Can we end the "BOTW is shit" meme?

Can we end the "BOTW is shit" meme?

No because it is shit.

There is no meme for once

As long as people are going to be salty over it, never.

GOTY and one of the best games ever

Nice false flagging.

>you have to wait 10 minutes for the master sword to charge

>PCuck still shit on BOTW and Horizon
>while they have nothing

they act like muslims and niggers now.

BoTW has some of the worst dungeons in zelda history. They all look the same.

Same for the bosses... They are all the same.

BOTW got MGSVd... fight me user

It's fucking Zelda
Of course it's shit

Aren't the Shrines seperate from the actual dungeons?

Your ilk have already well and truly proven that you are the most cancerous faggots on Sup Forums. Nintendrone, can you please just fuck off for good?

Even if it isn't shit, what I've seen so far visually looks like shit. Are all Nintendo titles doomed to boring, matte textures and white filter?

but it's shit tho

They are, but once again it is the same visual assets and gimmicky physics puzzles user.

The best puzzle games are gimmicky by design. The point is to give variety and make you think differently each time. So "gimmicky physics puzzles" is not a valid argument.

Literally every game ever made re-uses visual assets so there is nothing wrong with that either.

If those are the only flaws with this game then this truly is the greatest game ever made.

Good looking game trapped on 2 awful consoles. Shame

>14 enemy varieties only

When will this meme die?

No, it's bad.

People are still in the honeymoon phase but they'll realize what the game really is, come in a few weeks' time.

>People complain that Skyward Sword was too linear, too handholding, and now that we got something that is the complete opposite of that, it isn't an improvement in comparison?

I have sunk 10+ hours into it so far and the game play is fun. The durability system is a shit mechanic on the better weapons I can't repair yet but the game is pretty damn good otherwise.

Sonyggers trying to falseflag as Nintoddlers is hilarious.

>game play is fun
Holy shit! Brb buying now!!!!

All dungeons have the same visual assets with no distinction of originality besides the shape of the divine beast. The enemies within those dungeons are minimal and are a joke. The bosses are just reskins with different fighting patterns. The overworld is empty for the size of the map.

I really do not know how you can defend that.
OoT had more boss and dungeon variety and it came out in the 90s. It just shows laziness.

I hope you can turn the mini map off in Breath, I watched the end of the tutorial and the King gives you some really great verbal directions to the nearest town and then as soon as he finishes speaking a big marker just shows up on the mini map showing you where to go anyway.

There's a "Pro" HUD that turns off everything except the heart indicators.

It's not a meme because it's FACT

It's not shit, but it's not GOTY tier either.

can we end these zelda threads. Or atleast quarantine them.

Yeah the GOTY is going to be RDR 2

That's pretty sweet.

it's 6.7 good


What's with cel shading in botw ? Looks shit

Nobody told me this game is Pokémon Snap: Zelda edition

I've been running around for hours taking pics of things adding to the compendium for dat completion. This is fun.

Ass boy. You faggot big nig pirate or lucky fag.

haven't played the game: the post

No? Where do you think you, some place to discuss Vidya games in a polite, dignified manner?