This is every boss in BotW

This is every boss in BotW....



you forgot

>they're all zelda bosses so they have 3-4 attacks each

Remember this guys?

wrong i'm playing a review copy now it has over 200 bosses!

looks like they copied the variety of skyrim bosses

copy & pasted shitfest

Killed my hype. I was expecting gohma and dodango at least

>barely any overworld bosses
>can't find the giant Calamity Ganon
>dungeon bosses are all the same design


Behind all the false marketing, the fact is that Switch is basically a Wii U revision, just like the Wii was a Gamecube revision.

Wii U was actually a massive bump in graphics from Wii. But the Swicth is a very minor if any at all, bump in graphics from Wii U.

Didn't someone say they found gohma?

Irredeemable... fucking nintendo ass raping the loyal fanbase once again

Fucking knew it. Someone tried to tell me those rock things were just normal enemies in the world.
Fuck that guy.

I'm pretty sure Skyrim has less boss variety than that.

>comparing a massive game with quests and thousands of items and spells and abilities to a sandbox Zelda game

It's funny people thought nintendo was hiding all the good shit cause "they don't want to spoil it for the fans :^)"

This is the hands down the worst bosses in the series

That's all the overworld bosses, there are more bosses than that. I'd find a screenshot of one not included in the image but I don't want to go swimming in the archives. Good thing I saw the image otherwise my hype would've died.

Thunderblight was pretty cool tbqh.

in skyrim a random peasant is harder to kill than the final boss

what was the boss?

Where is the proof, fucko?

Don't remember, Maha something?

What's it look like?

what did it look like?

a bitch

lol so ur just making shit up

>every boss in BotW
You'd better know before you post.


TP only had 10, one of them was a recolored zelda
I bite the bait, where is my treat

Are there sword skills like in TP I want to helm split goblin niggas

In BOTW 70% are recolors.

I mean, even if you don't count the recolors there are at least 7 bosses on this picture. It's not that bad.

that is some lazy shit


>7 bosses not that bad
in what world

If you don't count the final boss Wind Waker have 6 bosses.

what a blunder


Which one is ganon

so what the hell is this?


More like Reskin of the Wild

Cut content

bottom right corner



>Nintendo shrinking because they keep giving 3rd parties the middle finger
>get's lucky with the Wii and thinks they're hot shit
>keeps giving 3rd parties the middle finger with outdated hardware
And now Nintenshit's console market is dead. Completely deserved.

is this a fucking joke?

they are just normal enemies in the world. You find most of the bosses in the world just around. But the game treats them like boss fights by giving them a lot of health and printing their name on the screen.

Basically, you know how Skyward Sword's "world" was like a dungeon, before the actual dungeon?

BotW is the same, except the entire world is one big dungeon rather than being split into 3 area dungeons and Above the Clouds.
Shrines are the puzzle rooms of this world dungeon, and in order to increase your heart containers or stamina meter, you have to do shrines. Every shrine rewards you with an orb and when you have 4 orbs you trade those into a statue for either another heart container or a pip of stamina.

This is zelda now.

That's barely different from the average number of bosses in zelda games


Seriously just buy a decent PC and play Doom or something, christ.

skyrim had bosses?


woah 20 bosses is a lot, that's more than shadow of the colossus

There's 78 "monsters" total according to the games compendium.

Including variants of course.

But they told me this was the Bloodborne killer....

I can't tell if it's worse that some recolored enemies are actually different to play against, or that nintendo didn't outright make new models for these differing versions electing instead to just recolor the model they already did.

It's like the lazy syndrome how all the weapons are reskins of the 3 basic weapon types. A hammer uses the same animation set as the long sword, and the same animation set of the axe, and the same animation set of the deku leaf. A boomerang uses the same anims as a sword or a magic wand.

They got lazy with this game. Theres probably like 12 monster recolors in the entire game that actually play differently and could have easily been an actual entirely differently designed and labeled monster, but they just like recolored an octorok and said "this is okay".
Like there are still recolors that aren't actually different but a couple are.

the game reeks of placeholder graphics.

Bloodborne would have to be a good game for it to be worthy of being killed, which it isn't

>Kidtendo fans tears

at least it had boss variety