>umm, could you turn that thing down?

Other urls found in this thread:



>implying I'm not already keeping the volume under control
>implying I'd use the speakers

s-stop making fun of me im having fun! im superior! im a real adult!

Nobody cares about what normies think.

How much of a sperg do you have to be to play on platforms like that ? I get it on planes and while traveling situations that allow you to sit your ass down for a while, but in social situations ? Anons you can for one try talking for once instead of using your mouth just to eat and burp.

But what if you're bad at small talk?


Then surely sitting huddled in a corner playing video games instead of trying, failing, and learning to be better at something is the solution.

how the fuck does playing vidya by yourself in a crowded room help that?
are you just fishing for that one girl out of a thousand parties who was dragged there by a friend, and out of peer pressure attended the party, but had actually just purchased the very game you're playing and was planning to play it tonight, AND is not shy to openly talk about it / be seen with the 'weird guy' at that party?

Theres nothing for headphones. Thats the joke

>user finally gets invited to a house party
>"This is why I bought my Switch.. it's finally fucking time "
>shitposts on Sup Forums mocking other anons for being on Sup Forums on a friday/saturday night before leaving
>buys a couple of additional joycons
>puts on his brand new subtle Zelda tshirt and leaves his house
>excited while driving to the party, fantasizing about all the fun people will be having and how popular will he be for bringing his Switch
>finally arrives at the party
>nobody is there yet
>he awkwardly tries to speak to the host while waiting for other people
>after 2 hours people start arriving
>"It's time" thinks user to himself
>he takes out his Switch out of his subtle vidya bag
>everyone is having fun around him and getting drunk, chads start grinding on the qts
>user is confused "This isn't like the nintendo ad!"
>gets increasingly sad and starts playing Zelda in the corner while shitposting on Sup Forums on his phone (no web browser)
>after a couple of hours a drunk Chad aproaches him
>"Bro what the fuck is that?"
>takes his switch and starts playing with the joycons in a mocking manner
>throws the joycons on the floor and starts dancing with a random girl
>in the verge of tears user leaves the party , a random girl is pucking outside, "this is bullshit" user thinks
>Starts playing Zelda again in his car with the aditional pair of joycons he just bought
>goes home, eats a hotpocket and shitposts until he falls asleep

>a random girl is pucking outside

puck you, you know what I meant

>Bitch, how about i turn YOU down.

>he doesn't puck



>heh, fuck you bitch!

>doesn't know what pucking is
have you never been to a party in your life?

>ugh, karen brought her stupid video game thing again
>and she still has that stupid bowlcut
>I know right!

>this image actually triggers assblasted fatties who have no social lives
>w-who cares what normies think? I-I'm just having f-fun!


These people are like the NPCs of reality.


The fucking thing doesn't even have a way to wall charge it. You have to buy proprietary batteries at $5 a pop and they only last for 20 hours tops!

Nintendo is NintenDONE.

hahaha OP is pathetic

This, we the gamers are the protagonists of reality

you can kill them and the guards will forgive you if you're the thane of your town, dude.

If there's one thing I've learned about life, it's that everyone believes that they are the protagonist of the story. Everyone is the good guy in their own minds.

>invited to party


What if I wanna be the bad guy but I keep fucking up and being the good guy?

If there's one thing I've learned about life it's that most people are too stupid and ignorant to have ever heard of the word "protagonist", and have a level of cognition barely above that of apes.

Everyone is fucking dumb except me, fuck I could be president right now if I was not super lazy. I'm also good looking but shy, that's why I'm a virgin and women are fucking whores too

lol, true.

There are very few people who actively try to be "bad guys". They generally believe that even if they are doing bad things, that they are acting in the interest of the greater good.


I actively try to be a bad guy though.

Are American house parties like the ones in American Pie where everyone is dressed to the nines drinking beer from plastic cups?

Here in Britain a house party is either what you do when you're too young to get served down the pub/at a club and someone has a free house and it usually results in a trashed house, and when you get older it's a more private affair and will devolve into watching bizarre shit on youtube and playing dumb multiplayer games drunk out of your fucking mind while people start passing out/going home, leaving the final two standing who are required by law to begin singing.

i need more pictures like this

Well then you either don't value other life, which is a mental disorder, or you justify your actions to yourself by saying that you act for the greater good.

My fucking sides

This is why we play PS4, the only uncucked console in the market.

More specifically, actual gamers that don't play Nintendoodoo or any eastern shit

>after 2 hours people start arriving

me desu

Have you also learned that you're intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor?

Just like me

>tfw secretly very loving, kind, and compassionate but put on a facade like im an ass hole who hates everyone
no one will ever know

>edgy college philosophy 101
Nah I'm mentally sound. I love my family, friends, etc. I justify my actions because it's hilarious being an ironic autist around strangers. I acknowledge the fact that I'm making the world a worse place.

Are you kidding? Did nintendo get bought by fucking duracell or something?

See right here you're attacking a generalization with an even worse generalization. A total strawman. None of these things were implied in the post you were responding to. You made them up.

Then you get some more alcohol


I think it would be more cringe/embarrassing to go to a party with a dark, edgy game. At least Mario, though childish, is fun. Girls might even find it cute that you play those games. cute like their little brother

Why is it hilarious to you to act that way? Why do you try to make the world a worse place?

But I'm agreeing with you

nah, ur just a fucking weirdo

How fucking old are you?

Because I value my own personal joy over the greater good of the world
*tips le fedora*

Are you a hip rooftop partying millennial? You'll be fine according to the commercial.

Get Pucked

top cringe

Stop hang out with niggers.

same in France without the multiplayer games shit and with more red wine

You're an egoist... Like the rest of us. The governing scale is this:
>Altruist - Humanist - Egoist - Hedonist - Nihilist.
If you're a bit more self-serving and a prick for your entertainment, congratulations, you're a egoist with hedonist leanings.

>innovative hardware

There are people here who don't want to play with Karen? Crazy!


>Partying with poor people
See if you partied on a roof with wealthy people like the commercial said you would get much better results.

>tfw I have the urge to deceive and push people just to see how they'll react out of genuine fascination watching what inputs lead to what outcomes
>I know it's wrong because I wouldn't like it done to me and causing upset to other people isn't nice etc. logically but I don't really feel any guilt when I do it, I just try not to because I try to be a nice person by societal standards

Where does that put me? When I was in my late teens and 20s I was out of control with it, I'd start relationships with women just to see how much shit they'd take and how susceptible they were to promises things would change, then slowly start making conditions worse for them etc. but I haven't done that for years now.

ITT: Edgelords

>Where does that put me?

We get thought that since birth in the cold barren wastes of Eastern Europe.

If a "normie" found out your idea of a fun time is shitposting on a Japanese image board everyone would think you're a massive faggot, user.

who the fuck is that retarded? I'd only use the switch portable during long trips or if somebody tells me to, you enjoy the party during a party you don't sit and play games
funny post btw

>enjoying party
You must be a normal kind of a degenerate.


well you're fucking psycho, for one

do I need to hide my shit into peoples bags in a party while people are drunk then?

>Yahoo! Killa da niggers!

What the fuck, Mario?


Why is this so funny everytime I read it?



Actually, yes.
Nintendo was bought by duracell after the wii u flop, i mean how the hell they would still be in business after that?
Makes sense why they made games with useless shit like physics just so they can sell more batteries

It has a USB-C port right on the bottom of it, you fucking mong

Literally it can be charged by any portable battery capable of outputting 3A.

it's even funnier when you hear it in a non-mario voice

nah man nah all the normies are doing it nowadays

Sup Forums is a normie site

>claims to want to be the bad guy
>has the sheer audacity to call someone else edgy
seriously now

He's pushing buttons exactly like he said he would. A sociopath.

Bringing vidya to a house party will never be a thing.

At a few frat house parties, sometimes they were doing smash bros or some football game on the system that was there.

I bet he doesn't even care either

>>gets increasingly sad and starts playing Zelda in the corner while shitposting on Sup Forums on his phone (no web browser)


>turn on TV
>flipping through channels
>pause on Nickelodeon for a second
>keep flipping channels
>land on HBO
>"What does it mean to be human? Our ideas... our cultures... our beliefs... what truly shapes us? Horizon: Zero Dawn, out now exclusively on Playstation 4."
Hmm, wonder which one I'll buy as a well-functioning adult.

I'll get both. What now?

What kind of garbage ass party would they be throwing where they could even hear a handheld, let alone it be loud enough to bother people? I don't blame the person for bringing a switch.

git gud faget

I admit I laughed
Pretty gud


>innovative hardware


This would be so much better without a fucking novel written inside the speech bubbles

but what about OTHER game?

You can put movie on youtube.
No need to thank me.
Btw the only game that's worth getting is bloodborne.
