Tonight on Sewer Gators, we explore another worthless fucking shithole

Tonight on Sewer Gators, we explore another worthless fucking shithole.



>Clancy stuck with assholes who don't even prep


>brings good shoes to explore shitty abandoned swamp house

Is Pete an idiot?


>wanted RE7 to be good or at least decent so badly
>literally the only thing it was good for was meme fuel

I kinda feel bad for Pete. Here he used to be a news anchor and he's reduced to doing shitty Travel Channel-tier paranormal reality shows.

Peter Walken to his death.

have better taste

Weekend sub Pete

What the fuck did you say?

So Hillbilly Joe and his family go missing

I'd like to, it's hard to get over how much I like good gameplay and atmosphere though.

It says a lot about Ethan that the Sewer Gators had more personality. Fuck, the game would have been so much better if it was a scared shitless camera crew dealing with all this crap.

well what came of pete , he died right ?

Mia killed him. Cut his head off.

You dont like anough

The Sewer Gators are a little exaggerated though to set the mood of watching a bunch of bickering assholes get in way over their head and pay the price.

Really? i didn't noticed that in game

Tonight on Sup Forums, another worthless fucking thread.

I believe it's a short clip after beating the demo, but it just shows him getting impale.

There's also a PS VR-exclusive "demo" apparently, that's just you looking around the kitchen while Pete tries cutting your ties before Mia kills him.

>More personality=how memeworthy it is

Nigga please...

yea i saw the video rn

messed up

What's to prep? Abandoned houses, spooky noises. Is it haunted? Ooooooh.