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Shut up Helga. Go get molested by your dad again.

When the nintendron rats began to become cancer in neo-/ v /?


> IGN 6.7
IGN 6.7
> IGN 6.7

>yfw the Switch manages to sell worse than the Wii U

>switch releases
>breath of the wild releases
>but it's available on Wii U
>shovelware releases
>shovelware releases
>Splatoon 2 releases, finally a good switch game!
>but it's available on Wii U and saying Splatoon 2 is a reason to get a Switch is like saying call of duty is a reason to get a PS4 Pro
>shovelware releases
>shovelware releases
>Mario kart 8 releases
>but it's available on Wii U
>smash bros releases
>but it's available on Wii U


Reminder that Horizon Zero Dawn will sell more units then Nintendo will sell switch consoles.





arms is the equivalent to Wii Party U

it's a tech demo for the new gimmick hardware

>Paying full price for Wii Boxing with Jump and Super buttons

>fighting games are tech demos



I don't know user, by my estimate, there's only a 6.7% chance of that happening.

fucking STOP

i will laugh like a retard when i remember those posts while switch ends up being a success

>a success

Choose one

Splatoon 2 is coming to Wii U?

user, you laugh like a retard regardless.

>fighting game

face it, it's to show off the waggle controls of the joycons

>underpowered tablet console hybrid made by Nintendo will be successful


Are you seriously comparing Splatoon to call of duty?


>he takes shitposting that seriously
Nintyfags are truly delusional.

We're just having fun, m8, lighten up.

That's it, I'm calling it.

This is Nintendo's dreamcast. This I'd the console that will push Nintendo to abandon hardware.

motion controls are optional

That's fine. I'm going to frame this and hang it on my fucking wall if you're wrong though.

that would mean the switch will be discontinued by holiday 2018

D-do you really think it could happen?

>vita is dead and 3ds still isn't

Reminder that the Mario Odyssey trailer is closing in on 15 million views in less than two months, more views than the E3 BotW trailer got in over six months. This game will have Switches flying off the shelves like the Wii.

>Vita is dead
>But still outsold the Wii U

is that grimes?

6.7 ;)

Doesnt the new God Of War have more?

The vita is getting more games than the 3DS on a regular basis.

>This is Nintendo's dreamcast.
That would require it featuring the best library of all their platforms in just 2 years.

So much for 3D Mario not selling.

Holy shit this doesn't sound good.


When the Switch gets hacked, I'll probably buy a used or refurbished one.

>wat u do with switch he says to me
>personally me I am a going to take big dump and use it for wiping bottom
>lmao just wat it made for says he

>being this much of a cuck that you're a slave to a company that doesn't even know you exist.



who cares?

Name 7

What if we just accept this as a handheld with an optional TV output? Nintendo left the home console market and simply put is just a handheld company now? If they make a 3DS successor and split their games apart again, they will be completely retarded.

I'm personally hoping for a version that doesn't have detachable controllers. Just a regular handheld and you buy the Pro controller for when it's attached to the TV. I know that's obviously worse than what we have now, but maybe it would drive down the cost for people like me who have absolutely no interest in the detachable controller feature.

Reggie doesn't care about your existence and Iwata is a rotting corpse.
You can stop riding corporate dick now, user.

all those (you), autism confirmed, you already lose

>Breath of the Wild got ALL THESE 10/10s :)
>fuck you dissenting views are not to be tolerated

>fighting games
Let me guess, you're one of those Nintoddlers who also think Smash is a fighting game.

I don't want a handheld. They have terrible ergonomics. There's a reason people are fuming about the optional 70 bucks controller, as the joycons are so bad it's mandatory.

To be fair, the sad reality is that some of these people are probably being serious, but to be honest I kinda get where they are coming from, I will get the switch, but I sure as shit won't be getting it on release to play absolutely nothing, I can fucking wait. I don't know who thought releasing a console so fucking barebones was a good idea, I guess that why the IGN reviewer gave it a 6.7

Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
God Wars Future Past
Toukiden 2
Touhou Double Focus
Touhou Genso Wanderer
Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey

Guess what? This is only the month of March.

>defending IGN

What would be cool for me is if perhaps it's the same price, no detachable controllers, but comes with a pro controller.

It would take a 6.8 to beat sony. Maybe next time

like wii u right user?

Yeah, but that won't get Nintendo the shekels they want.

Views are nothing. I've viewed the Zelda trailers at least half a dozen times with multiple IPs and have no intention of pirating or emulating the game, let alone buying a copy.
Views are meaningless.


You sure proved me wrong. Also, those are all on PS4 too.

It's something that could happen down the line, when they want to do a revision for more sales. The Switch just screams of something that's going to see a revision, or several. I mean, they even made the fucking 2DS because people didn't care about the 3D and would rather pay less to not have it, I can see the same thing happening for the Switch.

What part of any of that changes what was addressed? Fuck off, you retarded fanboy. I would sooner fucking break your nose if this were a real conversation.

I got this ad when I opened the IGN review of the switch, seems appropriate

No doubt, that's standard practice for Nintendo with handhelds at this point. However, it's important to point out the 2DS was a NoA initiative.

The funny thing is: Helga was wrong in the movie.

>Look at 3DS releases
>Shovelware weebtrash but less games

8 unique bosses and 3 bosses with 4 variations each, i'm not even mad

Look at the thumb down numbers and the comments. Nintendo fanboys are mentally ill.

>I would sooner fucking break your nose if this were a real conversation.
Would you *teleport behind him* as well, obese vitard?

Why are you speaking as if a different person?
Please, I'm more fit than you will ever be. Feel free to project.

Whatever, a lot of the TW3 bosses were just reskins and I still liked it.

>there are people RIGHT NOW actually defending I G FUCKING N
Sup Forums is dead

The Witcher had enemy variety though.

Yes, ignore the content and focus on the company.
You really are a cancerous fanboy.

That's why I don't play my 3DS or Vita anymore.

I was the one that posted the horizon ad, and I wasn't defending IGN, I was doing the opposite, are you alright son?

How is ARMS not a fighting game?

Oh god, I love this. Vitards can't keep their virtual fedora at bay.


>but look at this review by number 1 trustworthy video game reviewer IGN
>the game is not out yet but please pay attention to this single IGN review
>please look at the review by IGN


The saddest thing is that of all mainstream "journalism" websites right now, IGN is the least wrong. We live in a fucked up world.

It was alright, but you'd find a lot of the wraiths were the same or griffon has the same attack patterns as a wyvern or something. TW3 has a ton of effort put into it, of course. I think the enemy variety is completely acceptable, but think the same of Zelda from what I've seen. Maybe I'll sing a different tune when I'm actually playing.

Damn, the inferiority complex on kidtendo fans is getting out of hand.

Aren't those the same guys who gave a 7/10 to Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire just because "they don't have enough water"?

Why would be a 6.7 from them be anything worth mentioning?

It's the Switch version of Wii Boxing.

Fuck off with the damage control.
All you've down in cry "IGN" like a braindead Sup Forumstard screams "JEW" when he wants to discredit anything without having to put any effort into it. How about you actually assess the points brought up in the review?
It's obvious you didn't even bother to watch it because rating and negative points aside, they were incredibly hands off and were making sure to still spin shit to make it look positive where they could. They even managed to deflect their own criticisms of the console mode performance by saying how great it is to be able to play Zelda in bed.

How about you watch the fucking review?

who is this semen slurping baby smuggling jizz portrait?

>It's the Switch version of Wii Boxing.

a fighting game with normal gamepad controls is wii boxing? How?

>garrettkidney1 hour ago
>To compare the power of the system to its competitors is to miss the purpose of the system entirely.
Jesus, it's like these people learned nothing with the Wii U.

No, too much water. Hoennbabies are so delusional that they genuinely think that's not a perfectly valid complaint about 3rd gen.

GR 2 dlc villain

Can Sonyggers defend their game or do they just know it's shit and have to argue Switch/BoTW is too?

>10 replies in one thread
my god you really do have autism.

Can kidtendo fans spend at least 24hs without talking about Sony? You feel that inferior?

I was just making a reference to that one pic you autismo

You cannot be this intellectually dishonest without being paid.

Do you realise user merely added those in for your reaction?



>You cannot be this intellectually dishonest without being paid.

Hey, prove me wrong, fuccboi

>arms the motion control game isn't a motion control game

>arms the motion control game

It's a fighting game

Here we go again.