other asylum demon with the morning star if you want. There was a lot of freedom to select which section of the map you wanted to complete compared to DS3.

This is true.
DaS is overrated, it wasn't even better than DeS.

>hitboxes are the best in the series
Why are miya suckers such liars?
There are several enemies that can stomp on you but do nothing more than shove you around.
Your weapons have longer range than their models sugest.
And grabs are still vaccum galore.
Get off it.

That's because DeS is the best in the franchise.

>linear world design reduces replayability
In a way yes, you're right, but the fact that the game is just a joy to play more than makes up for it. The only area I dislike is Farron Keep and you can get through it pretty fast, everything else is just great.

DaS isn't linear and has a great overworld, true, but it's so clunky and worse than the following games in every aspect that I don't want to replay it. While I could replay BB and DaS3 over and over again.

We like different things in the franchise, and that's why I said that it's ok if you prefer 1, but you can't say DaS3 is worse because it's more linear.

>google dS1 item or location
>results always show up both ds3 and ds1 results

Seems like a shitty copy pasted game

>, it wasn't even better than DeS.
>That's because DeS is the best in the franchise.

No one pay attention to these fags

Des is the worst souls flat out

This is their joke of a "final" boss

Pathetic AI programming

>its another /dsg/ pyro fag posts his shitty invasion webms to look like a big shot
>female character with slutty or bad fashion

Das3 has the best bosses but it's ruined by rolls spam combat

Dark Souls 3 is a piece of shit that I regret even pirating because of how stuttery it was and how often it dropped frames. How the fuck do you go from DS2 running on a toaster to DS3 dropping frames on a 980?

It is funny looking back at Demon's Souls now, it's just so antiquated.

I don't know because it looks 10 times better?

DeS is great, it easily tops DaS and DaS2, also DaS's final boss is even more pathetic, he has predictable as fuck attacks that are easily parryable, and takes only 4-5 parries to kill.

You're right, they probably have the most opportunity to innovate the gameplay if they focus on changing the movement system.

Looks great, tons of different paths, a trillion hidden things like items/NPC/events, art design is great, lore is great, it's pretty big, open but at the same time has almost claustrophobic parts, basically it's all you could ask from a soulsborne level.

How the fuck? I was running it 60 fps on a 670. Learn to configure a game you fucking moron.

This was when it first released. Dunno what they've done to fix the stuttering and framedropping since then.

Funnily enough the framedrops were independent to the graphic settings.

>Spam roll
>Spam instant heal
>Equip straight sword
>Spam r1

what an amazing game

But you can roll against every enemy in all the games. The combat gives you a choice of rolling or blocking in every game in the series, it's a pivotal part of the decision making in all the games. Do you block or do you roll? If you roll you then have to decide which way you will roll, if you block you need to have a decent shield and stamina. If anything rolling opens up more engaging combat than blocking. But let's just disregard all of that and be Sup Forums and find flaws in every single game that comes out and is remotely popular.

CPU? I've actually heard some Maxwell owners complain about bad fps aswell. People with much better GPUs than me.

Also was bad on my 2500k system.

BB >>>>> "the rest" including Nioh.

>DeS is great, it easily tops DaS and DaS2, also DaS's final boss is even more pathetic, he has predictable as fuck attacks that are easily parryable

Nope, you have to be decent at parrying to deal with gwynn and dumb fuck didn't watch the video properly, allant is constantly giving free hit me windows with spamming aoe attacks shows how shitty the programming is, not to mention most bosses in des have like 3 attack moves or are cripple to fire attacks like

>f anything rolling opens up more engaging combat than blocking.
In DaS3 rolling is so superior to blocking that they could just as well have gone the BB route and dropped shields.

Ds3 roll has no ending animation during which you are vulnerable. you can literally just roll nonstop and never get hit and your stamina gets drained by blocking like 1 and a half hits in ds3 the game is so fucking retarded

You're disregarding that DS1 had the perfect balance between whether you run, block, dodge, attack, or heal. If you didn't pick the right one at the right moment you got punished hard. Meanwhile in shitty sequel land why do anything but mash roll and r1 with your completely broken straight sword?

You really didn't bother to change your pasta that much, it's disappointing really.

You seem to have forgotten that DaS3s colour were a washed out with a piss filter over it that hurts your eyes

Also post your play time in both games OP. I want to see if you're able to give a fair assessment of them both.

Bloodborne is better so whatever

Yes but that's just in theory. In reality, if you roll infinitely you'll never attack. At some point you must attack to defeat an enemy, which then leaves you open to getting attacked.

The shield was always intended to be inferior to rolling (unless you were parrying) even in DaS 1. If you were relying on shields more than rolling you were playing in a sub-optimal way.

>Spam roll
Just like always
>Spam instant heal
What does that mean? Don't you use healing items in DaS?
>Equip straight sword
Or any other weapon? It's not like the game has only a few weapons user.
>Spam r1
or r2 or l2. Just like always.

Yes, amazing game indeed, almost as good as Bloodborne.

I agree OP, I agree.

Yes, we know that, BB is a masterpiece, but the thread is about DaS3 being better than DaS.

lmaoing at ur life

i fucking love ds3 but you cant block shit here mate

the straight sword is significantly better than every weapon type. Very fast, high as fuck DPS, little recovery time, etc.

It's like the melee fox of dark souls 3.

during my first playthrough my dragon crest shield was a big help. you can't hold it and cheese your way through like in 1 and 2 but it helps

Why would I?
I made it two days ago, and it's the third time I'm posting it. Only thing I removed was about the soundtracks in DaS3 being better, but as some user pointed out yesterday, it was the only thing that was subjective, I just got blinded by the nice musics. Now it's only objective facts, and I don't see why I should change it. I'll post it again tomorrow.

>DS3 makes rolls cost way too little stamina
>DS2 makes rolls cost way too much stamina
When the fuck will they learn?

rolls cost less because of the combat being faster now, you have to dodge more and still have some stamina left to attack the enemy

>>Spam roll
>Just like always

there's a huge recovery time if you want to roll again after a roll in das1. In das3 you can just endlessly chain them.

And it's the reverse with blocking, and i'd rather roll a lot than block a lot

I think most people agree 3 is better and more polished than 1. It's just a few hivemind-ironically-contrarian shitposters that you get on every thread on this board that don't have the brain capacity to formulate their own opinion

DaS didn't have some retarded "working as intended" poise.
DaS offered more builds than simply going refined to get 80% of all weapons.
DaS had a better mail breaker by virtue of not having a retarded weapon art.
DaS had less (useless) stats.
DaS2 had a better system for elemental defenses.
DaS2's katana guardbreak was satisfying as all hell.

And as a side point, if you're going to fucking include limits on how much you can reinforce your weapon and play with people who don't or do it less, why the fuck would you keep the int/faith pyromancy? Let it be its own damn thing.

You don't have to be decent at parrying at all, I only attempted parrying Gwyn because I saw someone kill him in 3 parries in a speedrun, and I fucking nailed the parry on him first try and each try after that.
I feel like that video was cherry picked, because Allant sure as hell didn't want to give me free time to hit him when I played, he was on my ass constantly, also many bosses in the entire series get crippled by something, it doesn't necessarily mean that they get oneshotted, but it will turn them into a joke, like drop attacks on Capra Demon, or standing in front of Seath's chest, you can kill Sif without even being in the boss fight, Gargoyles get fucked by ranged attacks, etc.

>implying objective value

ayyyyyyyyy lmao

I could but I only recently bought them, been playing pirated versions all this time since I don't care about multiplayer.

Steam shows 150h in DaS, but I already finished it pirated 3 times by the time I bought it. The 150h in steam are just another playthrough and 130h menu iddling.

Steam shows 35h in DaS3 but I have over 400 on the pirated copy, finished the game 8 times.

I also have around 300h on pirated DaS2, bought it just because it was cheap, didn't even instal it on steam, 0h clocked.

Only bought DaS because it was like 3 bucks, and DaS3 because I liked almost as much as BB and wanted to support From. I played every game between 3 and 9 times, except DeS which I'll play tomorrow.

>You seem to have forgotten that DaS3s colour were a washed out with a piss filter over it that hurts your eyes

what? its much more pleasing and polished aesthetically than the first one. if anything, there is blue in the dark/mid-tones and some yellow in the highs.
piss poor filter would be fallout new vegas
calibrate your monitor

No, fuck you

I loved DaS1, I enjoyed SotFS, and I loved DaS3. I had so many good experiences with both the game and the community while I 100%'d it, and I'm excited for the next DLC. It's ok if you didn't like it, though, different people enjoy different things.

>chromatic aberration
>frame pacing issues
>low quality textures


4k 60fps ultra had textures DaS3 is miles above Bloodborne. The power of the ShitStation 4 is not enough it seems.

>ultra had textures DaS3
with your disingenuos bullshit.
I won't partake in BB discussion but DaS3 has HORRIBLE texture quality throughout the game, and you're doing nobody any favors trying to claim otherwise.

>I feel like that video was cherry picked, because Allant sure as hell didn't want to give me free time to hit him when I played

Because you're lying out of your ass, he always spams the aoe move when you give him some small distance,

> it doesn't necessarily mean that they get oneshotted

You can spam firestorm to like the entirety of bosses in valley of defilement besides the last one who doesn't even attack you and has a knight who goes for you and guess what? He has one single attack move. Fucking joke of an enemy. Skip to 2min here to see him

Das bosses didn't have a large significant that was weak to the same shit and could be one shotted by it . You can even use anti magic on the idols fool fight and her magic attacks are irrelevent to you, the AI in flame lurker is so retarded he traps himself in a ribcage, man eaters 1 of them can be taken out without entering the fight and then use anti magic to make them irrelevent besides slow as physical attacks or R1 spam storm king while hiding behind a rock because they pose no literal threat and yet again another braindead boss

Blocking is what gave y first kill against Pontiff

I like Dark Souls 2 more :)

me too

>guess what? He has one single attack move
why do you lie? im serious, whats the point?

>doesn't mod the game

kys nigger.

>DaS didn't have some retarded "working as intended" poise.
Poise does work as intended user
>DaS offered more builds than simply going refined to get 80% of all weapons.
Wut? Every build is viable in DaS3, except maybe the meme stuff like dual shields like in DaS2
>DaS had a better mail breaker by virtue of not having a retarded weapon art.
This is beyond retarded
>DaS had less (useless) stats.
Such as? You mean the luck stat? This is beyond irrelevant
>DaS2 had a better system for elemental defenses.
>DaS2's katana guardbreak was satisfying as all hell.
If you say so. But we're talking about DaS and DaS3.

I just don't get these threads anymore. I played every Souls game starting with Demon's Souls and like all five games. I was on the front of hating 3, but I was burned out. Now I'm playing it for the first real time and starting to like it a lot more. Same with BB.
Why is the community so shit, though? Everybody fighting which is the best game of the franchise, it's so pointless.

Pure ego

But 3 is still superior to the rest

The most open level in the game. Lots of height changes and vistas.

Nice arguments.
Typical DaSbaby.

Every thread I hear how "amazing" the DaS3 bosses are. DaS2 and 3 both have retarded trends that ruin their lineups of bosses. DaS2 had bosses with magnetic attacks and multiple enemies, and DaS3 had a massive hard on for multi-phased bosses.The only single phased boss in DaS3 was ancient wyvern, and that barely counts as a boss. Am I the only one bothered by this? Is no one else tired of every boss either suddenly growing another health bar or massively changing its moveset at half health to the point it might as well be a new boss altogether?

I want the community from the Demon's Souls days back. This is fucking retarded.
Not played DaS3 yet, but I don't have a problem with them changing up their pattern. But if they get another life bar and the fight has more than two phases, I'm going to get pretty annoyed.

I like it a lot, more than DaS. It's just a shame that Tanimura had to fix the bullshit of the previous director in a short amount of time, the game could have been the best soulsborne by far.

At least the DLC are the best content From has made so far, slightly better than Old Hunter.

I'm not lying at all, and all these other instances of "bad AI" you're listing never happened to me either, I think the only one really talking out of their ass here is you.
How about instead of talking about bosses we talk about something more important? Let's talk about the fact that DaS controls like shit compared to DeS, Hell, it has the worst control of the franchise. Rolling doesn't even fucking work half the time in DaS, the character rolls in whatever direction he feels like instead of going where I want him to, the game was a glitchy mess throughout with my character getting stuck on any fucking sort of incline including stairs so I'd either have to roll or jump to get myself unstuck, also the enemy balancing is so fucking horrid, why do shitty hollow soldiers that take one hit to kill give more souls than the skeletons? Why does a shitty, infinitely respawning, easy to kill, NPC wizard in the forest give more souls than 90% of enemies in the game? WHY DOES THE WIZARD ALONG WITH THE OTHER RESPAWNING NPCS THERE GIVE THE SAME AMOUNT OF SOULS AS THE BLACK KNIGHTS WHO ONLY RESPAWN IN THE FINAL AREA OF THE GAME!?

Friede's second phase bothers me a whole lot.
She is completely gimped during that section to make room for Ariendel. Horrible game design.
Darklurker is how you add more enemies into the boss battle gradually well. O&S is how you decrease the number during a fight well.

das 3 isnt linear because you can kill the dancer at the beginning of the game and go straight to lothric if you want to. there are many split paths, i didnt even go to the cathedral until sl70 because of all of the exploration

>I just don't get these threads anymore.
>and like all five games.
I also like all the games user. When I say DaS3 is better than DaS, that doesn't mean DaS is bad. I made this thread because I'm tired of DaSbabies hating on every other game and acting like DaS is a flawless masterpiece that does everything better. I just wanted to make a non meme thread explaining how DaS3 is better.

>I was on the front of hating 3
>Now I'm playing it for the first real time and starting to like it a lot
So you starting hating on the game like an underaged memelord, repeating what you saw other fucktards on Sup Forums say even tho you didn't play the game? Then you gave it a shot and realised it's not so bad?

People like you are part of the problem.

das3 runs like shit, are there any mods that make it run fast? i get 160fps in rocket league in 1440p and barely get 60fps in das3 when there are more than 3 phantoms

I guess I agree that 3 is better than 1. BUT, two things really piss me off about 3:


In 1, you could build a tank character that could wear enemies down. In 3, enemies just attack nonstop until you're dead. It's pretty stupid that you have a stamina bar, but nothing else in the game does. Conversely, enemies have solid poise (darkwraiths, for example, won't stagger until 3 hits or so), but you have no poise.

It's really just dumbed down and stupid in an attempt to capture some of the speed of bloodborne and I hate it.

das3 is capped at 60fps

you cant kill lothric which is fucking retarded

No, I started the game and played until the Woods, and I didn't enjoyed it, but part of that was that I was burned out on the series. Now, with a fresh mind, I gave it another shit and liked it a lot more. I also didn't go around saying how awful DaS3 is, because that's dumb.

I agree.
It has a better soundtrack too. I never really understood what people saw in DaS1's soundtrack, outside of Gwyn.

>DaS3 had a massive hard on for multi-phased bosses.
Nothing wrong with that. BB had those and I think it's great.
>Is no one else tired of every boss either suddenly growing another health bar
No, because total HP are split between the phases, it's not like you're fighting a full boss followed by another.
>or massively changing its moveset at half health to the point it might as well be a new boss altogether?
But that's great. It adds intensity to the fight and it's much more rewarding the beat the boss after he got stronger or revived once.

yes but this didnt answer my question, i get dips under 60fps even though its not a very good looking game unless you max out the graphics - at which point its easy to see that it was a very sloppy and slow running console port