No Fire Emblem Heroes thread

>No Fire Emblem Heroes thread

Let's fix that.

Show your cetacean teams.


nice box


Since you asked.

Nowi a shit
her dragon form looks nice though

>been playing since Day 2
>still no waifu
>roll yesterday
>see this
She seems like a poor man's Lyn and is only 4* but I can work with this

Just blew the last of my orbs in a rush of no restraint.

First summoning session, multiple pulls, without any 5*s.

Well, at least I got 4* Marth I guess. Still no Tharja or Azura

you can get 4* variations of her? Nice!

I've only spent a couple bucks on this so I'd say I've gotten pretty lucky so far.

Just got this beauty yesterday

She looks like an SMT artist drew her face.
It isn't bad, but it's not Gothic Whore

who else /whalingforfree/ here?

Not the best team but Tiki is my favorite.

How does one whale for free?


Finally we are getting the new missions, was running out of things to do.

Is it bad that I think this is the best game nintendo made all year and last year?

>tfw don't have armored units or orbs

It won't last for long though. We need a bigger expansion to the story.

Thought all my luck ran out after the first two banners but picked this guy up yesterday.

All I want is Ursula. Any star would do. Then I'm done with this game.

Lucky bastard. I blew my orbs rolling for him and Reinhardt, but failed. Now I can only hope that Larcei isn't going to show up until I have over a hundred orbs again, because I can easily see myself whaling for her.

I've got 38 orbs, should I roll for someone?

My team is Lyn/Hector/Tharja/Tiki

You're in luck because it's going to happen next week.

is it a 5 star focus? cuz fuck that

It will be an event mission unlock like Narcian/F Robin

>New missions
>No arena missions

>tfw haven't rolled a 5 star since launch

I guess I'm stuck with Camilla and Robin(M) forever

don't roll unless you really want one of the focus characters

5* frobin wtf

>9 full pulls
>Equivalent of 180 orbs
>If I paid for it, it would have been over a thousand euros
>Get this
Honestly, what the fuck

Reinhardt is good, but he needs a cav team to be truly effective and will tank your arena score. I'd just save the orbs if I were you though.

Suicide is always an option user. I know I'd lost my will to live if that happened to me.


Who /4 5* but can't build a decent team/ here?

>finally uninstalled

Feels good.

you desperate need a blue mage

robin banner is gone and linde is ultra rare so idk what you can do

>Not even a single 5 star

Just end it, user.

>all these people with no LUK
Reroll your lives

>a thousand euros
the fuck? in burgerland 180 orbs is like $120

Is he worth it, Sup Forums?

I don't get why Bartre is tiered so low. I 5* him and he is an absolute beast, wrecks Hectors and Takumis, Smite is insanely good for positioning, and losing 6hp with Fury rarely matters if he onehits almost anything I send him at.

I run a team of 5* Bartre, 5* Linde, 4* Olivia and whatever fits from bonused heroes and Bartre can handle anything that Linde can't.

hahahaha holy fucking shit, and I thought I had it bad for just having one 5 star after all this time.

>waste a stamina potion to grind Catria to 40
>somehow mess up and waste all 50 stamina in Training Tower with her dying everytime

He's on my main arena team. Really helps with all the red.

>4 Beruka's

Can I have one?

>180 total


A ton of units are underrated because nobody has their 5 stars yet honestly. I suspect that Arthur is secretly good, he has most of Narcians skills without the bow weakness.

I'm going to 5* Sharena!

Has anyone else not gotten any swords today?


>5* frobin wtf
she's CUTE