What type of cigarette does Sup Forums smoke while playing games?

What type of cigarette does Sup Forums smoke while playing games?

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I roll my cigs with Lucky Strike tobacco, OCB papers and Rizzla filters, like every straight man.
I stopped buying packs because I smoke too much when I'm on meth and it becomes way too expensive. With rolled cigs I can smoke all I want.

>smoking indoors

Won't smoke while I play. Don't like the smell of stale smoke, so I still smoke outside. Still, Marlboro Black menthols.


No thanks.



Marlboro Reds

or roll-your-owns with tubes and a cigarette machine

Zelda fan?

straight edge nigga

120apm but not the skill to do it self

whatever filters, smoking rolling papers and gauloises melange original, also black coffee for that starving artist feel

No, Sonypony

I vape

DUDE TOBACCO LM- *dies of lung cancer*

I hate to admit it but i use an electronic cigarette. Before that i smoked blue camels, good stuff.

I don't smoke

i only vaporize fresh ground cannabis

Live a few blocks away from one of the two smoke shops in my state that sell these fuckers, nothing better.

This was the worst anime I've ever watched

I used to smoke menthol Dunhills, one of the best cigarettes I've ever smoked.

brb smoke

I stopped smoking and started vaping so I could do it inside without being a degenerate.

nice bait
have a (You)

Yeah I'll toke to that in a minute.

Where do you get lucky strike tobacco? Use to smoke unfiltered but can't find them anymore.

the only smoke i put out is weed smoke


cigarettes are disgusting and anyone who doesn't smoke finds you disgusting


Is this 2004? Only emofags smoke anymore.

>smoking indoors while doing a completely routine activity
What's the point?

Emos still exist?

>tfw blazed af rn

>Being enslaved by the nicotinic jew

"Fleur du pays" tobacco

Event though my rolling skills are shit, I enjoy it.

actually you're more likely to die of cardiovascular complications.

b-but muh peer pressure

>Where do you get lucky strike tobacco?
In every tobacco shop, right next to standard Lucky cigarettes. I live in baguetteland, maybe they don't sell it where you live, tho it's kinda weird.
>Use to smoke unfiltered
Oh god don't do this user, unfiltered is retarded as shit, just buy a pack of tiny filters, it tastes better and you don't ravage your lungs as much. If you want a stronger taste, just roll them bigger.

>that one time chain-smoking 6 cigs and that night, my throat was bleeding
Never choose to smoke any menthol cigs more

And I'm supposed to care about what people find disgusting because?

I dunno man you seem to think it's still called "emo"

Was Mayfair, now quit which is killing me for games like Siege in terms of stress

Camel lights. Lord help me quit

You become who you hang out with. Get new friends.

usually it's marlboro lights. But on special occassions I break out the parliaments

What if I'm the only one who smokes amongst everyone?

It helped me deal with social anxiety and let me escape awkward silences by going outside for a smoke

Cold turkey, user.

It's the way I quit for a year. If you don't like smoking, give it up. It's a pain in the ass for the first few weeks, so keep yourself busy.

Then you are being a bad influence on them and they're better of hanging out with quite literally anybody else.

Just get your phone out like everybody else.

Legit this, nicotine patches do next to nothing since you're still taking nicotine and all you are doing is cutting the movement habit.

Also Champax is pure evil and causes the most fucked nightmares you will ever have

Yeah, i do tried once when i was on college but perhaps too unbearable.


>Try it
>Still smoking like it was before
I rather have some candy and lollipop if i want to reduce it

Getting your phone out just seems fuckin rude though.
Most of them were "social" smokers (only when they were drinking) and were the ones that got me smoking so me being the "bad influence" is a tad ridiculous

Used to smoke pall mall menthil 100'd. Just recently moved though, and theirs an indian reserve nearby with decent cheap ones at 26$ a carton so been on those now

I honestly used to smoke unfiltered Luckies. Had to stop when I started coughing up tar.

>most of the well known cigs got jacked up its price
>smuggled cigs are the only way
Shit, rarely i smoke dunhill or even camel. Well, at least kretek is nice too

I use to smoke lucky strikes unfiltered like 11 years ago. Miss the huge buzz but not tobacco stained fingers. Thanks for the info, I'll check it out.

t. Jamal

Fuck done that for one night and it was goddamn horrific, no idea how you could manage it long-term.

Thought I've quit due to similar reasons, my throat is fucked after years of cigs and vodka

>the huge buzz

Maybe I've been smoking too long, but I don't remember ever getting a buzz.

Quit for a while then come back.
Hits like a wonderful dizzying hammer

bali shag

it's halvzware that's fuckin incredible

I think even one day quit is enough to get that buzz feeling. Hit too strong i almost faint

nothing wrong with buying a pack of menthols every few months dude, people that smoke them all the time are crazy though

nah, it think emo and goth culture died a while ago and was replaced with 'quirky nerd' culture

Why the fuck would anyone smoke? Not only is it terribly unhealthy it absolutely shit tier as a drug.

>kreteks have been outlawed over here
i miss djarum cigarettes

>No Fumor

Its the only fucking thing I learned on highschool, No fumar, Prohibido Fumar

Fucking Cowboy BeBop, you put too much attention to details and fuck ups the easiest ones

Oddly enough I once figered a girl who love it and believed smoking was a hot fetish, so we cool

there are a lot of jobs were you don't get your break if you don't smoke, when i started working one of the first things i was told was to smoke during work hours

sounds like a bunch of hoo hah

You have Surya cigs too ?

Was it at a nightclub?

Cool points, but still only applies to brain dead youngling, unless you are a badass classy old man smoking from a pipe, but you need to be at least 50 years old to pull it off

the gudang garam ones, right? had them until like a year ago

FIlterless camels, filterless American Spirits, or FIlter Camels in that order

You know Cancer is literally the most painful way to die right OP? And is guaranteed if you smoke for any considerable period of your life. Your family will be in pain too.

i love how pipe tobacco smells, it's really nice and relaxing for me

>and fuck ups the easiest ones
99% of the time this is the case with translations if they are done without proper supervision, creators just look up words in the dictionary/online translator and don't know what the issue is.

>filterless American Spirits
jesus user, i feel sorry for you lungs

Just say you smoke, they can't provide unfair boons for smoking anyway, if they call you out on it tell them to go fuck themselves, no need to kill yourself for an extra five minutes of peace.

I only smoke weed, there's no reason to smoke cigarettes when weed does everything better and less harm to your lung

Stop smoking, Sup Forums.



*drinks beer cuz i still live with parents*

None because I'm not a faggot. Enjoy cancer