How do you guys find time to play video games with work and/or school?

How do you guys find time to play video games with work and/or school?

My job doesn't supervise me so I can do whatever the fuck I want as long as all the work gets done first.

I just play in the evening.

By not wasting my time making shitty threads on Sup Forums.

By being a wothless neet ;_;

Weekends exist

I don't ;_;

I go through times where I don't have a social life. Pretty awesome

wait a second ..

I don't.

I work from home

I try to play games on my days off if I have nothing to do.
I've got no friends or anything so it's pretty easy. You end up with a lot more money when you're alone.

Play on days off. Work 12 hour shifts on and off days/nights so it depends how I feel. I find that anymore I play games for a smaller amount of time per sit-down. Maybe like 4-5 hours. When I was younger, that would be like 8-9 hours.

>implying Sup Forumstards play videogames

I live in France, so:
>7 weeks of paid holidays
>2 homeoffice days/month

I'm lucky enough to have a job where I only have to work one day a week. Leaves plenty of free time.

my job is to buy the fucking dip

>Going to school
What are you, some kind of loser?

Same. I'm posting this from work right now. I might play Disgaea 2 after lunch. I'll play DaS2 when I get home, or play Pokemon while I watch tv. How do you people not have time for this?

I don't know what to do with money so I buy bundles and make giveaways here, I eat pizza and other shitty food
Where can I get my personal slave
