
Trolling aside, is anyone concerned?

Other urls found in this thread:


Cancelling my pre order as we speak

No. They deduct points because the game doesn't serve as a multimedia device. I'll use it as a gaming device. I mean, who even streams shows to their TV anymore?

Ah yes, just as predicted people will now flood Sup Forums with 6.7 for weeks to come despite literally


other site being more positive about the Switch, such as Gamespot for example


But no, of course this is the classic shitposter strategy. Pick out the worst review you can find and then spam that ad infinitum.
Carry on.



For now....

In a year it will be Literally 10/10 host system everyone must own after Xenoblade 2, FE Warriors, DQ XI and SMT all come out

>Buying DQXI on an inferior console when the best version will be on PS4
>SMT coming out in a year

this. was gonna buy it on launch but now im gonna wait a bit

>trusting review scores

It's not a great sign, that Nintendo didn't shell out the traditional payment for a high score. You'd think a Japanese company would understand such practices.

>nintendo is once again holding hostage one of the best games of the generation behind garbage hardware
Time to find a used Wii U

All other reviews seem to speak of it pretty positively saying it has a ton of promise

I'll get one. Might as well play Zelda so I have time for other games once they come out throughout the year.

What games?

Delete this thread.


BotW, Fast RMX, Bomberman R, ARMS, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, Super Mario Odyssey, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Project Octopath, Blaster Master Zero, Wargroove(Advance Wars), Rime, Snakepass, Runner 3, Disgaea 5, SMT V, TumbleSeed, Fire Emblem Warriors, Steamworld Dig 2

All of that is just 2017. There'll be plenty for me to play on my Switch.

>trusting review sites

how will nintendo fans ever recover from a 6.7 shees that is hard... Literally speaking with my brother to cancel his preorder for his son, there is no need to buy trash.

Cancelled my preorder. What's the current release market for the PS4 and Xbox One, lads?

It's sad how consoles these days always suffer from the "no games" syndrome at longer intervals now.

I mean, when did the PS4 finally get "games"? Like, 2-3 years after launch? And the XBO, like, after 2 years as well?

And now the Switch, while looking so promising, has only Zelda and a few other games at launch too.

Why do you lie on a chinese cartoon image posting baord?

Half of that isn't exclusive, half of what is isn't coming out in 2017, and that leaves almost nothing coming out 2017

Not buying a switch but most consoles are 6/10 on launch. They take a while to get momentum. It comes down to whether you trust the company to follow up on launch promises

All of those are 2017.

And where have I said I'll only play exclusives on the Switch?
I'm looking forward to playing Disgaea 5 on the go.

Wii U is even worse garbage. Just wait for Wii U emulator, it's already running a lot of games so Zelda might not take long

This user gets it. I actually was planning to line up at midnight, but I think now I'll just shitpost here and make fun of the fags that bought one

>jrpg garbage and a musou

Are you retarded?

Hang on my dudes renewing my suicide watch sub oh God, NintenDONE to be desu

Wow, it's the real score. I wonder why didn't they pay the reviewer. Everybody knows these articles are a scam and are payed for to shill.

Behind all the false marketing, the fact is that Switch is basically a Wii U revision, just like the Wii was a Gamecube revision.

Wii U was actually a massive bump in graphics from Wii. But the Swicth is a very minor if any at all, bump in graphics from Wii U.

FE Warriors is 2018, SMT V has no release date but given atlas, you shouldn't expect it before late 2018. And that's just off the top of my head.

You are either a fucking shill or the most delusional of nintoddlers on Sup Forums.


considering cancelling my pre-order, the review just hits every criticism spot on and I can't stand nintendo releasing another POS like the pii U

maybe i'll just keep it and scalp some other fool though

>who even streams shows to their TV anymore?

Just about everybody

>woke up this morning
>not Anthony Burch
>also not a Nintendo fanboy

Switch? more like switch it off HAHAH

He's not even complaining about the games, he's complaining about the build of the console itself. The desynch of controllers, the weak hardware, the battery life, these are the reason he gave it a 6.7


>preordering a console when the incompetent mongs that run the industry cant even get a single game right

how stupid do you even have to be

>buying a ps4

Thanks but I'm not gay

>literally a day ago, when people were picking out BotW flaws

Really made me think.


Might as well be if you're buying a Nintendo product.

its a shame reviews wont matter tomorrow when zelda gets a 10/10 from ign



IGN of all sources too, what a knee slapper. I don't want to argue, I'd legitimately still go


even if the review slapped a fucking 9 or 10 on the system

>only the ign review matters
>all the dozens of other much more positive reviews don't matter and I'll just ignore those

t. you, a gay anime fag

yeah as opposed to the solid and unbiased opposite where nintentoddlers pick out the highest score they can find and spam it

fuck off faggot

>Can't use the right thumbstick in portable mode without breaking your hand


Really drives my cognition into ignition.

It'll be okay, little guy. You can always hack your Wii U and get a solid console.

This shit is made to keep children quiet in the backseat of the SUV, you pathetic manchild, shave and go outside.

>all reviews are paid except the worst one which is the one that aligns with my anti-nintendo agenda and thus will be spammed by me

stimulates the grey matter indeed

>Reviewing hardware

I never realized people did this.

Good. I've been trying to pre-order the fucking thing for a month now.

"The Switch is just way too big to be portable" - IGN

Where does this corporate fanaticism stem from?

I grew up with nintendo, but that doesn't mean i'm going to defend and big up this system like a cultist, it's so fucking odd.

What happened here?

>If we had to score it now
>not final

Pure clickbait. IGN was a mistake.

>Sup Forums suddenly cares about IGN reviews
Really makes you think

enjoy your malfunctioning controllers, launch fags
I might get it in a year when there's something to play that's not zelda, but jesus this is why you don't buy consoles at launch

>Gamespot video review shows the guy fitting the Switch in his pocket even with the Joy-Cons attached.

>It's another "Nintendo rushes a console with no games and the only good launch title they have is a crossplat which no one will buy the console for because >crossplat" episode

It's like they hate money.

Also, Breath of the Wind looks like fucking shit. Has Nintendo finally become the Special Ed. kid it was slowly sliding into?

Makes sense,XL DS (as pictured) hardly fits in my pockets when closed, and the switch is bigger, can't fold, and you need controllers.

The 3ds can compact itself, to fit the switch into a pocket properly you need to detach the joycons.

>"The Switch is just way too big to be portable"
No fucking shit IGN its a size of a tablet plus additional bulkiness of the controllers.

the wii u was a good system plagued by a deserted, barren library of nogames
it was like the ps3 of its generation
reposting because ded thred

considering I mostly want it to play as a portable, no, I'm still pretty excited about it.

ill sell u it senpai

I just hope this means that people can't cry about paid reviews when the 10/10 breath of the wild reviews appear.

They've always done this for consoles at launch, you absolute newshit.

Releasing a console with no games and serious flaws like battery life is retarded.

That is not an excuse.



>nintendo designs a portable console
never change
also those controllers

I'm concerned how Nintendo has been silent this whole time about everything...that's not a good sign.

I feel like the switch is going to be end up like my vita.

Not really. Between the paltry (admit it, it is) launch library and the fact that the review excludes all online features 6.7 seems like a fine score.

This is what you get when you buy a console at launch that doesn't have a lot of games.

>One thing's for sure: the Switch is no PS4. Check out my review for IGN: ign.com/articles/2017/03/01/nintendo-switch-review

fucking KEK


wtf I hate Nintendo now

If the PS4 or Xbone didn't stream netflix, etc. I'd have to get some other form of TV streaming. There's no reason it shouldn't have those properly in place

>that asshurt in the comments
Pure gold.

Except portable doesn't mean "fits in your pocket." A laptop is a portable computer.

IGN is trash.

I swear someone snapped at me back when this was announced and I called it a portable console.
I dont know how old are these people but holy shit

Holy shit nintendrones utterly BTFO

Another garbage Nintendo console tanks

Nintendo will go full-on mobile now, its all over for Nintencucks

Where were you when Nintendo was Nintendonefor

the cycle is gonna start anew

This got me worried. I pre ordered this. Should I eternally BTFO of this pre order?

Sup Forums in a nutshell.
Reviews only count when fags here want them to count.

They are right, though.

How come every other site reviews the Switch much more positively than IGN?

Oh let me gues, all others are paid off and only IGN speaks the truth, right?

I can see your hands trembling from here

strawpoll is for fags.
over under 88 on metacritic.
what you got boys.

yes, but you dont game on a laptop

Nice bait. But it actually is interesting reading some of his comments, he'd apparently rate it way higher if the Joycon issue was fixed.

They don't care because they're based out in Japan and IGN has no clout there

silent about what?
the only real issue has been the joycon sync, and they have told that they are looking into it.
they have already said the VC was not available on launch, same with the browser but are coming.
the rest are non issues

sure, you are right

here is a 5/10 review


Nintendo Switch _____________

>60% disliked

I'm glad not everyone sees those indies as games, fucking gamefaqs forums always deflect that argument citing the indie titles for it.

I'm getting the switch now so I won't have to buy it later, but damn I'm definitely worried it's going to be like Wii U again

>yfw you have a hacked Wii U and aren't a Switchcuck

>pre ordering
>pre ordering consoles
>pre ordering nintendo consoles

just wait until you know its good/it has more than 1 game you want

where were you when nintendies dies?

Seems like that kid lost a high stakes match in a pokken tournament

CEMU please save BoTW