Save game

>save game
>did i just save the game?
>save game again

Better to be safe than retarded

>time to save my game
>game doesn't automatically have cursor on the save file you're playing
>accidentally overwrite save file 1

I do this every time. is that a problem?

>Save game
>Do you want to save? All progress will be lost!

I save, just in case

This behaviour is not weird.
You do it because the consequence could be huge.
It's like looking out for cars when you are about to cross the street or double-check your alarm because you have an important meeting/lecture the day after

post it


>Open Container [Empty]
Do you open it Sup Forums?

>game has a quicksave button

i am hammering that button even if i don't want to.


>go for the quick save button
>accidently hit quick load

I do it like 4 times sometimes when I'm feeling OCD

yeah, the game might be lying to me!

Now THAT is the fucking lego to the foot.
You can always retry making a save, OP.
You cannot un-save.

Fucking hell DMC3:SE really did a number on me with that one.

tfw your sister saved over your jade empire file right before the last stage

Casual scum

10/10 would junction

>accidentally reboot old savestate

>Type password into password field
>Accidentally brush fingers against an unnecessary key while typing
>Backspace entire thing and start over again

Every goddamned time.

>50 bullets
>shoot once, reload

Some games count those 49 bullets as lost.

>fighting boss
>get a hit on it with rocket
>evade damage
>take a small amount of damage

>Type password correctly 5 times
>you had caps lock on the entire time

>save game
>quit game
>Are you sure you want to quit? Unsaved data will be lost
>saving icon appears

>Last save was 1 day ago


>quicksaving yourself into a position where you cannot survive
>last real save was two hours ago

>left my GC at home with a cousin for a weekend while on vacations
>excited after 2 weeks to play again
>came back to find he erased everything in the memory card and replaced them with harry potter lego saves because it was full he said
>just lost a year of progress in different games

>50 bullets
>shoot once, reload
>character just puts another bullet in the magazine instead of throwing it away and putting a new one in their gun.
Any games do this?

name literally one game

>character just puts another bullet in the magazine

this would be autistic as fuck, obviously the character just puts the 49 magazine back in his pack and puts in a fresh 50 round magazine. do you think its a coincidence that on your last magazine you have 49 bullets?

>just puts another bullet in the magazine
From his pocket full of bullets?

>type password
>Type again
>reset password
>Type password

>use a bullet
>use a bullet
>last mag has 48 bullets


>forget what my password was
>it couldn't have been NIGGERS, I'm not that immature
>Logging in...

Brb hacking your shit

Try and stop me ;-)

>"save file corrupted"

>he doesn't save the game EXACTLY because he just saved the game and thus would be a good time to save again

>Want to save
>Can't find the save option
>Search through menus
>Try to find save spots in the game
>Welp, maybe it saves automatically
>Exit game
>Load game
>No save game found

>Do save rotates
>Complain about games with only one save file
>stupid nigger friends makes fun of my saving standards.
>Same nigger friend gets corruption on his pokemon game 400 hours in
>Same nigger friend looses all progress in smt and didn't save rotate.
>Still acts better then me.
>Learned nothing.


>tfw I deleted my friends saves in Mario Land 2 because I thought I could play as a bomb

>save file corrupted just right before the final boss
Guess i'm never going to finish Bowser's Inside Story.

who is this cute mute

>Get halfway through AC3
>Save corrupted
>Meh, might as well try again
>Crack stops working
>Try again after a couple of months
>Save gets corrupted
>Finally get 100% sync on all missions
>Wonder why I'd subject myself to such torture

>epsxe randomly wipes all memory cards

>save game
>save successful
>quit game
>"are you sure? all unsaved progress will be lost"

>save game
>quit normally
Plebs, all of you.

Did that ever get fixed?


>save game
>hit exit

>want to do a new game+ run of game
>original save file is gone for no reason
It's hard to enjoy a game again when you're afraid the save data will just disappear into nothing every time you turn it off

If my discovery yesterday is any indication, then no.

>Calling up blizzard support
>"Okay sir do you know about what your password was? Like do you have a vague idea?"
>Oh fuck
>"Uh I think it was maybe "FuckBitches" or "GetFuckedBitches"?"
>"Does "FuckingHotBitches" sound about right, sir?"
>"Alright, glad we could help you out."

>hit password reset
>"check your email to confirm a password reset"
>it never gets sent to my email

>pokemon diamond
>don't save game for literal days
>go into the cave where you can't see
>no escape rope or way to light it
>get lost
>nothing in the cave can kill my overleveled infernape
>refuse to load old save
>spend about a month trying to find my way out of the cave
I was a dumb kid
>yfw pokemon diamond was 11 fucking years ago

>load an old savestate on emulator
>the the saved game file is replaced or saved over somehow

It's ok user, you probabbly trained your hero wrong, as a joke.

stream it

Shit. It's caused by too much savescumming, isn't it? As someone who uses savestates to load games whenever i stop playing, this is really shitty.

I wanna Katie!

>Pokémon Red
>The cartridge is defective somehow and doesn't save right unless you replace the batteries regularly
>tfw making a habit of beating the entire game in a single session every time

Same but it was my save :-(

Fucking VBA Advance. I have no fucking idea how they managed to pull that one, but holy shit wasn't that the most annoying thing.

wtf how do you even do that pokemon was hard senpai
was red easier or something?

>Go to save game
>saving for two minutes
>Doesn't return to the screen which logs all of your game saves to see time codes
>Go to save option again to see if you can find it
>Does that time code sound right?
>Save game again

every damm time in the GBA FE games

I always use and overwrite a single save file

>Your party member has gained a new ability! Whenever he has a "bad feeling", you should save your game because you're about to enter a difficult zone!
>Party member never has any more bad feelings

Fuck you Atton.

>the cartridge is defective
happened to many of my games. my pokemon crystal save got corruption which spread from pcs to the game world, megaman xtreme once I got to the second tier of bosses and shining in the darkness once I got relatively far

That's the well-adjusted-person thing to do.

You didn't play old school point and click games where you could get yourself permanently stuck unless you'd load an older save, did you?


Yep that's the one.

Well considering Pokémon games have no game over screen and just return you to the nearest Pokémon Center on defeat it wasn't a big problem, mostly a matter of playing continuously and never turning the Game Boy off if you ever had to stop for sleep and whatnot.

>"Auto-Saving. Please do not shut off the power"
>"Auto-Save complete"
>Press Start
>Navigate to Save/Load menu
>Save manually over the Auto-Save file

>point and click games
This genre has never really appealed to me.

>playing Tales of Phantasia for GBA
>absolutely fucking hate playing it
>still determined to beat it
>save before last Dhaos fight
>"I'll just beat him later, I'm not in the mood now."
>start up the game the next day
>somehow, in a sudden bout of absolute retardation, I delete my save
>didn't touch the game for a full year
>finally decide to beat it, slogged through it, and sold it immediately
No game has caused me so much anger as that one, and I'm not even sure why.

>Beating pokemon red in one gameboy battery life without saving

Yeah, and my uncle works at Nintendo...

>wait shit, did I save the game?
>load up game
>lost a lot of progress

I like the artstyle, it reminds me of 100% orange juice.

>keep 2 save files at a time incase one gets corrupted
Please tell me I'm not the only one

>all Steam games on E: drive save successfully
>that one game you like cannot save anymore
>report issue
>completely ignored

>pause game while falling down cliff to my death
>go eat food
>forget about game and watch TV
>go to bed
>see game still running so save the game and turn it off
>load up game the next day
>stuck in infinite loop of dying because I was too stupid to have more than 1 save file

Fuck you Drakan: The Ancients Gates for letting me save anywhere

>Ask friend if I'm in the load menu
>He says yes
>Select my 100% save
>It was the save menu

> kill enemy
> get one in a million rare drop
> go nuclear
> fall off cliff and die
> suddenly realize this was the one time I forgot to save every five seconds

>Copy emulator saves to the cloud daily, organised in folders
Am I the only one?


Do you buy extremely bad batteries or what?

I will never understand how a dev can make this mistake more than once.

>Acts better then me
Considering your illiterate, it doesn't surprise me.

>game autosaves every time when entering a new area
>reach door that's the exit
>use door

This has become a disease. Saved multiple times when a rocket/arrow is inches from my face and cause my death every time I reload. Had to enable god mode to get out if it several times now.

Playing metroidvanias is hell for me because I like to save at any time

>Same nigger friend gets corruption on his pokemon game 400 hours in

But pokemon DOES have two save files that it rotates between. You can only lose all your progress if you really REALLY fuck things up.

Runescape was the worst about this

There is literally never anything in crates and chests unless they're for a quest

But I still check them

>release the rest of the ammo

How much of a degenerate can you be

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>Wondering why my SSD is so full
>Check the folder with all the saves for all my games
>Over 5GB of saves on a single game