What's the video game equivalent of this?

What's the video game equivalent of this?

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Naruto Ultimate Ninja


Man people can say whatever they want about this series but it had some freaking gorgeous fights...

Isn't it obvious? Lowering the difficulty setting.

It was cool when Goku and Picollo did it.


Fuck off retard, it was great.
literally this.

>Lowering the difficulty setting.
But he lost.

removing heavy armor on dark souls

>Still hating Naruto
>Not loving it ironically unironically

Pretty basically any 'super mode' you can toggle on and off
>Gains super speed
>Pretty much dances around the opponent until Gaara activates cheat mode

That webm is from when Naruto showed promise.

Both series sort of fouled up though.
Wearing heavy weights would give you better stamina, not speed. To get faster you need to exercise the muscle's response more.

It's like if you put a small weight around your thumb while playing games, after a few days you might be able to press buttons longer but not faster with the weight off.
If instead you mashed that mf A button for the same amount of time without a weight you'd probably find your number of button presses increase. Of course Naruto and DB ultimately rely on some mumbo jumbo about ki and chakra whenever they're done pretending there's any logic to who can do what and why, so it's whatever.



fuck off to your moeshit while we watch real anime

Put 10lb weights on your arm and tell me You're not slower ,dumbo

>>Not loving it ironically unironically

There's a special place in hell for all you fuckers who keep molesting the English language by misusing and abusing the word ironically and believing the word "unironically" has any real value.

Just know this.

U unironically mad?

The English language evolves as people use, crafting a path as new meanings raise and others fall off. You sound like an 19th century rapscallion mad that no one says wifflepot anymore.

Get fucked old man.



Late game Tactics Ogre: LUCT.

are you being ironic?

Bayo 1 during boss fights
Bayo 2 during Umbran climax
DMC and DT of sorts


I just recently blasted through the entire thing, skipping fillers

naruto is way better than shippuden

especially at the 2/3 along shippuden it feels like every other episode is flashback, not only that but flashbacking to shit that's been flashbacked 5 times already

also shippuden escalates so much that the mega turbo super nuclear explosion tier fights just become uninteresting because it feels they can just keep pulling anything from their asses

>Full 12 team
>Full elemental gear
>Winged boots/Sidhe shoes on all characters
>Lord dual wielding unique light swords, with divine magic
>Picked up so many tarot cards I have 99 of every one of them

I like the CyberConnect2 games. Sue me

He moved faster after removing the weights because the weights weighed over a ton.
Notice how they fucking CRATER THE GROUND when he drops them?

Getting off your horse in Mount and Blade with a high ranked character and kiting backwards.


Naruto is awful and no amount of saying it isn't is gonna change that. There's 1848848383 better animus