What are your plans for Nintendo Switch Launch Day?

Managed to get the Day OFF and will go pick up zelda at 8 am, then wait around for the UPS Delivery. Hoping to get at least 7 hours of gaming before I have to go to a party.







How long will you force this meme PCucks?

I was seriously planning on lining up at Target or Walmart, but the 6.7 and the other launch issues have persuaded me to shitpost on Sup Forums all night instead.

I mean, it's cool, but there's just nothing on it right now that looks extremely fun to be outside of Zelda.

Fuck off retard, the only thing it's missing is online.

Console getting low scores and zelda runs the same on pii u. Nah

For as long as you want us to sweetie ;^)

Wow. Wonder if the workers enjoyed stacking them up like that.

As for the launch I'm not sure yet. I'm working the night before it launches and I didn't preorder one.

What backwatered place is that where people drink Pepsi instead of Coke?


>Biology exam in the morning
>Have to be at work at 10:30AM
>Gamestop one road over from my work, opens at 10AM
>Gonna drive there after class, see if I can walk in when they open and get a red/blue switch
>If not after work I'm going to drive around town and see what's left
>Package I preordered from Best Buy with Zelda, Bomberman, Pro Controller, Charging Grip, and a new Micro SD are showing up on launch day

Spring Break is next week too so I plan on doing nothing but play Zelda.

Take it to the party with you and play 1 2 switch.

Get mad pussy.

Switch in the morning, Nioh and weed until Zelda and Bomberman arrive, and then vidya all weekend.

>extremely fun like zelda

Zelda entire game is on YouTube.

Spoilers: it's an empty, simplistic peice of shit with babby tier """"""puzzles"""""


Who the everloving fuck plays games for puzzles?

Autistic nerds. That's who.

>Suck your boss' cock to get the day off for a fucking videogames
>Go to a party later
Normalfags can't be this pathetic

Why the fuck are they marketing an entirely out of stock everywhere product? I'd buy it if I could Nintendo, you don't want my money.

Preorders != on shelf stock

That's litterally all BotW has. Puzzles.

They are not even hard.

The world is about as empty as shadow of the collosus....but no giant colossi to slay. SJW pandering, casualision, I mean the game is cancerous as fuck.


>drinking Coke


>literally so cucked you already watched another human being play through the game


I get my work schedule tonight (our work weeks start on Friday) so I'm not sure if I'm working or not but either way, my plan is to walk in first thing in the morning to pick it up, watch a movie next door, and then play BotW when I get home

Walmart (and most grocery stores) don't stock name brand soda.

It's the vendors that come in and do this shit, not individual stores.

I'll probably play Numenera or Nioh.

Why the fuck do people buy a console or game at launch before someone reviews it? It's like you want to be disappointed.

>mountain dew
microsoft is finished

this picture just makes me sad
we are never going to beat the jews are we?

gonna wake up, probably wont get much sleep anyway, the delivery SHOULD come at around 9 am. (at least all my previous packages came at that time) and then I'll have a non stop 3 day zelda marathon
its gonna be glorious

>tfw we had break this weak and the wait is killing me
Why couldn't it be the next week?

don't worry, 2017 is the year of muslim feelings, this pic isn't happening ever again.

Well if you've seen a lot of gameplay I guess you can judge it by yourself right?
also why would you even trust a "reviewer" when 90% of the reviews are subjective and objective?

>mfw they give it 6.6