Blizzard, I have a life. Please alter the game in such a way to cater to me

>Blizzard, I have a life. Please alter the game in such a way to cater to me.
why are overwatch players such entitled normies?

Other urls found in this thread:

I've never played OW before. What's the average run time of a game? 10 minutes?

>goes on reddit


10-15 I think? By new rules you are required to play at least 7 games in a week so SR doesn't decay, but it's only for diamond and up.

Wait this shit happens? Why would your SR decline?

>can't play 7 games a week
>cares about rank

>literally can't play one game a day
>Gives a shit about their rating

If you don't play 7 games in a week your SR start declining if you're above 3000. This way they want to battle "smurfs". I don't know how that makes sense or why would people have more than 1 smurf active, because playing 7 games in a week is fucking nothing.

Ranked games can push 30 minutes if it's really close

If it's a stomp it can take as short as 10 minutes though. Or at least that's what it was like in season 1, haven't touched it since.

>10 minute games
>required to play 7 per week
>play one per day


blizzard I dont like video games can we have button for instant top 500 pls!

And that's why Battleborn is better

Games typically 20 minutes still and close to 30 in some cases. Nothing really changed up except now it's possible for both teams to waste a ton of time with a tie.

7 ranked game or just 7 game ?
because 7 arcade games barely take more than 20 min specially in 3v3

7 ranked

ok thanks

>I'm competitive, look at my rank, I'm so MLG pro
*Blizzard makes you play a minimum of 7 games per week*
>B-b-but Blizzard I-I-I have a life

Normies want to have their cake and eat it too

this truly is the era of instant gratification

This was the thing that ruined wow, all that delicious whining the wow forums oh baby

no one knows how to work for anything anymore

>hhahaha I'm a basement dweller with no life Im so special ha...ha...

>for worthless shit like games that contribute nothing to one's life

So user, tell me how you're working towards getting fit, a gf and a good paying job :^)

And yet the hilarious thing is Blizzard WILL cave to these kinds of people if they think it will earn them more money.

Just look at what they've done to WoW.

Holy shit, is that really a reddit screencap?

yeah it has three times the amount of upvotes now too

>Edit: For everyone that keeps telling me: "HAHA YOU DONT HAVE HAVE 15 minutes? YOU SHOULDNT BE IN DIAMOND." You guys don't really know what's going on in my life, sooooo kindly stfu.
you can't make this shit up

That's truly sad. Seeing reddit topics on Sup Forums, forces me to acknowledge just how shitty this board is.

I play games 10 hours a day and I agree with him. Expecting people to play a match per day will burn them out and make them quit.

That sounds like something the average WoW player. You sure it's just not Izzard's fault for attracting casual cretins?

Let them bitch. Overwatch is a casual game for normalfags and casuals.

Why would you care about the most casual game of 2016's "ranked" mode, where casuals can pretend like it matters.

competitive overwatch is already dead and hopefully that dumpster fire of a braindead clusterfuck will be soon.

>companies shouldn't listen to their fan bases

>why are overwatch players such entitled normies?

Why are you such a pussy that you need to come here to say this instead of posting it on reddit where you belong?

I don't know SHIT about Overwatch, but what's so bad about playing one match a day if you like the game enough to care about your rank?

When it's a faggotry fanbase that doesn't even play the game obviously not.

You sound pathetic, mate. You a virgin? Guess I don't need to ask.

To be fair if you're diamond+ you're probably in a team, so each of you need to have that same down time

>I want to be competitive
>I don't have enough time to play
are these people fucking retarded?
holy shit I wish they would fucking die

oh looks its the OP of the reddit thread

I think Sup Forums might be too toxic for you. I heard there's an overwatch community on tumblr that's more considerate of your feelings, maybe that fits you better

If you are in a team and dimond+ then you do.

They last 20 minutes on average. Sometimes longer if there's a lot of overtime, and sometimes shorter if it's completely one-sided or there's a leaver. I can see how 7 games a week is a lot of time to invest if you're a normie that mainly plays on weekends. But doesn't it just mean your rank decays toward 3k? It's not like you're punished in any major way. If you're good then you'll just climb back up when you do find time to play. If not then what does it matter?

>20 minutes of your time per day (Sometimes less even)
>"Wow you must be a basement dweller!"

SR only decays if you are above 3000. At that point it is obvious you are commited enough to the game that 20 minutes of OW per day is fucking nothing to you