Listen sonyfags, I am not buying ShitStation 4. I want to play Bloodborne though, but I've accepted it won't be on PC.
What are the possibilities of the following happening:
- PlayStation 5 launches, can actually do 1080p 60fps with high quality textures - Bloodborne 2 launched - Bloodborne remastered with 60fps 1080p no chromatic aberration and no frame pacing issues with good quality textures - Demon's Souls remastered with 60fps 1080p high quality textures
When that happens, I will buy a ShitStation, until then, NEVER EVER.
Noah Anderson
I'm a PC gamer and I bought a PS4 instead of a GPU upgrade. Bloodborne is the only game I own for the system (waiting for price drops on TLG and Gravity Rush) and it was a worthwhile investment. I put well into 1000 hours into the game between NG+max, co-op, fight clubs and FRC chalices. Enjoy missing out on a masterpiece because of your retarded brand loyalty.
Noah Richardson
Nobody cares
Aaron Lee
And nothing of value was lost.
Perhaps consider suicide Op.
Aiden Ross
Unlikely. They'll continue to push 4k sub 60fps.
William Peterson
A single console hardware can offer double or even more variety to your game collection, Whats not to like?
Colton Johnson
fuck off pcfat, go play league of dota or whatever it is you fags play
Andrew Reed
>- Bloodborne remastered with 60fps 1080p no chromatic aberration and no frame pacing issues with good quality textures
They didn't even add any support for """PRO""" version, nobody gives a shit about this crappy game, not Sony, not From Software, not even Sup Forums except for the local minority newfag shills.
Josiah Long
Well you are missing out my man. BB gave me the same feels as when i first started playing DaS.
Christian Peterson
Hopefully never, fuck off
Jacob Clark
>Actually wanting sequels and remasters instead of a new IP
Justin Miller
nice blog, fuckface
Logan Rogers
Why would you make a thread just to say you're not going to play a game while shitting on the people that do? What did you add to the board with this post?
Noah Miller
>chromatic aberration
Picked up another complaint to repeat like a bird off the internet, did you?
Isaiah Bailey
Because I won't buy a ShitStation console for 1 game.
The only game it has that is interesting to me is Bloodborne.
Japan Studio is working on Bloodborne 2, dumb fuck.
Asher Wilson
>nobody gives a shit about this crappy game >except local minority newfag shills
newfags are shiling a 2 year old game? there's multiple Bloodborne threads every single day, you're a retard is the more likely answer
Ryder Clark
Lincoln Anderson
Triggered sonyggers not welcome, leave.
Noah Russell
Only newfags praise Bloodborne as the best game. Literally only newfags who just started to play video games and BB was their first Souls game.
It's a fact. You don't need to argue.
Jack Gonzalez
PS4 is pretty cheap now. Plus you can move your vidya to the couch where it belongs.
Jayden Hall
That's cool. One less PC babby shitting up the Bloodborne general like they do with the Dark Souls generals.
Benjamin Torres
>PS4 is pretty cheap now
PS4 is obsolete garbage and if you are not getting """PRO""" version now you are a god damn fool.
Blake Brown
>my buzzword riddled argument is a fact
avatarfagging is a bannable offense
Nolan Sullivan
PC IS THE BEST IT GETS THE BEST GAMES.. that everyone else gets too
Isaac Jenkins
I don't care about the price dumb sonygger, I care about functionality, I don't want dead console, it has to have atleast 3-4 good games.
Dominic Collins
How new are you, newfriend?
Jacob Jackson
Ge Yakuza 0 and Nioh my dude.
Jonathan Morgan
why do you post anime girls like that validates your argument?
Christopher Gray
>I'm not buying this thing >ok no one cares >FUCK YOU REEEEEE ENGAGE WITH MY SHITPOSTS
Nah man.
Kevin Adams
What op said, i'll conside buying a playstation product when they get their fingers out of their asses and actually set a standard for their games. I haven't played a 30fps game since the fucking 5th gen, i'm not going back.
Brayden Lee
Because I'm on Sup Forums you fucking subhuman newfag.
Gabriel Harris
Please don't reply to them, it only encourages them